This shit pisses me off

This shit pisses me off.

So they convicted a 94 year old former Auschwitz guard of 170,000 counts of accessory to murder in Germany today. They said he did nothing to stop an illegal criminal organization. I don't understand this. Hitler was the law of the land in Germany from 1930 until 1944. Anything he did and any policy he enacted was legal. There were no human rights contracts at the time. There was no Geneva convention. There was nothing. How the fuck was this lowly 20 year old prison guard supposed to stop mass murder at Auschwitz? If the guy speaks up, they kill him and his family.

Add some more fuel to the propaganda that is the Holocaust. The Holocaust... keeping the Jews and Israel blameless for 70 years.

> no Geneva convention
Try harder dood

The Geneva Convention Agreements happened in 1949 as a response to WWII.

Except the first 3, which were before

There were 4 Geneva conventions, however, OP may be wrong about that, but he isn't wrong about the conviction. What was the guy supposed to do? Hitler brainwashed an entire generation. This is like convicting US soldiers for going to Iraq. When you are drafted, you have to do what youre told.

US soldiers in Iraq aren't supposed to systematically kill people on an industrial scale.
and a guard at auschwitz would have been able to help some escape or at least use his authority to protect a couple of inmates.
He was SS, so he was a volunteer.

Who cares, at 94 years old i bet he doesnt give a fuck.
Hell be dead soon

if they started telling you its time to start killing of everyone whilst in Iraq or whatever country, you damn well do what you're told

Fuck him as far as I'm concerned.

He could've fled the country but he didn't. Probably because he enjoyed being a part of the Nazi murder machine.

The only bad part about this is they didn't convict him sooner.

Out of curiosity what is his name?

alternatively, you act like a respectable human being who has morals and ethics.

Reinhold Hanning

Shut the fuck up you retard. He was a fucking Nazi faggot. Fuck the nazis. He deserves to be raped to death


hope that nazi bitch rots!

You sound like the kind of person that always does what their told. You know that makes you a fucking coward right?

Whatever. My spelling does not negate my point. You're still a coward.

For what it's worth, I partly agree with you, OP.

Not so much about "muh homocaust, keeping the Jews blameless," but certainly about this guy's sentence.

It's easy to philosophize from the armchair, as it were. But, really, how much should we really expect from a 20-something young man, caught up in something seemingly infinitely bigger than he.

I'm not one of these stormfront, pol fags, but I try my best to think beyond ideology, and I just don't see the value in this conviction.

>keeping the Jews and Israel blameless for 70 years.
good... good.. I can sense your hate, your anger. It gives you focus.. and makes you stronger!
Keep digging though it gets a lot worse as you go along.

Fuck the Jews I am so glad that millions of them died during he nazi regime.

lmfao, so you try to help the jews escape and if they catch you they murder you and everyone you care about. You're a pussy and you'd do the same regardless of your morals.

You're retarded, stay behind your keyboard and craft shit up you idiot

>I just don't see the value in this conviction

The value is to set a precedent so that in the future if a similar atrocity is happening perhaps some of the people involved will stop it.

Also probably partially to get some vengeance/closure for the victims.

The nazi war machine was meant to churn out people who enjoyed to be controlled and go along with anything without questioning morality and the value of life. I'm not saying they're weren't good people inside the war machine it's self because a lot of them risked there lives to help people from certain death. All I'm saying is bureaucrats and sheep tend to run the show in numbers and not reason

I don't think he should be convicted at this point in time, as he was young and caught up in the times. Besides, what was he supposed to do? Attempt to start a rebellion from within and overthrow Hitler? Crappy arguement imo.

holy shit everyone but OP is a fucking retard on this post.

for example, lets say the country is in a bad place,money is tight, employment is low and the country was being told what to do by other countries leaving room for little to no democracy

So a new party comes into power promising all these things will change and your country will soon be powerful again

Lots of people vote for this party, and it comes into power. Thenit is announced that allthe nig nogs are the cause of this problem, and they should be boycotted and not treated fairly because of all the shit they have caused as a race.

You are systematically brainwashed into thinking all this is true and that they are to blame, so you dont stop it.

Then they send them all to work camps where they can be seperated from society and not harmed, but made to pull their weight.Obviously as of yet you dont know the truth as to what is going on.

Then war is declared and you get conscripted to serve the new party and serve your country which in your mind will become great again.

Things suddenly become different and people speaking out against the new party become silenced and disappear so you decide its best,no matter your beliefs to go along with anything they tell you to do.

You get posted at a concentration camp, and youre a guard there. You see all the horrors that go on there, but theres nothing you can do about it, you have no power there so you protect your own life and your family's lives by doing your job and not doing anything risky.

Please explain to me how this man was ever at fault during this whole thing?

Dont say "OH i would have done different,I would have saved those poor nig nogs" because you wouldnt hav,you would have protected yourself and those you cared for and such is human nature,its in our genes and we have evolved this way.

This man was never truly at fault.



All these summerfags itt.


Still blaming germans.never looks at the history of amuuuuriicaaa.

You sound like someone with no experience with the military.

tbh op is right

For the most part you are right and from what I understand your average German soldier doesn't face prosecution like this.

This guy was an SS volunteer though so that changes things.

>systematically kill people on an industrial scale
Since when was this case with Jews? They died as an outcome of the war, through disease and starvation, etc

is it summer already? where the fuck are the nazi's at? aryan master race report in. red leader standing by

What German soldier wouldn't want to volunteer for the most distinguished unit he could? Future security

The treatment of Germans during and after the fall of their country has been atrocious. From Nuremberg to this latest verdict it has been nothing but a witch hunt that reeks of injustice and hypocrisy.

