sorry for the personal army request but this shit is beating up lgbt teens ... insta tarifwilson fuck this guy...
Sorry for the personal army request but this shit is beating up lgbt teens ... insta tarifwilson fuck this guy
lol faggot
Go back to Tumblr
actually i would not be surprised if he is gay himself, leave him be
>is beating up lgbt teens
Good faggots deserve to get the shit kicked out of them.
summer thread
and give intelligent answer other than >because they're faggots
3/10. Got some replies.
Good, lol.
Fuck the faggots.
summarrrrr!! is here 4chin
this is now a cock rate thread
exactly what we a talking about
Because political correctness is the poison of modern society.
People with with mental health issues don't need to be defended, they need to be treated. And beaten up before that, if people think they're normal.
more than likely from the instagram photos he has up. Too bad, he's going to end up married with two kids sneaking out at night for glory hole love.
All lgbts should have the shit kicked out of them and executed, then have their grave pissed on. I hate faggots
>beating up lgbt teens
Maybe he can beat them out of their faggotry.
i just gonna act like you ignored my question
if you tried to answer my question with
>don't need to be defended, they need to be treated
beating up faggots is not the way to go
Where you at I'll fite you irl
>Maybe he can beat them out of their faggotry.
only if it's beating their cocks
Dude, Fuck off. Not gonna be that nypa faggot, but your faggotry is too much. Who fucking cares if he's telling faggots that they're faggots?
OP would you fuck me?
I'd fuck me
Someone's a little insecure
can we underage ban these newfags who say fuckshit?? please?
>beating up faggots is not the way to go
it is, not so much for them than for the sjw who "defend" them, and who need to be gassed because they're even more degenerate than this lgbt scum.
fags getting beat by a dick in heat
damn that makes me want to beat my meat
that dude is super sweet
if there is one dude you want to meet
it is fag thumper tarif wilson on any street
unless you are op then you are a fucked piece of meet
op and tarif wilson meet on the street? op is first to greet
then run like the hundred fags left in wilsons wake
don't act like the situation isn't one you continue to make
op is just another fag for #tarifwilson to take
to dump in a lake
at least he isn't fake
he ain't as thick as a rake
so leave him alone for christs sake
lets see the good user?
ban me you faggot
Das Dubs
you must have been hurt as a child
We should start a #savetarif kickstarter
>says fuckshit
>accuses others of being a newfag
Then man up and defend yourself.
How do you faggots ever expect to be respected if you cry like a little bitch every time some asshole pushes you around.
what is this fuckshit?
And? Some people need to have the shit kicked out of their brains, so that they remember the basic principles of reality. Ain't nobody's fault but theirs.
OP is a huge faggot for starting this thread on/b/
>Then man up and defend yourself.
>OP is a huge faggot for starting this thread on/b/
well obviously. I mean shit... it's fucking 4chin... all user are faggots.
how do i upvote this?
Faggots gonna faggot.... and as such... they get beat up from time to time. Get with the times, OP. Most people don't like faggots... most are just forced into tolerating them...
i became gay because of Sup Forums
Your comment says you had serious predispositions to this sad condition.
>how do i upvote this?
lgbt along with niggers should be genocided for being such failed parts of evolution
he sounds like a Sup Forumsrother
its you we dont need. genocide your own ignorant hateful kind, thanks