I want to be a big time twitch streamer but I can't and it's incredibly frustrating

I want to be a big time twitch streamer but I can't and it's incredibly frustrating.

How the fuck did the guys at the top do it? I understand it's a shit load of hard work, but fuck man.

I figured by now I would have at least more than 1 person watching regularly. :(

Be a cam whore instead and suck mens cocks.

I should man, probably have more success with that crowd than the babies who watch twitch.

I'm probably just going to give up. Luckily I haven't invested any money into this idea, just time.

You don't really provide any info. Maybe your stream sucks, maybe you're cringe, maybe your games are retarded.

Just on OP I would say you're a retard.

^ and a pussy bitch

Purposely not providing info so I don't get fucking swarmed by fellow btards.

any attention is good attention you fucking retard

pick attention or no attention you fucking slut

Well how the fuck are we supposed to provide any insight into why you are such a failure if we know nothing about your stream?

Damn chill out dudes... I imagine Sup Forums is pretty strict about advertising bullshit like that, so I'm not doing it.

Plus I know I suck deep down... I can be funny but I'm not one of those high energy loud douche bags that the top streamers seem to be.

Either that or they FUCKING rule at the games they play, which I don't.

I'll say I'm mostly playing single player games, like I just played through the new Doom, and Blood and Wine.

It's simple be a no good sell out

then why would we want to watch you?

There's no reason. I provide nothing interesting or new.

How's about this. Set up a stream. Provide link. Ask these faggots to rate you.

More ass please.

I love Forsen.

That's your problem, provide interesting or new content.

You got it baby.

Well here's the deal, if I had an actual audience to play off of I truly believe I could provide a self-depreciating humor that people would like. Everyone in my life tells me I would be good at something like this... I KNOW I have it in me.

I just don't know how to get to that point.

you're probably not interesting, charismatic or witty and should get a real job.

Look at streams with 500+ viewers and compare that to streams with < 10. Successful streamers interact with their chat in a meaningful way, don't have shitty ass equipment, and are generally either good at games or at least makes failing entertaining.

If you're streaming with a shitty mic and using a bullshit webcam, you're not going to do well. Like all business, you get a bigger return with a bigger investment.


I am using just a shitty headset mic without a webcam.

Step 1: Don't be a whiny little bitch about it

There is your problem. No one but lirik can go lirik anymore

Honestly I'm not aiming to be a lirik since that's impossible, but I would like a small following that enjoys watching me play through whatever game I happen to be playing anyway. It simultaneously makes the games more enjoyable and more engaging for me, and I think that comes across on the stream (in a good way).

I don't waste my time watching other fucks play games but it seems multiplayer is the way to go to get alot of viewers. Also you gotta network. Promote your shit on other sites (just not Sup Forums).

The only MP I'm good at is Black Ops 3, and that doesn't seem to bring in the viewers.