Ask anything from a soon-to-be Finnish soldier

Ask anything from a soon-to-be Finnish soldier

When exactly do you finnish?

finish what?


What's your job gonna be, m8?

Don't know just yet, but hopefully I get in the AA battery


Did you want to serve, or just forced because of the draft?

Either way, opinion on draft?

Miltä tuntuu alistua sortavalle valtiolle? Onko pyssyt kivoja, mieslapsi?

Get outta here, anarchy isn't a viable philosphy

Technically I was drafted, but I did want to serve, so techincally I wasn't forced to join. Only difference was that I didn't have to apply to anything, just "answer the call of duty"

Oikein mukavalta, pääsen viimeinkin toteuttamaan velvollisuuttani. Enkä sanoisi sitä alistumiseksi, kun en tee jotain mitä en haluaisi tehdä. Ja kyllä ne aseet ihan mielenkiintosia koneita on :)

Looking forward to fighting for Israel and corporate interests in the EU Army?

And by fighting I mean dying for

Whoa man, you should host a radio show, that's piercing stuff.

How do we fight for Israel? And what "corporate interests" does EU have that require our military participation? I don't think EU even has an army per se

can you beat the russians?

did you take the job cuz you have no other options?

Not technically a draft here. There's four choices, more or less.
Military service for about a year.
Civilian service for about a year.
"Total" denial of military service, you get sued and get like a couple months of time for being a complete waste of life.
And being medically unfit for service. Too bad eyesight, bum leg, too fat, too retarded, whatever, you get the point. Technically all you need is a paper from a doctor saying you wouldn't do well in service and that's it.

I'm not that user, but they're tryin' real hard for it. I would bet three EU Commissions that they'll come up with legislation at the post-brexit summit that will be worded in such a way as to create an EU Army that is /totally/ not an EU Army

I hope so. And I joined because I wanted to, they just made the process a whole lot easier for me by contacting me first

Why do you still ka bars on your rifle m8

Nobody's gonna spoonfeed you, I had to learn the hard way too

The rich don't send their kids unless they're senior officers, sitting way back

And all modern wars are for Israel or their interests...

Don't be mushroomed by the media, they are paid to keep you in the dark and feed you bullshit

We technically don't have a draft here in the US, and the laws that would let conscription be enacted are gone, but if you are male and don't register for the draft that isn't a draft you don't get to vote.

why do you pose like you're becoming a soldier to be cool?

Yeah but that's because you're all chattel with the illusion that your vote actually counts

Panem et circenses

ZOG Comes for us all


>Panem et circenses

Horseshit, we get a sticker for it, way better than bread and circuses

1984 was meant to be a dystopian nightmare not a fucking instruction manual...

Smash your television




Red or blue isn't a choice

Vote third party, brag about it on facebook. I am euphoric.

Finish posting this stupid fuckin thread over and over. Fuck off

It's an M9, not a Ka Bar

But only combat Finnish troops get involved in are for peacekeeping purposes, and that only involves volunteers in the International Standby Force, I think

And how do you contribute to your country?

Stolen valor
Youre a disgrace you permavirgin airsoft scrub. Also the fucking "buff" is stupid af. Youre not SF. Just crop your fucking face out. Sad piece of shit.


He makes the dank memes that power the poorest citizens

So far

EU Army is already happening, Austria has already signed over their national sovereignty

>how do you contriboot to your country
We'll, the rest of us aren't supporting running american errands in the middle east, supporting a stronger military force, and you know, get jobs. How the fuck is what you do a contribution?

Stolen valor? I'm not pretending to be SF, or American soldier for that matter. Also, the buff looks better than a black box on the face, don't you think?

Aamuja vitun mortti

If Finland or any other nation didn't have a military, said nation would not remain a nation for very long. His mere existence makes the diplomatic route viable.

They all play golf together.

You took the blue one as a suppository, didn't you

I'll go on standby for possible invasion, or at least get the training for it.

You've already been invaded and it's too late to fight back

I wasn't joking, I'm voting Johnson-Weld. Not my favorite team, but at their current polling rates future election cycles will have a proper Libertarian foot in the door.

I'll keep participating in the system until they stop even paying lip service to the constitution. We need the infrastructure we'd lose in a rebellion more than we need the rebellion right now.

ITT thread America hijacks the story of a Finnish patriot

Patriotism is the last refuge of an idiot

Your kith and kin matter, look after them first

Jos meet Vekaralle, hajoa yksikön vääpeli sluiba ylil H:hon, supersotajumala ylil N:n taaksepoistuttamiseen, ltn Au:n robottiuteen, vartioon, alik R:ään, paskaan kalaruokaan, leirin perunavesikastikekebablastuviritelmiin, Lohtajaan ja Tikkaseen ja kaikkeen.


Ps. TJ 1

John McAfee

At least he's honest

Totally man, my kith and kin would do super great in a domestic guerilla war.

I'm talking about a military invasion, not the EU pretending it owns us

Kiitos :)

With the right attitude and motivation, of course they would

Fuck lines drawn on a map or someone else's flag, and fuck making some cunt rich with your blood

Stolen valor is valid for any country and military. Also the hunter hat screams fake. Not the standard service rifle of the finnish army. The bayonet is extremely shiny, it should be black. Also it adds weight to the rifle and makes accuracy worse.

