Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not Sup Forums, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>I want my minimalism back
>3D is almost always trash
>Down with democracy
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



It hit the skin, penetrated, but did not push deep. It relies on body pressure to inject and the needle bounced out.
I either bite the bullet and take one of my pens tomorrow or wait till Monday and get the syringe. At least I can deal with the self administered syringe.
Im also on methotrexate. Im having abortions all over the place!
>I always offer one of my friends who cant have kids a methotrexate
>she laughs then remembers it clashes hard with Imuran
If it makes you feel any better Ive had 6 different doctors and god knows how many nurses looking at my asshole. Both gaped and ungaped.

I thought Karens walls were bad. Yeesh.


Hey Mugi, how's it going?

>image limit
>some people won't notice without (You)'s
the death of a conversation

literally lmao
lays has one spicy flavour, but the lays max has a good one too.
There's one here called Master that does amazing kettle cooked chips, they make pop chips too.

you have a blonde waifu too
>how could this happen to meeeeeeee

Her eyes are too fucking blue

dude ouch
that hurt
because it's true

Any chance you can tell me where that meme started?

>someone did!!
>lewd noises
Happy birthday mr armies
Yeah they brought the drip to my house, I felt better after being on it for about six hours. Real good. Still have to watch my eating. Potatoes and shit only.

kagami claimed!
lol, google-sama does know all, except some bands... lol


whats the one where you can create your own wifu?


Sleep well, and/or have a good day, or at least try to, please.

>claiming yume
Maid person
>best waifu legs

How are you all doing?


Fucccckkk I think i missed the garbage man. Wtf dude normaly comes at like noon

See you later Kirino.


Waifus in boxes are almost always cute
I dunno what happened to him
Soon enough :^)
Goodnight, friend

>Both gaped and ungaped.

>I thought Karens walls were bad. Yeesh.
What do you mean? Karen has walls?


Do it you filthy cancerous faggot. There's literally 3 of these threads going on right now.

>no RP
Yeah right.
Because oh I don't know, even being a huge weeb I'd still feel like a massive faggot role-playing with some 40 year old cucks like yourself.

throw your trash in someone else's trash can
cow tears

lurk more faggot

This is a continuation thread of the one that hit image limit you dense cunt.
Soon two will die and you will look like a fool while /waifu/ carries on.

Not spooked. I'm okay, just chilling. How are you?

Bye Kirino!


You literally have no idea what this thread is, do you?

Akiko claimed


He is kill


Nobody roleplays in here, friend. At worst it's two people.
The last thread is 404'ing, nobody is bumping it since image limit is hit.
The other one is because two people tried to make a new thread, it'll be deleted soon.
Any other questions?

>tfw you're more open to new music than google-sama is


There's 2 threads, 1 got image capped minutes ago.

Why are these threads not in Sup Forums?

Newfags are going to be the death of these threads.

Good afternoon. Recently came back from my walk, was real hot outside.

You go start one in Sup Forums

We'll wait.

good :^)
im fine, what about you?
why are you such a sandnigger?

I just woke up

No u

>gaped and ungaped

only on wednesday, plus Sup Forums waifu is cringe

Thats a nice gif there
Quite good actually
>Misspelled Homura
I failed in life

>lewd noises
o-oh my!!
lol, he's 241 now...he's gonna need a lot of candles!!!
wow...i hope that never happens to you again, that sounds bad!!

>Finished my exams
Good, good
>Getting drunk and relaxing, playing vidya with the guys
Coincidentally, my roommate, nephew and I have all been getting stoned, relaxing, and playing vidya recently. It's always fun to kick back, and not worry about things for a while, yeah?
>I might even go out and find a girl
Do it!

>Shiragami Youko claimed!

Semi-confident my sister takes that for something or other.
You sure do know a bit about medicine, hugh? Any particular reason?

pop chips are always alright!

Decent song, shit-quality video.
Will be on the hunt for an HQ version

>throw your trash in someone else's trash can

Also milk is gross, love yourself.

>inb4 le back peddle
>inb4 omg so easy to bait lolol

I'm 40? When did this happen? Why aren't I riding a cruiser yet?!

Dude I was thinking about it. I dont think they hauled acrross the street.

Whats everyone listening to this morning?

>maybe if i use enough Sup Forums speak i'll be one of them

kill yourself or lurk moar

rip in kill
It takes a while to get the gets

I was clean at the time.
No pics. Sorry moogs.
Been on a few for Crohns. Have to move around due to my body neutralising some meds, so my knowledge is only towards what treats Crohns. Also rheumatoid arthritis because the treatments are really similar for some unknown reason.
Yeah, wheres my Goldwing?
The sound of fingers against phone as I try to sleep

kek, it happens, i told you that your library is gonna be a national treasure that people will wanna see

>Decent song, shit-quality video.
Whole album is easily available on Soulseek.

