What music do you listen to when you're killing fascists?

What music do you listen to when you're killing fascists?

Other urls found in this thread:


Johnny rebel

Isn't it obvious?


The sound of me fucking your wife while you watch

Are you in fifth grade? How can you be this immature?

Why is Sup Forums so fucking cucked?

What do you listen to when you're undemocratic and having a tantrum because the majority doesn't share your opinion?

hell yeah

Majority voted for people not named trump but other than that you're right

How can you suck this much dick?

Hillary won the popular vote
The electoral college is undemocratic

Why are you so fucking classcucked?

Not to be all Sup Forums but he lost the popular vote

>thread about killing 'fascists'

Burzum... wait

>implying labor theory of value is correct


Trumps gonna grab your wife by the pussy user.

>majority of people voted for a fascist demagogue so you should fall in line

yeah nah
If you voted for Trump you are a piece of shit, uneducated white men are the biggest danger to this country, not minorities and not muslims. The terrorists have won, they've divided our country and Trump only exacerbated that division and preyed on the hateful and fearful.
I will not fall in line and you can bet in 2020, Elizabeth Warren will wipe the floor with him after he works to collapse the global economy.

Never seen straw grasping on this level before. The majority of states voted trump, he won.

Is democracy only honored when it goes your way?

The majority of people voted for Hitler and Mussolini too. Majority rule isn't an absolute imperative; if anti-fascists had taken it into their own hands and (violently) crushed the fascists at the start, then those tyrants would never have gotten anywhere.

>of states
but the majority of PEOPLE voted for Hillary. Also Trump has the lowest approval rating of any incumbent president in the history of our country.


this is great user

>ps it's possible to gain the 2nd most votes in an election and win
what's up, cuckboooooooooy

in a democratic society, Hillary would have won, popular votes should determine the victor and not electoral votes. Hillary's popular vote lead would've been even higher if there was any point voting in liberal states like NY and California, if every vote truly mattered then Republicans wouldn't stand a chance. Trump doesn't support democracy and he's pro-censorship and anti religious freedom.


>majority of PEOPLE WHO VOTED, voted for hillary

That's purely because of how one sided the media was over this election and the fact that every celeb is saying some anti trump meme to boost their profile.

They had everyone convinced that trump had no chance but the reality was that the American people wanted trump in.

ever heard of popular vote?

in a democratic society the DNC wouldn't have rigged the primaries either. honestly this mess is their own making, sanders, warren or literally anyone other than clinton would have roundly won.

>Implying I'm not glad he won

yes and Trump voter turnout was much higher than apathetic liberals. Liberals were apathetic because no one likes Hillary, liberals and even many moderates wanted Bernie or Waren so some of them just didn't even vote and now they're realizing how big of a mistake that was because we've elected a fascist embarrassment who will likely destroy our country's reputation singlehandedly. He just announced that he's appointing a climate change denier to the EPA, we're so fucked.

>muh popular vote
>not realizing that only counting popular vote undermines the constitution

the thing about the popular vote deciding the presidency is that it has to be in law BEFORE the election

>people in this thread trying to reason with fascists

waste of breath.

Completely agree, I wasn't saying I'm glad trump won I'm saying he won so these childish losers need to suck it up and accept the democratic system. Like you said, sanders or literally anyone else would have taken it.

I agree with you but Hillary is clearly less evil than Trump despite still being evil. The election of Trump is America's lowest point in decades.
>not realizing that only counting popular vote undermines the constitution
I love how conservatives change their position on this issue completely when it benefits them. How does electing a candidate that represents the will of the majority undermine the constitution?

nice excuses and delusions. enjoy the next four years as you try to put your head farther up your anus

>implying Trump won't be impeached when he threatens countries with nukes
>implying we as the most diverse country in the world will be able survive four years of fascism, white uneducated voters have fucked over our country once again and you can honestly expect total economic collapse followed by rioting and revolution. Ironically the rural areas that voted for trump will be the areas hurt the worst by his presidency.

>Hillary is clearly less evil than Trump
lel. I hope you're shilling for a lifetime pass to comet ping pong pizza

Trump actually got less votes than Romney but Hillary got way less votes than Obama.


Any shills can get cucked. YOURE FIRED.

>neoliberalism is worse than crypto-fascist
nah dude

>threaten countries with nukes
>not a delusion
>not a delusion
becareful with your pace user, you still have your upper intestine to go

>nationalism is worse than judeo-satanism
nah dude

>neoliberalism is different to crypto-fascism
nah dude

>As I went walking I saw a sign there
>And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
>But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
>That side was made for you and me.
kek, actually pretty good

Waffen ss- erika



>surely this comic will finally make them change their ways

>Sup Forums hates freedom and antiracism
why am i not surprised

I didnĀ“t know there was a Liberal part of Sup Forums

Stay mad

Just to be clear here, Hillary is the fascist. Her policies clearly were closer to fascism.

Donald Trump is a populist authoritarian.