So they convicted a 94 year old former Auschwitz guard of 170,000 counts of accessory to murder in Germany today. They said he did nothing to stop an illegal criminal organization. I don't understand this. Hitler was the law of the land in Germany from 1930 until 1944. Anything he did and any policy he enacted was legal. There were no human rights contracts at the time. There was no Geneva convention. There was nothing. How the fuck was this lowly 20 year old prison guard supposed to stop mass murder at Auschwitz? If the guy speaks up, they kill him and his family.
Add some more fuel to the propaganda that is the Holocaust. The Holocaust... keeping the Jews and Israel blameless for 70 years.
Josiah Lopez
> no Geneva convention Try harder dood
Asher Taylor
The Geneva Convention Agreements happened in 1949 as a response to WWII.
Ryan Cox
Except the first 3, which were before
Brandon Lee
There were 4 Geneva conventions, however, OP may be wrong about that, but he isn't wrong about the conviction. What was the guy supposed to do? Hitler brainwashed an entire generation. This is like convicting US soldiers for going to Iraq. When you are drafted, you have to do what youre told.
Angel Carter
US soldiers in Iraq aren't supposed to systematically kill people on an industrial scale. and a guard at auschwitz would have been able to help some escape or at least use his authority to protect a couple of inmates. He was SS, so he was a volunteer.
Josiah Davis
Who cares, at 94 years old i bet he doesnt give a fuck. Hell be dead soon
Adrian King
if they started telling you its time to start killing of everyone whilst in Iraq or whatever country, you damn well do what you're told
Nathaniel Lopez
Fuck him as far as I'm concerned.
He could've fled the country but he didn't. Probably because he enjoyed being a part of the Nazi murder machine.
The only bad part about this is they didn't convict him sooner.
Out of curiosity what is his name?
John Nguyen
alternatively, you act like a respectable human being who has morals and ethics.