Punk "musicians" of Sup Forums

I've already seen multiple threads about there being a new great punk scene because of the Donald. So I was thinking, why not make a Sup Forums hardcore/punk/whatever Donald Trump themed comp album. I know it'll be shit, but so is most punk and anything Sup Forums tries to make. I've already demoed a couple of songs, so if anyone is actually interested in this, LET'S DO THIS.

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from a Harvard graduate to stripper:The changing first ladies

I call track one. It'll be called Cuck Anthem.

Well what a pussy scene this will be. Fucking retards, not realizing that Trump IS the anti-establishment. Let punk fucking be dead if these losers are only listening to BuzzFeed and their hippy friends as sources of information.

Agreed. I don't think you can get any more anti-establishment than Trump. Trump IS punk, just not in a liberal frame.

redpillcore is the new punk movement


Varg weighs in

This meme is incredibly stupid.

Punk has been creatively exhausted and new punk will be for troglodytes out of ideas.

vaporwave is the new punk

there's plenty of solid punk still being made in the underground away from the gaze of dabblers and children(in before "but all punk is for children", yes yes i know)
punk has just went from being a social phenomenon to just being one of many folk musics and in all honesty, that has been for the best

also, donald trump becoming the president of the united states may be the most punk thing that ever happened

>As if he hasn't been influential in politics with donating to campaigns to push for bills he wants passed
>As if he literally isn't part of the establishment

You both are idiots and only thinking of establishment from a political standpoint.

Trump is a quagmire to politics. He's a business man and frightens the media and some members of his own party. He did his own thing and succeeded like an underdog. One of the factors that people voted for him was because he was refreshing and not like a politician. He's anti establishment in these regards.

Yeah you're all dumb niggers. Trump is the poster boy of corporation. Hillnig is a corrupt politician cunt. Both sides are wrong. Taking the side of the corporate or govt establishment is as unpunk as you can get.

He's a debaser. How can you deny this with his character and antics?

Mad fatbodies in the anorexic Beyonce thread getting triggered.


fuck off

fuck off

this is the true punk of today, halfwit
>muh guitar skate teen music
what year are you in, 1995?

He's always been a plutocrat. That alone is enough.

Now, as a politician who is self-centred, vain, arrogant and reckless how is he NOT the "establishment".

No one who is as vocally aggressive and scandalous has been elected president in our modern era. That alone disrupts what is "established". No sweet talking, placating politicians do what trump does or says up front

>Trump is a quagmire to politics.

But that's hardly the point...
It's not about being a different kind of evil. It's the fact that it's still evil.
Sure he's more straightforward than other politicians. but about what?
His racism and xenophobia? His crazy old man dream of "keepin'dem gosh darned beans out of my god darned lawn"? Those are not positive things.

He's honest, but he's a giant douche. That's the whole point.

Whether you think he's an asshole or not is irrelevant. He goes against the grain and is anti-a lot of things. Which is my point.

Fucking niggers Trump is the face of corporate greed and corruption. The enemy of your enemy is still a greedy fuck.

There's nothing anti-establishment about the way Trump is going to let all the creepy ignorant fuckheads in the Republican party run the country for him. Practically speaking Mike Pence might as well be the actual president considering how much delegating to him Trumps is going to be doing, and Pence is aa evolution denying anti-gay anti-environmental anti-abortion religious lunatic. Yeah man, really stuck it to the establishment.

>Trump is the face of corporate greed and corruption
this really
usa the world of infinite cuckery

punk has always been anti corporate. OP is fucken cuck.

That's what i said in my first postHe's a plutocrat who's always used money that wasn't even his to get what he wanted.

Going against the grain doesn't automatically make him anti-establishment. Not in a good light anyhow. But this is semantics really. Taking punk ideals into account, he is the perfect definition of "the establishment".

but punk is back


>OP is fucken cuck
For wanting to share his opinions on politics via music?

>implying any of those things were the establishment in recent decades
Political correctness and Pro- all those things you mentioned was the establishment for a while bud.

I already made this about him...


no for being butthurt libtard who thinks that whites will be curbstomping nigs in the streets because trump won.

Quite the opposite has been happening, actually.


I'm sure those black gentlemen all stand in solidarity with their asexual feminist transgender anti-Trump comrades.

How the fuck did you get to that from what he wrote?
There probably will be a punk scene because the man is quasi-fascist and the people don't like that and will probably subvert. That was how punk got going in the first place. The climate is right for a resurgent of angry early 80's style hardcore.
It'll probably not happen, and if it does it will probably be shit, BUT, the climate is right.

No one said anything about whites going full American History X on black people.

Hell, so far, it's the opposite that's happening. Stupid Hillary voting niggers assaulting others for having the nerve to exercise their right to vote, even if it was for a racist idiot.

Trumpwave is already a thing

Just get ready for cuckcore user.

The fuck i am. I ain't listening to that shit. Nah, fuck that nigga.

>evolution denying anti-gay anti-environmental anti-abortion religious lunatic
This is why everyone hates progressives.

Your overlong descriptors expose you as a half-educated fuckwit content to spend his days virtue signalling and spewing outrage-generating buzzwords.

But please, keep presuming moral authority.

-he does have moral authority
-those positions are all insane
-virtue signaling isn't a negative thing, it's just a buzzphrase
-your IQ is below 100

its alright user, the fabricated movements of degeneracy will be cured in good time by Trump.

the left is the establishment and so anti-punk.

its time for a right wing punk movement

>fucking sam hyde there
my sides

hes not evil. he's a person. he's not racist. he's not a xenophobe. the media was the one who painted him as a racist and xenophobe. he does care about our country. I'm sure you've said worse things than he said during his campaign. etc etc.

just because he stirred the pot by being agressive in his campaign tactics does not mean that he is inherently bad. If you're smart and watching him during interviews and keeping up with what he's doing, you know that he knows whats going on. If you believe in segregating the US into LOVE vs HATE, then you are pretty bad yourself. I don't want to hear that division argument or the racist argument ever again. it's foolish, and divisive, and its makes the liberals sound like they are a bunch of panickers when in reality there is nothing to worry about.

>and its makes the liberals sound like they are a bunch of panickers when in reality there is nothing to worry about.
There is legitimately a lot to worry about right now, and not just for the reasons that people have brought up in regard to his racism or sexism, this is a crucial time in this country and we have elected a leader who is unprepared to deal with delicate foreign affairs and market stability.

Other countries do seem rather cautious at the moment. There is some tension between us and China, and other countries. Most of all, nobody knows what is going to happen. And nothing has happened yet. Nothing really will happen until January 20th when he takes office.

Oh except, liberal temper tantrums. those are guaranteed obviously.

>boring but outspoken

oh my god I fucking hate that

Wow mate that's some terrible fucking music you got there. Anyway punk is dead, fuck you.

>see: country music

National Socialist Black Metal.

>Someone has lots of money
>He's the face of corporate greed and corruption!

How to spot the commie 101:

>this is what leftists actually believe

>How to spot the commie 101:
He's a billionaire businessman. He is the establishment, his tax policy is neoliberalism with tariffs. You have no idea what you're talking about, but keep deluding yourself into thinking that just because someone is smart enough to realize being different will get you elected, that difference is earnest or unique.

I'd be down for a new punk movement, but it has to be old school militant leftism and not this limp wristed purple haired SJW bullshit we have now. It should be violent music for a violent movement. Otherwise it'll just be another joke.

>the left is the establishment and so anti-punk.
name an openly Marxist or anarchist political. American Liberalism is