

How fucked up am I.

>Be 23
>GF dumped me 4 years ago. In fucking 2012.
>Stalk her instagram on the daily.
>I don't know why I do it.
>I convince myself that I'm over her. I really believed it too.
>Go on tonight. A picture of her on there kissing another guy.

I don't know why I still fucking care. My first thought was me hanging from a noose. (I'm not consciously depressed or suicidal) Second thought was "at least she's happy". Now all I imagine is them fucking. And I'm typing this like a cry baby little bitch with tears down my face. I thought time heals all wounds. But it's been 4 years man what the fuck. I feel hopeless. I don't even want anyone else. But I don't want her either.

What the fuck do I do Sup Forums. I really want to end it. How do you get over an ex?

We only dated for a year as well. I'm just happy she's happy.

This is why you shouldn't date

>4 fucking years

Fucking tell me about it.

What the fuck do I do. I'm fucking shaking. It's not even cold.

> Stalking her instagram daily

There's your fucking problem.

I thiink im having an anxiety attack.

it's hard to type

Is this the reason why you don't date?

I shake too. When I'm close to her. I wanna fuck her. I never want to see here again. I want to be with her.

New pussy helps bro. Is all I know.

Get the fuck over it. I know what it's like to have a panic attack or to hallucinate. It doesn't kill you, it has no power over you. You WILL get over it.

I'm an INTP and cant relate to your feelings sorry. :I

Even time won't heal a wound if you pull it open on a daily basis. Just remove her from all the social media you have and continue with your life/job/games/whatever makes you happy.

No I can handle my shit

You're a faggot

>Be Me in a Ship with a Relation for ate years
>Be Me Relation of ate year ship
>Ate My relations shit for 8 beers
>Sizzle Sozzle pissle pozzle

Fuck you op

Select all images of Palm Boats

It's completely up to you dipshit. 4 years is a whole lot of time, and if you still didn't change, you should probably start trying to soon. Now stop being a pussy.

It's easy to make fun of you if you haven't been there, but I've been there. What they say is true - the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Get your dick wet, user

It would seem you can't friend.

I had the same situation op, the best thing you can do it cut everything off.
block hrr everywhere. Get her out of your life. I Know this sounds corny but its what ended up doing, and at one point youll just let her go.

Just stop being a bitch? Plenty of fish in the sea, pussy.

Fuck I wanna fuck her though.

If you say so pal.

This right here is it. Listen to this user.

6 years since I lost 'the one'. She now has a baby with him. It never ever goes user, the pain stays. Reach out to her and try and fucking salvage something before she gets in far with this guy. Once there's a kid, it's game over. How would you feel if she had a kid with him? Fucking awful I bet. So don't be a bitch, at least try.

fuck her sister

A lot of people have been in this situation, including me, for 5 damn years.

Im over it now, because I completely blocked my ex out of my life. You should try it to, block her on everything. When you get the urge to look at her profiles, do something else. You'll eventually lose interest.

What's the point of chasing something you can't have?

Look elsewhere and enjoy your life; suicide is a permanent solutional to a temporary problem.

I think being this obsessed over an ex might be a sign of a mental problem tbh. The post you made about you having an anxiety attack over this only adds to that theory. I am schizotypal which means I have persistent omnipresent anxiety and even I wouldn't have an anxiety attack over a 4 year ex like this.

If it is true that you have something then you need to get it under control and medicated before you can start dating again. Otherwise if you do start dating again the mental problem will just get in the way again and threaten to hurt that relationship as well.

But then again i'm not a doctor.

Not true, but a good insight.

The feeling he's got now is rejection and love. Very powerful emotions - they can completely control your life.

Nah man you're normal, but you've got to stop this or you'll never move on. Remember the good times but convince yourself that she's not even who you fell in love with anymore and that there are many other women out there. And that you're not alone in how you've felt. Don't let anger fester and don't confront anyone, you'll make things worse. Just, delete your social media and focus your time on your job or whatever. It gets better, been there myself.

Dump her Instagram faggot

You don't miss her, you miss the idea of having a gf. Stop being such a pussy and crying over some hoe you knew when you were a fucking teenager. 99% people that go out when they're kids don't stay together and you're no different. Go get another gf and stop being such a little faggot.

I can't help it. Chrome autofills literally everything with her instagram.

Fuck that hurts to read. The main reason I don't want to be with her was because I don't feel like I deserved her/She deserves better.

Thanks user, I'll do that. I remember like 3 years ago, I was more "over" her then, than I am now. I eventually found her instagram and it went downhill from there.

I'm not going to hero. Thanks for the concern.

Yeah, I more or less started this thread to get some bearings. I wasn't sure if it was normal to still be hung up after 4 years. I probably will see a doctor I feel sick in my stomach and my heads spinning.

I'm not dangerous. I want her to be happy and all that. I'm happy she found someone.

6 yr fag here. I didn't say it to bait you or wind you up. I'm dead serious. I met her 19th Sept 2010. We officially got together 20th Oct 2010. I can remember where we went on first dates. The exact spot we first kissed. The 5th year anniversary of when we met I went to the place we met, at the time we met.

