

Capitalism has FAILED.

Most of you will work 2 fulltime jobs, never retire, and never own a decent house.

1% of the US controls 99.999% of the country's wealth.

Fascism in its purest form (Corporations + Govt)

It's time... to fight back. AMERIFATS UNITE!

1% of fatcunts eat 99.9999% of all the cheese burgers


Tribal states have failed. Monarchies have failed. Empires have failed. National-socialism has failed. Socialisme has failed. Communism has failed.
So do YOU propose? Anarchism? Whe all know it can't possibly work with the unfanthomable amount of stupid as shit people.

Democratic Socialism is the only answer.

ah ah ah national socialism was actually a fucking massive success it just got beaten down by fighting a global war outnumbered 10 to 1.

When the rest of the world is against you, it's called failing.

When the rest of the world is against you, it's called a beta-uprising.


Venezula tried it. Looks like it is even more a failure than the rest.

lol Venezuela's brand of "socialism" was totalitarian, authoritarian fascism under the guise of socialism.

>Capitalism has FAILED.

>Democratic Socialism is the only answer.

I work one fulltime job 11 shifts a month, make more than enough to live on, am provided full health, vision, dental, and will be retiring with a check for $250k and 60% of my salary for the rest of my life.

Stop fucking around on websites and fix your shit.

Call me back when you've found a way to stop governments becoming authoritarian

Because that's what fucking socialism IS

>Boomers and the "greatest" generation vote themselves 30 year retirement packages
>Put all our money into programs we could never sustain
>Allow communists to take over our government and media
>Change our immigration policy in 1965 to take in muds over whites, all of whom overwhelmingly require financial aid
>Simultaneously pretend to be conservative while celebrating the moving of jobs overseas because now their toys and food are cheaper
>Hire a nice mexcriment boy to do the manual labor around the house instead of a white kid to save 25 cents, kids growing up without being able to find jobs
>With labor market flooded and economy in shambles, kids need a college degree to work at McDonald's

Yes, capitalism did it. Anything to absolve the previous generations of their guilt.

Become the government.

Gr8 b8 m8

Pffft lol k bud

And become authoritarian in the process? You won't overthrow it without a coup d'etat

You're not wrong
but it failed a lot slower than the wealth redistribution meme
if america revolts, they can put this shit behind them and start again fresh until corruption makes its way in again
if you fall for the meme, revolution will only be one step in a long, agonizing recovery process

let me make this clear

1% of the US controls 99.99999% of the nation's wealth.

That's a result of capitalism. Not benefits, not the overspending baby boomers.

Capitalism has FAILED. Done. But stupid people like you will defend the rich 1%. Because you believe in "trickle-down economics" (you've never had college-level economics courses).

Democratic Socialism is the only answer. Hillary will be the catalyst.

On your own, or are you planning on taking over your government with a bunch of other like minded people who don't want power for themselves?

Then are you planning on making people be socialist with kind words and candy instead of force?

>1% of the US controls 99.99999% of the nation's wealth.

BINGO x100000

lol you stupid fucking millennial. capatalisim rules we will never let ourself be lazy socialist fucks. stop expecting to have shit done for you just because you're alive.

user plz, what is the price of milk in your country?
Would it have got to that level without competitive markets driving down prices?

And don't forget, the new OT law is bad for business! It's a sad day when people feel entitled to be compensated for the hours they are required to work. Whatever happened to just being happy to have a job, regardless of if you get paid or not?

>ctrl+v'ing instead of taking anything he said into consideration

This is just a new low.

Not even a capitalist, but you're just blatantly wrong. Not only are your numbers just lies, but you have no supporting evidence and honestly, its easier to get a house on one income now, more then its ever been. Please re-frain from frantic shitposting.

>Create a government in which politicians cannot stray from it's founding principles, and do not have the power to manipulate its systems beyond their intended purpose. Educate people to be principled and have a sense of morality, and provide services and goods for them that stop any group from becoming marginalised and forced to commit crime. Finally, once people are able to function without guidance without causing conflict in this society, remove the leaders from power and allow the people to govern themselves independantly.

awe you're adorable

Power centralizes user, you can and will never stop it.
May as well just build a system designed to make stuff out of that principle

>its easier to get a house on one income now


And you're part of the problem. I didn't say this hasn't been tried and failed. No one's come up with a better solution, but clearly it isn't capitalism. If you've got a less cute idea, let's hear it.

Don't assume something to be true without reason, work out why this principle has held and find a way to stop it. What if the power isn't held by politicians, but by a computer that cannot possibly not follow the principles on which it's built?

Well it was nice of you to ignore my entire post, but if you're interested I've got a 4 year degree in economics.

Our white demographics have a tax surplus of something like 3k per person, we only run a deficit because of our huge minority populations and ridiculous spending programs (which are only really burdened by said minorities).

We drive up debt anyways because the only money we have is printed by a (((private))) entity and loaned to us at interest. The 1%, aka the extremely wealthy, almost always get their hoards of wealth through government policies that protect their businesses. See the financial bailouts, designed and lobbied for by an employee for goldman sachs.

