God tier metal albums
God tier metal albums
>mfw megadeth is playing 30 miles from my house tomorrow evening and i won't be there
Looks like Sup Forums has slightly better taste than Sup Forums.
Check out this
Super God tier
Opinions on power metal?
good shit
Dear Lord, heard that last time 3 years ago. Had the LP of a friend. Thank you for that!
Greatly prefer US's riffier and more complex style, though there are some good Euro bands too.
I'm surprised no one mentioned this gem.
This album is fucking amazing.
ok where's the one faggot who posts filosofem
Yeah those trash can drums are great.
/metal/ lurker here
ffs even if no one is talking here, its ten time better than the shitposting hole that is eternally growing on Sup Forums
the best
my niggas
Absolute god tier
What Yall niggas know about exodus?
Since we seem to just be doing random great stuff...
Any fans of weirder OSDM should dig this. Really more psychedelic than "stoner."
love me some melvins
bonded by blood is a killer album
gotta love some Vektor
/metal/ meme
Along the same lines as
I was going to post the same album! You rule
its still a pretty damn good album
>inb4 "the fuck master of puppets is better cuntfag
I personally prefer Ride The Lightning
fuck yeah Sup Forumsaroness
best Metallica album
give this album a try if you havnt heard it
Makes me proud to be from Houston
surprised to see that album on here
Good shit!
I really like this album.
Wacken-Idiots would check that.
I'm with you. Puppets gets a bit too far up its own ass.
Though as far as more progressive/technical thrash goes, I'm more into Coroner or pic related.
Conan is one of my favorites but this is their worst effort, plus the guitar tone is weak as shit. Blood eagle is their best, followed by horseback, followed by their newest
ive been listening to this a lot lately
nice quads user