Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not Sup Forums, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>I want my minimalism back
>3D is almost always trash
>Down with democracy
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



It hit the skin, penetrated, but did not push deep. It relies on body pressure to inject and the needle bounced out.
I either bite the bullet and take one of my pens tomorrow or wait till Monday and get the syringe. At least I can deal with the self administered syringe.
Im also on methotrexate. Im having abortions all over the place!
>I always offer one of my friends who cant have kids a methotrexate
>she laughs then remembers it clashes hard with Imuran
If it makes you feel any better Ive had 6 different doctors and god knows how many nurses looking at my asshole. Both gaped and ungaped.

I thought Karens walls were bad. Yeesh.


Hey Mugi, how's it going?

>image limit
>some people won't notice without (You)'s
the death of a conversation

literally lmao
lays has one spicy flavour, but the lays max has a good one too.
There's one here called Master that does amazing kettle cooked chips, they make pop chips too.

you have a blonde waifu too
>how could this happen to meeeeeeee

Her eyes are too fucking blue

dude ouch
that hurt
because it's true

Any chance you can tell me where that meme started?

>someone did!!
>lewd noises
Happy birthday mr armies
Yeah they brought the drip to my house, I felt better after being on it for about six hours. Real good. Still have to watch my eating. Potatoes and shit only.

kagami claimed!
lol, google-sama does know all, except some bands... lol


whats the one where you can create your own wifu?


Sleep well, and/or have a good day, or at least try to, please.

>claiming yume
Maid person
>best waifu legs

How are you all doing?