But yeah dude, it's capitalism that failed. Let's ignore all the guilty generations before us, and then ignore the outright corrupt crony government involvement in the economy. Guess I'm #Shill4Hill now.

What about un strict meritocracy? With a senate formed by the best of the best, but with a way to censor it so they can't give privileges to their family/friends?
It can't exist for real of course, but the idea is interesting.

you're blocked (I have Sup Forums Plus)

I won't tolerate liars. This is a serious thread.


you mean the fact my milk has become x time as expensive (don't know precise numbers cause i don't check the market value of milk that often) in the last 40 years while the only difference between the the milk production than and now is that is more efficient

so milk from
the same cows
eating the same grass
being processed more efficient
became more expensive over the years because competitive markets drive the price down????????????

The problem with economists is they only consider the material, the money, not the people it's supposed to serve. The purpose of society is to create an environment in which people live happy lives, so why hasn't that happened here? Maybe it's because capitalism assumes that the more money they have the happier they are, so it drives people to hoard it. So then you wind up with more and more of a divide between the rich and poor.

I think this is why people want a different system, because the priorities that capitalism is focused on aren't actually about people, just profit. Of course it doesn't matter what the system is if it's run by the wrong people, but it probably helps.


So the legends are true. There is still people on Sup Forums that actually try not to shitpost.

ok simpler idea. get a fuckng job and learn what being an adult is. no government is perfect and no government can ever be perfect no matter how you go about it.

You have literally no idea how economics works.
Read something that isnt marx for your own sake


> OP

the problem with capitalism is that it works great in the first few generations and after that the money gets more centered and the opportunities become fewer.

it's great that a person can buy a second farm if he works hard
it becomes a problem when a person owns almost all the farms in the country

If profit isnt prioritised, efficiency is given up, leading to communist countries being terrible at producing basic commodities.
Do you want to queue for hours to get a loaf of bread?

And that a farm hand can NEVER save up and buy a farm, in this economy. Ever. In his entire life. It's not possible.

Are you really this retarded? Anyone not pulling their weight in communism is beaten like a dog by secret police, and shit. That hours for a loaf of bread shit wasn't from COMMUNISM, it was from WAR AND TRADE EMBARGOS

that's why there are these magical things called investors

>1% of the US controls 99.99999% of the nation's wealth.

This is a meme.
But even if it weren't.. so fucking what? Those people got that amount of money by being smart, innovative, hard working and by taking risks. All things that you are not capable of. By doing so they created an enormous amount of wealth for themselves, and an even bigger amount for everyone else. Their employees who get a job for which they get paid salaries, the people who enjoy their products to make their lives easier, 99.999999% of all public services are paid by these guys, 99.99999999% of charities are paid by these guys etc etc etc..

All systems have income inequality, and in feudalism, socialism, communism.. you get an elite that becomes rich by literally stealing from everybody else and getting away with it, keeping the rest of the people poor.
The rich people in a capitalist society didn't steal their money from the poor, they created the wealth themselves and made the people around them wealthier aswell.

Stop envying they neighbour just because you're a useless shit, and start praising the rich like the demigods they are because if it weren't for them you wouldn't be fapping on your laptop but you'd be warming your hands by buring your own shit.

They aren't investing in some boy who's worked for twenty years tending cattle trying to get a cattle ranch. They're just not, and if you think they are, you definitely have no personal experience.

Do you realize they could pay t hat same amount of money to someone who owns thirty other cattle farms and it's no risk for them?

you kids are so ducking lazy it takes time and proving yourself. obviously your first investor may have no interest but you keep looking. you find that one anyone can make their dream happen.

Well to be honest a free market has worked almost every time and quite well. But also on a macroeconomic scale it has minor flaws the state could fix with a little bit of that sweet Kenyesianism.
Also the state could interfere a little bit in things where the focus on profit could damage or stop overall development like pharmacy or energy


>proving yourself

>Do you realize they could pay t hat same amount of money to someone who owns thirty other cattle farms and it's no risk for them?

It just doesn't work that way, you stupid twat. You don't walk up to rich people and ask them for investment money, you invest through firms...

And NOBODY IS GOING TO INVEST IN YOU, because it is an inherent risk. If they wanted to invest their money in a proven industry, they would invest it in proven parties within the industry.

Money circulates in an insular way, dude.

That was cute. Try again.

>I work one fulltime job 11 shifts a month, make more than enough to live on, am provided full health, vision, dental, and will be retiring with a check for $250k and 60% of my salary for the rest of my life.
>Stop fucking around on websites and fix your shit.

Will you be my grandpa?

>see pic


Believe it or not I'm an adult with a job, and I'm pretty sure I can have an opinion on how things could be better. Governments have never worked perfectly but don't assume they can't work as intended, and don't lose hope that nothing can be done to improve them.



>2016 confusing corporatism with capitalism.

That is why I want a civil war or WW3. I don't care which but one of them.


