How fucked up am I.
>Be 23
>GF dumped me 4 years ago. In fucking 2012.
>Stalk her instagram on the daily.
>I don't know why I do it.
>I convince myself that I'm over her. I really believed it too.
>Go on tonight. A picture of her on there kissing another guy.
I don't know why I still fucking care. My first thought was me hanging from a noose. (I'm not consciously depressed or suicidal) Second thought was "at least she's happy". Now all I imagine is them fucking. And I'm typing this like a cry baby little bitch with tears down my face. I thought time heals all wounds. But it's been 4 years man what the fuck. I feel hopeless. I don't even want anyone else. But I don't want her either.
What the fuck do I do Sup Forums. I really want to end it. How do you get over an ex?
We only dated for a year as well. I'm just happy she's happy.