I'm with someone else now but never forget the one and think of her daily. In April 2012 I saw online she had given birth to a kid (I didn't know she was pregnant). The pain wasn't physical, but it was right up there with a family death in terms of mental anguish.

Don't get to that stage. Seriously, pick up the phone, try to act normally and talk. Sort your differences. She's only just met this guy. It ISN'T too late for you.

The girl I'm with now is caring, but not as attractive and I find I'm more and more having to force myself to pleasure myself with her. I'm slowly getting closer to ending myself I think.

I've thought about it alot the last 2 years.

But I'm kind of self aware that I'm not that mentally "healthy". I know where she works (from mutual friends telling me, although now I think about it. If i had to stalk to find out I'm not sure that I wouldn't).

Would it be okay for me to like goto the bar she works at and be like "Oh hey, fancy seeing you here - blah blah" Or is that crossing a stalker line? I don't know whether I'm thinking straight.

God you guys are a bunch of pussy ass faggots. Seriously get over her. If you pick up the phone now you're going to look like the stalker you are. Jesus christ you guys, delete your social networking apps and go live your life.

4 years!?! 4 fucking years!?! She probably barely remembers you.

Hello under age friend who's never been in a relationship. What's your mom cooking for tea?

If you want to get over her, you MUST stop checking up on her. I know it hurts, but everytime you check her instagram, etc you're tearing the scab off the wound. This isn't good for you. It will take time to put her out of your mind, but you must so you can go on with your life.

Can't you text or something? Break the waters gently. If you turn up and she's still sour on you it could go irreversibly terrible. If you text in an amicable way for a few days with small talk you can build bridges gradually. If you turn up where she works the moment she posts a pic with a new man, she'll think you're just salty about the fact she's moved on and you haven't, rather than the fact you deeply miss her.

So fucking beta, holy shit. No wonder she dumped your desperate ass.

Yeah she's getting his dick regularly every night. You'll never have her again. Be alone, you deserve no one in your pathetic life.

>Cooking for tea.


Do like The others fags tell you too. Took me 2 years to get over mine. Meet New people and dont try to look her up gl

the term "alpha" and "beta" if fucking beta. Aside from that its just fucking retarded and douchey. grow the fuck up.


Alpha and beta.. Lol what the fuck is this. Math class

6 billion have experienced what you just experienced. the vast, vast majority of them fit into neat little categories, just like you do. surprise, your conflict isnt just old, its been old since the time itself.

you know what happened to the people who couldnt handle it? they died. so thats your choice. do what literally billions of humans do all the time

or die

It takes time sure, but stalking her on social media will make it worse. Stop being an idiot and avoid looking at her Instagram. Also it's been 4 years man what the fuck, either you actually get up and do something or just let it go and move on already

You love her for who she was. Having the same issue. You need to take a stand, block the site for your browser, focus your energy to a hobby, work out, vidya, whatever. Just better yourself, its the best way to get over her, and she'll be the envious one.

>completely ignore the point to argue semantics

look, semantics are close to semen, but, its not that close

I can relate to your story mate it never gets better no matter what shit people say like move on or time will heal it i don't know what to do too we're just screwed up i guess it's been for years since i saw my ex too and i have stalked her every single day since then


So do we agree that we're fucked up or not? I don't think we came to a conclusion.

These trips don't lie, OP. Let her go. For your sake. You deserve better than the situation you're in, and the only way things will get better is if you move on.

We're pretty much so fucked up unless we find someone better in my case that's nearly impossible i don't know about you

She's honestly the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

>stalked her every day
>it doesn't get better
Gee, I wonder what you're doing wrong!

Then we're both fucked

delete all connections with her on social media for one OP if your ever going to get over her. Find a new hobby to bide your time to get your mind off of her also. Time only heals if your not thinking of her.

Look up mgtow, it may inspire you to turn the other way

beat off while thinking of them fucking

I became a Fappist Monk after descending into an earthly hell during and after a relationship.

I'm thinking about going full wizard. Disregard females, acquire knowledge. I'm enrolling into a university bridging course. After 18 months at TAFE (You sound like an ausfag too) i'll try and get into an Engineering or Biotech program and just devote myself to working/improving the lives of others.


OP, it's been said, that nobody likes you when you're 23.
Also, stop being a bitch.

Uninstall chrome, use IE

you dated for a fucking year and you're upset? try being with a bitch for 6 years, telling eachother you're going to get married, being "deeply in love" just for her to end up forgetting you exist while she's getting railed by some fat faggot. I'm over that slut lmfao you sound like a little bitch

Just do it

Get out of there. This happened to me, and I don't get on social media at all. I avoid seeing her that way. I'm going to college far away from her. Get a job. Take up your favorite things. And most importantly, AVOID her

I lost my GF of 7 years last month. Immediately blocked her on everything, deleted autofill and whatever else. Don't even bother looking at anything with her in it.

Broke up once before and stalking her shit only made it worse.

Just delete and reinstall chrome. Block her on everything and delete anything that even remotely resembles them.

Sounded like a bitch writing this stupid pussy shit.

What a stupid fucking reason to KYS.