Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

yeah, it's easy

just don't do it any more

dont quit, you are a waste anyways

Doesn't work like that

>clearly has never had an addiction of 75 cigs a day

I smoked 40 a day for 5 years and it was hard as fuck to quit. OP would end up in a psych ward trying to quit 75 a day cold turkey

How the hell do you even have time to smoke that much? What do you do for a living?

I work landscaping

Do you smoke non stop from the second you wake up until you go to sleep?

Sorry that's just mind boggling to me. I recently cut back from 4 a day to 2.

not this fucker again...

No I smoke one like every 10 or 15 minutes..... how is smoking 75 a day so baffling to you? Guys I work with smoke 20 more a day than I do

Do you mean 40 a day to 20? If you smoke less than 25 a day you might as well quit because you aren't addicted

>2 smokes a day

why even? I can't go more than an hour without a smoke because I'm addicted

You know what keep smoking you faggot, you keep making this thread 3 times a day for what 2 - 3 weeks now ?

Your situation have not evolved yet? Please just go die of cancer already and stop making these thread.

It's just not common. Most people who I know who smoke smoke around a pack a day. Over three packs is a lot. I dunno, good luck quitting though, that's gotta be real bad for you.

Same, also went from 2 to 4

4 to 2 *

2 smokes keeps it at a level that I enjoy it in the morning and after lunch, but I don't get addicted and it's probably not that bad for me.

Nice, good when a pack lasts a week and a half.

>Doesn't work like that
Works exactly like that unless you're a pussy

Not when he's smoking 75 a day you dumb fuck

It's getting to the banana/furry/trap/cum tribute kind of annoying now.

>3 times a day

m8 I see this shit every time I come on here

Try quitting fapping.

That is REAL hard!

You also post 75 of these threads a day

Stop fucking posting this. Jesus Christ

I'm actually working on it right now. Haven't had a cigarette in two months. Honestly, vaping helps. I don't intend replacing smoking with vaping, but I'm using it to help me quit smoking cigarettes. It's considerably easier to quit vaping. Biggest thing is taking it serious. I'm not even motivated to quit smoking. I honestly really like tobacco, but I decided that I was starting to smoke too much and should stop. I'm healthy enough, but I don't like the idea of being so dependent on nicotine.


jfc I can't stand when people use the word evolve incorrectly.

Get an e-cig and co-exist with non-smokers in winter. Worked for me, didn't even intend to quit, loved smoking, love being warm more.

not even joking.

Lol how old are you man? Tell me you're still smoking 2 cigs a day a year from now, I will be impressed. This is how addiction works