It's sad you don't realise yet that your country has already surrendered and you'll be fighting and dying to make the enemy richer

What kind of people do you hate the most? (for who you feel bad risking your life)

Everyone in Finland has to serve some kind of service, either military or civil. Most choose military.
OP is not special

Would you date a brazlian woman?


Sry I forgot women dont have to.

Secondary question: Would you date a brazilian trap

are you ready to Finnish invading Russians?

Fuck no, that's gay

Fuck off inbred faggot, go spread your autism somewhere else

>any sort of trap

No. Just fucking no. For the least of which, enabling mental illness is ethically unsound.

Oh, you think the photo was meant to replicate a Finnish soldier? Sorry, but you've misunderstood the meaning of the photo. These are just equipment I've collected over the years, and took the photo when I got the "full set". I had the AR, because RK replicas were too expensive, and the bayonet simply because I wanted to include it in the photo. The photo was not meant to represent any military, just so you know. Also, the boonie caps are used by some units in some conditions, I presume

The ones who think Finland is not worth defending and those who escape to Sweden at the moment of invasion.



And that's the way it should be

I though you were a Finnish trap

Good goy. Fight and die for your government

What is your opinion on Finland joining NATO?

The more you say it, the edgier you get

Et oo oikee soturi.

Enjoy that.

Watch TV, consume. Pay taxes. All you're good for

I won't die for the government, contrary to popular belief. Everyone can choose what he dies for, some die for the government, some die for the people, some die just for the sake of dying. I would die for the country, not to be confused with the government. I would die for the forests, the lakes and spirit of Finland, and sleep my eternal sleep in the Underworld, proud of myself

I don't know, really. I suppose it wouldn't change anything

Vielä, myönnettäköön

Remember kony2012?

I respect your sentiments and attitude, I would be inclined to agree with them.

The problem is those who give the orders, don't.


Et tuu koskaan olemaankaan vitun homo

Ever thought about shooting up a school,it always felt intriguing to me

Jaa kuinka nii?

Not really

you turning Finnish?


Not sure I understand this question, I've been Finnish my whole life

How tall are you?

Lay down your weapons. Use your brain and think for yourself.
You think your military masters care about you or your life? They don't, my friend.

If I'm gonna die for a word

That word is poontang

184 cm or about 6 freedoms

I don't care that they don't care. I don't define my choices by whether or not my superiors care about me.

There is still time to stop. Don't be a slave, my friend. You are just another body to them. Live your own life, my friend.

well you said you were soon to be a Finnish soldier.

Naturally I assumed you were a German Soldier converting or something.

What's this my friend shit, condescending jewboy?

Keep your Marxist headfuck to yourself, Khazar. And stop trying to fuck with the conversation we were having.

All my life I've been into everything military, so this is my life

Oh. I'm a Finnish man, soon to be a soldier of the Finnish Defense Forces

I am only telling the truth, brother. The military is to make you a slave in body and mind. You should never sacrifice so much, my friend.

It's not too late to quit, my friend. There is a whole world for you to see on your own terms. Don't be their slave, my friend.

You aren't my brother, nigger.

What are you say? I only care about when people don't value their life, my friend.

The military's purpose is to keep the independence of a nation. In Finland, the military will defend against any invader, be it Russian or someone else. The purpose you're suggesting is just some hippie propaganda made up by someone who wanted to be edgy

You aren't my friend, either.

Fuck off you condescending piece of Turkic/Mongoloid shit, and go back to pretending to be persecuted.

Somewhere else

Ei mitään tollasia suklaahommia. Mene joko ryynäämään kunnolla tai johonkin mahdollisesti ammatillista pätevyyttä kehittävään pestiin. Olisi vähän pitänyt ilmaista halukkuudestaan jo. Päädyit mihin lenkkaripellekomppaniaan tahansa, ilmaise selvästi kapiaisille, että tarkoituksesi on marssia rukkiin.

Älä ylisuorita, yli-intoile roolipelaamalla tai muuta mitä vertaiset amikset katsovat kieroon. Tee silti ehdottomasti aina parhaasi. Etkä sitten vittu hajoa mihkään, vaan otat kaiken irti.


Isä oli aikoinaan ilmatorjunnassa (kuljettajana, mutta kuitenkin) niin sen vuoksi se nyt viehättää eniten. Totta kai jääkärirykmentti tai mikä vaan mihin päädyn, kelpaa, mutta se ilmatorjunta olisi se paras mahdollinen paikka. Nykysodassa kuitenkin aikas tärkeää työtä

you look cool

No sitten. On todella hienoa, että koet itse jotain kutsumusta aselajiin ja näet sen tärkeäksi kokonaiskuvassa. Edesauttaa vahvaa motivaatiota huomattavasti, kun osaa arvostaa omia hommiaan ja tuntee tiettyä aselajiylpeyttä.

>but hopefully I get in the AA battery

t. pioneeri
