Things you believed as a kid

Things you believed as a kid.

That Rita's ice cream was owned by my aunt Rita.

That I was adopted black kid my parents found on the street. And that they bleached me so I would not be black.

That in the year 2000 the world was going to end.

That Santa was real, and so was his evil brother who killed kids who where bad. Also tooth fairy.

That there where cameras in my house always watching me. And if I broke a rule I would be attacked by police.

That showering with you're sister, mother, father, stepmom ext, was normal even though I was already 13 or 14 and it felt weird water cost too much to waste.

That my sister said it's cool to play with each other when we showered or that it was cool that my cousin blew me and I fucked her cause it's hat "family" does

This is an 18+ board kid

I'm 24

Dude what the fuck

Family was not what you would call well adjusted.

greentext incest encounters pls

Bumping for pleasure

>That showering with you're sister, mother, father, stepmom ext, was normal even though I was already 13 or 14 and it felt weird water cost too much to waste.

Fucking weirdo. I only showered with my family when I was a little kid.

Anyways here's what I thought: Old movies were in black in white because reality was actually black and white. Then the wizard of Oz came along and invented color for the world.

Why'd you think you were black, op? Or was it just something you believed because you were a dumb kid? If so I get that, I used to think that were other versions of myself, like me but a different race. I'm not sure why and I never brought it up to my parents, it was just something I believed.

I used to believe i could control shadows and that i was the only one who could see them. Yes I was an edgy kid.

I have nothing pre written and on phone in doctors office.

Basically my older sister would when we where alone, or in the shower (again my father always said it costs to much money to heat all that water) would make me do things.
She would wash me rub me, tell me to wash or rub her, pussy, tits ext.
Then since we where clean, I was brought to her room where I was instructed on how to finger her, and eat her out (which despite the horrid act, left me with a pretty good skill) she came then told me to leave.
Eventually she wanted more. So she got my cousin (same age both 8 at first until we where 13) she told us to do stuff, i would eat her, she would blow me, finger her in both holes, and after some warm up made me fuck her, my sister recorded it and fucked herself as we did, or made both of us get her off. Eventually it stopped, I still have the cassettes hidden away, stole them from her. And now I'm raising her kids cause she's a slutty shit mom.

I was a gullible kid, too trusting my parent's told me I was and I believed them. Was afraid my real parents would kidnap me

used to think the exhaust made the car go, kinda like propelled air.
though halloween was every one celebrating my mums birthday..

I used to have fantasies about super powers too. It was a fun escape

That last one sounds fun, a huge costume party for your mom

off by one!
yeah, we never went out trick or treating, i think thats where my idea came from.

I believed I if I took an erasers out of one if my pencils, draw a face on them, and then sacrifice them (put them on a light bulb) that I would do well on a test. I did this with my friend all the time but we stopped when the teacher complained of a burning smell and found out about it.

That's still pretty cool. I used to think Christmas had something to do with my dad (Christmas Eve is his birthday.) And that on your birthday everyone gets presents

kids urs op. ur a funcle

aha holidays were confusing growing up

No I'm not a Funcle. I just take care of them cause the parents are drug addicts and whores

same guy and same lol. I was never taught Spanish growing up (I'm Hispanic) so I always assumed I was the white version of myself since I was a very light skinned child. I always thought I'd run into some white people at the store who would take me and claim I was theirs.

That that that... you you was was

your english language is so poor, like tarzan trying to speak

There are white hispanics too, dipshit.

>me under ten yrs old
>believe that if I touch old people I'll get old. Didn't hug grandparents.
>believe I'll turn black if I touch a black kid. Never held hands with them during group activities. Still don't like touching them

>Not touching niggers and old people
Sounds like good ethics

From watching movies, I thought women did not enjoy sex and that men had to trick and deceive women into sleeping with them, and that women always regretted it afterwards.

I was a kid and my parents are pretty dark. Idk if you read my first post, but I thought there were versions of myself from every race. I thought I was mixed up with the Hispanic version. Idk shit was weird, yo

That's just basic feminist theory user. You were a bright young child

I though gw bush was a clone of og bush during middles school. My mom confirmed this and my dad just laughed at her. Didnt know until his 2nd term that was nonsense

i believed in moot. Now I am an adult and I know better.

At my school, 6-7 years old, we would all gather and form lines in the courtyard before starting class. Our places were determined alphabetically. This kid that always stood behind me had this weird tendency to stand very close to me, to the point that his poking dick was touching my butt. Even if I moved a bit forward, he would cover the distance and then his dick would be touching me again. Eventually, I angrily told him to stop it, because I was afraid that I would get pregnant.

That everything on TV was real, including cartoons.

I believed that I was bullied because I was the only non robot. I thought for whatever reason, the reason people were mean to me was because me and anyone else who was nice, were the last humans. I later found out my elementary school bullies all had recently divorced parents. And that my dad fucked a lot of their parents. Moms and dads.

So from when I was a kid until about 14, I didn't think there was such thing as coloured people.

Yes I had TV and I travelled a bit in my youth so I saw plenty of coloureds, but I thought they were white people in fantastic make up, and I just didn't understand why they wanted to look like that.

Luckily, however, I never told anyone this in my youth and kept my fucking mouth shut until I learned better.

Mine is kinda similar. From movies, I thought you had to be rich for women to love you. I remember watching Charlie Chaplin's "The Gold Rush" with my father, where Chaplin is a hobo who falls in love with this girl, and the girl laughs at him when he propositions her. But then the hobo somehow becomes a gold-seeker and strikes gold and becomes filthy rich. At that point, I turned to my father and said: "That's nice, now that he's rich, the girl will love him back!" He laughed his ass off for about 5 minutes. I asked him why he was laughing, and he said: "You'll understand when you're older."

I thought I was the only person who was able to think with my mind instead of just talking. I made it a game to call people names when they were talking to me, as a private joke. When teachers scolded me, for example, I called them assholes in my head and smiled, because I was the only person capable of doing that.