Thoughts on Paramore?

Thoughts on Paramore?

they suck

she's average

I wanna fuck her so bad


Bad highschool-core


They were ok, the drummer - who was pretty good - and the guitarist - who wrote all the songs - left around the same time that the fad they were attached to died off and so everyone forgot that they existed.
I liked them a lot, but have no intention of revisiting them anytime soon. They were an above average radio pop act that has since out-stayed its welcome.

everything except the first album is pretty good

I want to "fuck" her if you know what I mean.

Hot bitch, shitty band

Garbage music for 14 year olds

middle school tier

I heard Paramore on the radio yesterday.

I thought it was Flyleaf with the shitty new singer.

Third album is their peak.
They went to shit after the Farro brothers left
Ain't it fun and still into you are shameful pop pleasures though.

funny as these kind of people listened to it and are now ashamed.

but yeah this was what the kids liked before the likes of death grips. similar level of angst and garbage.

above-average pop rock bands who have a couple really good albums

they make bad music but

muh dick

I want to take those boots off and take her sweaty foot into my mouth.

However this remains second, I repeat, a SECONDARY priority compared to the PRIMARY ambition of sniffing Lauren Mayberry's feet.

I've posted about this before but unfortunately got banned for it.

That said I cannot censor such a strong urge, I frankly find it overwhelming, I must share my ideas, they are infectious and perhaps if they become more widespread my ideas will not be so deviant but will become accepted, thus allowing me to pursue my passions in a way that is unsullied by aggressive censorship.

Self-titled album was actually pretty good

Everything else is shitty pop-punk that teens listen to

its okay man

we all wanna do it too

Riot and brand new eyes were great pop-punk, kys.
