How do you prepare for anal play/penetration...

How do you prepare for anal play/penetration? How do you clean it enough so when a guy sticks his finger or dick inside of you, it doesn't come out with shit? And hoe can you stretch it enough to take in a dick?

Dumping anal stuff while waiting for answers or suggestions.







I always make sure i get a thorough enema before i go out. Part of the process. If i have a bf staying over, I'll just use the toilet before i start getting him aroused.


How much water should you use for enemas? Any enemas you would recommend?

2 quarts at a time until clear. I prefer the hanging bag style over the bulb and spout.


Thanks dude.

Any time!

I always prepare by eating a lightly toasted bagel and flicking through a copy of MAD magazine

Yuck. No prep or cleaning?

>MAD Magazine
It's been years since I read MAD.

lol thats me

I use an anal douche I bought online for $15. First things first, poop.
Then it takes me anywhere from 3 to 5 runs to make sure I'm clean. As for size, it's around 250~300ml.
And use warm to hot water. But don't burn yourself.

Nice, I'm thinking of buying several things as soon as I get my apartment, because of University I'm basically a NEET during the summer and can't do shit because parents are puritans.

>storage space running out

just got my girlfriend an enema after we got an extensive set of plugs. any idea roughly how long she'll be clean after a cleansing?

high fiber diet

a day before, eat a lot of insoluble fiber (nuts, driet fruit, whole grain, etc) to clean you out

the day of, soluble fiber (oats, bananas, etc) to stop you up

take a good shit, rinse yourself out thourougly with an enema, then shower

protip: mess with your diet and play with yourself using toys or w/e so you can get used to how your body works and how cleaned out you are

it's gross to think about but it's even grosser to shit on someones dick

also avoid spicy food and high fat diets. milk too if ur lactose intolerant

Use household items for god tier anal on a budget. I still don't have a dildo because I also have to get me own place, but cucumbers are a great replacement. If you're already quite wide, use the lube bottle as a a dildo.

Worst case scenario 1 hour.
But if she waited quite a while from her last meal to the enema, you can get up to 4 hours.


she's gonna look cute as hell with her tail plug in for extended play

i need a source

food takes anywhere from 12 to 72 hours to move through you

anatomically, your rectum is not your colon, so you can cleanse your rectum without needing to use an enema. You can just poop then rinse with a rectal bulb a few times and you should be fine.

Fibers take a while to get digested. Plus my data is anycdotal. (Is that how you write it? Slav fag, sorry for grammar mistakes.)

Waaah I just discovered that if you press f it will show you all the files there is on the thread. Don't have too many traps and it's deep in my folders so here have some loli

Whats the best way to anally masturbate? whats the best way to hit or massage the prostate?

anything else thats not a cucumber I'm not that wide

Am I the only one who finds douching really counterproductive? Seems to trick my body into thinking I have diarrhoea and I'm stuck on the toilet with gut wrenching muscle spasms squeezing no end of sludge down from my colon.

Anyone have stories of training their buttslut? I could share about my experiences with my girlfriend, but I get that's not really the sort of person most people in this thread are interested in.

How you can stretch it enough?
Why stretchin? Ma asshole is always ready, you noob.

Sharpie in pooper. A hair brush. Small cucumber with a pencil stuck in one end. Toothbrush. Fingers. A penis.

Dumping me, I clean out by using toys I my ass before and showering before.

something with a little more girth thats not a cucumber? my fingers aren't that great and I'm not wide enough for shampoo bottle or things



>used to love anal masturbation
>did it all the time, didn't feel right if something wasn't in my ass
>have achieved 2 anal orgasms
>stop for several years, can't recall why
>can't get back into it, it just feels unpleasant to me now

What do, friends? :'(







Can we have one discussion thread that doesn't get derailed by trap attention whores?


18 y/o here, so new to the scene.

How do I make it so the color of my ass crack is the same as my normal skin color? It's whitish red, and very unappealing.

I live with my parents of course, so not too many options..


I'm getting away from it because I sometimes bleed a little and everytime I bleed even a little I think of Mr. Hands and stop

This was after a few nights

I'd recommended buying a hairbrush or getting an actual dildo/plug. Ain't nobody going to question you for buying a hairbrush.

Fuck me, SO much this.

Go and be all, "look at me ain't I pwetty :3" in your own fucking threads, or fuck off to /soc/ and be worshipped by neckbeards there. You don't have to ruin every discussion thread with your bullshit, ffs...