They aren't allowed in Sup Forums

Night kiro

ayy lmao
how it do

to this day I search for the answer
why do you insult me this way pinko

>he's gonna need a lot of candles!!!
I laughed really hard at this, family sitting in the living room looked at me like "wtf?"
Yeah it was really "shit" :D

What did the wall comment mean though, I have no idea.

milk is good nigga, and I love you
I throw all my trash into neighbors boxes

You would have free tickets to see it.

i fucked up


>This is not Sup Forums, this is /mai/
You do know of the 8ch board /mai/, right?

>Amatsukaze and Shimakaze
>same weapons, similar names
sloots, all of them!

Text wall.


just warming them up right now
its just how i do it yellowo

Funny that, my dads friend (the one that's fixing my ZX) has this in his driveway that he's putting work into.


ur waifu worst girl and a slut

also a shit

Oh, well good morning to you

Thanks, I'm hoping to make my own gifs at some point.

Who were you comparing to?
>Karen a stupid

>no pics
Damnit rip the dream I guess :^)

ay yo what it do
I just woke up like 5 minutes

Thanks fam
What's poppin

At least I didn't post loods in thread
One day, you'll get it

I know fuck them. They all at work. They owe me i watch the block like some kind of lame batman.

Nice ass bike.

Thinking about picking up a ninja 636 soon. Maybe a katana.

Azusa claimed

I do, but the joke isn't as simple as that.

>tier 7 insult, name calling.
>sounds something like this: You are an ass-hat
In other words, try harder.

They're both chronic inflammatory disease, so the basic medications will be the same, or similar I think. Further than that, I think there'll be specialized medicine for either or.

What's that? Enlighten me, I'm curious.

>milk is good
>I throw all my trash into neighbors' boxes
What turned you into what you are today?


not gonna respond to me loving you I guess :l
fuck tha police nigga

so they are just like karen? :^)
one day i will get it

Karen superior ship girl though

> It's always fun to kick back, and not worry about things for a while, yeah?
Sure is, but I get bored quickly. I like going to uni and doing assignments, even though I procrastinate. It's a bit contradictory
Good thing I've recently found out about the drawthreads. They can keep me busy
>Do it!
Eh, i don't know man
I go on dates from time to time but I don't have time to build anything serious with my studies. Plus almost women are all so shallow and uninteresting

Don't really know about inside jokes.

A program that allows you to easily find and download music from anyone who also uses it.
Since I started using it I download 95% of my albums from there.

I took pics of ungaped for an AMA I held.
Yeah. Pretty much, though the arthritis goea away.

The usual. I'm doing nothing interesting, just OW. Got anything planned for today?

Italy does it again.

Ibrahimovic confirmed meme player.

>0 shots on target in 2 games

Miho claimed

Operation switch my trash into the recyling bin instead has now begun . GODSPEED

One can hope
>superior ship girl
At best you'd be a transport ship
Nothing to be scared of :^)

Please tell me you're getting the older model that looks retro as fuck!

>Got a 2015 CBR300R
>Waiting for my '92 ZX11 to be put back together
Should be here within the next few days if my dad holds true to "before Father's Day"

Why did you hold an AMA for that lol
Also no pics pls it was just a prank fam


lol!!! i always get caught smiling stupid at my phone and people wonder what im doing...
it sounds like it ;^)
>brutal as hell lol
aww thank you!! the hardest part would be getting there though kek

>At best you'd be a transport ship

Hard doesn't mean impossible.

Best type moon claimed.

Naps were a mistake.

You missed Sweden getting cucked.

Waifus are only for weak people, who cant hanlde real life. Be strong, choose heroin.

But I see that every single day.

>Karen a big stupid

what coincidence
I'm gonna go nap soon

Ahah those awkward moments
can never get away from them




Isn't that everyday though?

waifu sucks give me 7s

Must be hard being a sandn-
I mean, a swede.


that's karen no?

you're right...it is very possible lol, it just takes time i guess

that all you got to say?
you disappoint me again yellowo
one can get

I'll only love you if you stop throwing your trash into neighbors' boxes.

I get it though, it gives you something to do.
>I don't have time to build anything serious with my studies.
Priorities suck.
>Plus almost women are all so shallow and uninteresting
Everyone's going to be shallow and uninteresting around/with you until you actually really get to know that person. For this reason, I usually end up falling for close friends.

Thanks, will write it down and look into it.

On that note, I'm fuckin' outta here. Gotta catch some Z's.

Hey, transport ships are important too!
You can look up to the big guys while you do your thing
Just a little patience

Hello, how are you today?
Good thing I'm not a Swede, but right next to them with many people working across the pond.

this is my heart


Sleep tight.

And effort too, planning stuff. I feel like part of my collection purpose has been lost, now that I have fiber losing bandwidth to streaming music isn't a problem anymore. Oh well. My collection will still be here to fight the internet apocalypse.

garbage fixed. Dogs fed, Coffee made. Whats good? Im watching, I married a mermaid. The jury is still out on it.