I fucked up bad Sup Forums

If you delete their system 32 on their comp then all recordings will be deleted. Also have you verified they actually have cameras? I've had people tell me they had cameras before but they actually didn't.

If they never confront you or otherwise bust you then they're going to watch your video and make fun of you.
Friend will probably tell you to fuck off.

...But more likely than not you're going to jail, buddy.

Post a pic of 9/10 panty's while we wait for your execution.

you know, odds are they didn't have a camera inside her damn room.
else they've recorded her masterbating aswell, which is just wrong.

Do you seriously think they have cameras in their daughter's room ? They might have like one or two in the main hall/kitchen etc , but not in a fucking bedroom

I have not had the chance to go back over to their house
I will check for cameras when I do
I just didn't feel like going over their and looking for cameras without taking out their dog
It will make it look like I did something I don't want them to see.

Nobody is going to have cameras in a kid's bedroom unless they have issues of their own, but the story kind of falls apart regardless at the end when you bring the mom in. Good effort, weak ending.

jerking it in an empty room isnt illegal. If anyone confronts you turn it up to 11 and tell them there is plenty of you to go around and move in for the kiss

Your mother is fucking with you so you don't do anything stupid.

I promise you this is real