Im also noob. ill share two tips for streching:
-do deep breathing while penetration, it helps
-dont run, arouse your sphincter long enough till feel ready
Use tons of lube, touch other parts of your body to relax, me i need nipple play to not focus too much on my asshole. The goal is to feel that penetration is only a part of sex. And practice regularly, never force it

>Mr. Hands
W-what did he mean by this?

theres a guy named Mr Hands that let himself get fucked by a horse and he died of internal hemoraging because of it

Enema and or very high fiber diet so that it doesn't leave anything behind.

That gape though, would turn you into a girl and fuck you like a high school slut.

I know of Mr. Hands, I was wondering why that would stop you playing with your arse. I thought you means surface bleeding.

You must be packing some huge shit if you're worrying about internal bleeding, fuck.

>he hasn't heard of Mr. Hands.
You new to the internet?

Please don't encourage them, they can start their own threads if they want attention.

Why do you care? Honestly, no one will care. If you really care, tan your ass. The discrepancy will fade.

No I mean I bleed a little from either stretch or pressing on my prostate. Its just the littlest amount but it makes me think like I'm doing something wrong

I used to bleed a little sometimes (and once a lot) from being too rough with my prostate. Stopped once I started using things with more of a curved end and trimming my nails real short.

I must be pushing too hard on it then, it just feels SO fucking good

I should use a softer toy

Yeah, I know that one. First time I had a prostate-gasm I was using my fingers and jesus, the harder I dug at it the better it felt. That was the first time I looked down to see a hand full of blood and piss all over the floor and thought maybe I shouldn't do that again

i usually have serious anal sex about once a week (no time for more than that). my routine is to eat very light the day before. i don't really adhere to a particular diet, or eat specific foods. i just eat what i normally would, just less. the day of, i usually just have light snacks so i don't get hungry. also, drink lots of water.
when it's time to clean, i wait until i have to drop a deuce. when that is done i'll enema with a 2 quart bag (i prefer these over the bulbs and such), with a colon tube attachment. this first enema i take my time with because this is the one that does most of the cleaning. take the water in a bit at a time until you've emptied the bag, hold it for as long as possible (5 minutes is more than enough, the urge to evacuate will be strong). then i'll switch to the regular tube attachment and enema until it's just water coming out, usually 1 or 2 more times. these last enemas are just fill and flush, no real time is spent on them. the shower real good.
it seems a bit much, but i've found cleaning like this makes it possible for me to have anal sex pretty much all night long, with out worrying about any unwanted mess.
as far as stretching to take a dick, there tons of toys to help prepare for that. not to mention copious amounts of lube will make it pretty easy to insert things into your butt. just go slow, don't rush it

I care because it looks all creasy and red, I just want a smooth ass crack.

anyone have any shaving tips for back there?

I use a sharp razor and use hair conditioner

I'm trying to get the most efficient way to masurbate and I can't seem to find the best pleasure/stroke/position

i tried that, not a fan

you just gotta be really slow and gentle. pull the skin back by grabbing your ballsack and pull upwards gently. This makes the skin really taught and should make it easier without getting caught.

Or you can go buy a bottle of Nair

i always try for hands free orgasms. i find it's easier for me to ride the dick or dildo or whatever to make it happen. doggy doesn't really do anything for me. on my back or side feels awesome, i've come close, but the magic just hasn't happened yet

then you can smell like burnt hair and chems

so Nair is the easiest, but you'll smell like burnt stuff

or you can take your chances with a razor like I said

Enemas with warm water and butt plugs
I know that if I saw my bottom already had a plug that would drive me mad with lust but I'm kind of a perv so you have to judge depending on the person

Well all these pics gave me a fetish.

no way! chemicals are the devil. thinking about waxing, but i'm paranoid about ingrown hairs. initial pain aside, i've heard good things about epilators, i might try that




>i find it's easier for me to ride the dick or dildo or whatever to make it happen.
I'm gonna try that then to ride it and see if thats easier/better

Funny cuz i was just looking for a thread about this. Help much appreciated!

pic related: me


anyone here got a pink asshole? i love those

i wouldn't say it's easier, it can be a workout. i'm generally pretty stoned when i fuck so i don't notice that as much though. pretty much as long as i'm lowering myself onto it, i'll end up cumming buckets

I thought Mr. Hands was the horse's name.

show your cock. What I can see looks good.

nope it was the guy. It was his internet nick or something

Mine is a red hue, but it annoys the shit out of me. I want my asshole area to be the color of my skin, does anyone know an easy way of getting it like that?

that ass needs spanking
no one's asshole is the same color as their skin
pink and red assholes are cute tbh

Tan your ass. Find a private place and make sure you spread your crack open.


I stand corrected but somehow it looks bleached or shopped
thanks for the pic though, I just came and it made me diamond hard instantly
perfect feet, balls and ass

Nigga. No one knows what the fuck you are talking about.