>94 year old SS guy confesses his crimes
>the Jews made him do it

lmao you people are fucking dumb

>confesses his crimes
404 Crimes not found

Any soldier who didn't think it was right to be part of the group that, as you said, was responsible for silencing dissent.

>serving in the army
>committing a crime
you can only pick one

So if im in the army and steal supplies from the staff office its not a crime?

Your fucking stupid.

>SS volunteer
he wasn't some Wehrmacht grunt forced into the Nazi machine.

if you worked for Obama/Bush and they´d judge the middle east wars later on will everyone get executed for supporting terrorist ass criminal organization? fucking stupid

Your point about preceded is fair, if perhaps somewhat limited.

Insofar as vengeance is concerned, I couldn't disagree more. The law should not be predicated on revenge. This isn't the Stone Age, user.

that's not at all what i said... nice strawman idiot boy.
what "crime" was committed besides being on the losing team?
you're a hypocrite and an idiot. nice

I would have done the same. You don't consider how the world might be in a radically different kikocracy when your country is at war.

No, this only gives reason why we need Hitler now more than ever. The victims died 70 years ago, who the fuck cares about that kind of cold case? Jews do. Fuck you and your social "justice"


1st Hitler was right. The only reason he was demonized was because he lost the war.

2nd. In order to try to make up for the lack of reason and logic behind demonizing his legacy, any opportunity to scapegoat someone and "set an example" for others is taken with relish and carried out to the fullest possible extent.

The fact is that the "holocaust" is grossly mischaracterized. They were cleaning up society of what they saw as the parasitic and toxic, cancerous elements. It would be like if China took over America, and retroactively convicted all border patrol agents and prison guards of atrocities for following the law at the time, made illegal retroactively.

Stupid mindless shills.

Or your post was worded very poorly and open to liberal interpretation. It would be better to have said

>Following orders while serving
>being commited of a crime for following them

Your not stupid for having a bad claim your stupid for not wording it properly.

>170,000 counts of accessory to murder
>not one single confirmed kill
>fucking noob

>what are war crimes

It's what you get charged with when you lose a war.

>similar atrocity

So following the law? So, ok, say someone, some stupid teenage grunt thinks that fighting war altogether is atrocious. What are they supposed to do? Have a fucking coup-de-tat? The guy was a nobody. That's retarded.

Might as well blame every American in the country for every individual civilian casualty in every war in American History, or the like.

jewish tricks sounds like to me. you didn't fall for them did you?

The ones who don't want to face trial for war crimes?


you spend your life in prison, forgotten, with someone else doing it

No, but if we find out there's a secret execution squad operating in the ME then yes, the soldiers in that squad will face jail/execution for war crimes.

Yeah, buy, tell that to every Navy Seal, and every special unit in every country that every existed, nigger.

Can you not comprehend that they were not only following the law, but exemplary examples of soldiers for their country?

do you think the colonists made the british pay for "war crimes"?

When someone wins a war, they get to set the rules. If the allies lost, most of us would not be alive lol. It's the unfortunate reality of war. There are no rules in war, there's only rules after a war.

Their descendants do every day.

You're claiming that because sometimes the guilty go free, the crime never counts.

That's a fucking stupid argument.

the Nuremburg trials were something rather unique.. up until then it was not uncommon for a dominant army to ask for some sort of payment after a war (germany owing big afte ww1) but when in history can you name me a time where trials were held and people individually prosecuted for their actions in war?

go ahead.. name me one other time.

u troll good

shut up
do you think that the north made the south pay for "war crimes" after the civil war? what makes ww2 aftermath so special?

your answer can ONLY be
>muh holocaust
>muh jews

You're a good SJW.

Serbian conflict. Next.

>what is unlawful order


Did the South commit war crimes during the civil war?

I don't have to? Lol, it's war bud. Like I said, there's no rules during a war only after. And the winner sets those terms. This particular side won and their ideals are what shape our world. If enough of them feel the need to prosecute every single individual involved with the enemy, they have every ability to do it. Who's gonna stop them? People think there's a rule book to follow fuck that lol. A nuke can be dropped in an instant and whoever dropped it won't suffer any consequences if they beat all of their enemies in a military campaign.

Like it's already been pointed out, he wasn't some stupid teenage grunt.

He was an SS volunteer.

There is a big difference.

It's like finding out abortion actually is murder in like ten years.

Of course they did, that's how SJWs have been able to make out the civil war to be entirely about slavery.

>I think Realpolitik is edgy: the post

Time to take your meds buddy


Oh yeah true. See? Rules are set after the fact. Winner gets to do what they want.

No rules in life bud, only the ones we choose to adhere to. If you can beat someone to the ground or kill someone that's trying to do something you don't like, you win and get to do the thing. EOS.

define war crime lol
"and the winner gets those terms" so JEWS won ww2? because they got a sweet chunk of land and an eternal get-out-of-jail-free card so you tell me who the Nuremberg trials were really for.

I've already taken it but thank you for the daily brainwashing reminder.

Yeah pretty much.

Fuck the niggers AND the jews. Hot chick reporting in.

Nice trips.

Also I'm not a polisci major and haven't really studied philosophy. What's Realpolitik?

So proving you wrong somehow makes your point stronger?


Hot Latino. GTFO you impure muggle

It's the theory that all war and international relations should be built on mutual respect, personal relationships and with a focus on moral righteousness.

It's not trolling, nigger. It's called basic logic.


No, it's really not.

You had to volunteer for the SS you imbecile.

That's the dumbest idea I've ever seen.

Well, that's ridiculously absurd. Sounds like something the politicians want the people to believe so they don't get replaced.

>all war
>built on mutual respect, personal relationships, and with a focus on moral righteousness

Yeah, nah, you would have to be a goddamned idiot to believe that was even possible for a second, and if you believe that shit, I challenge you to posit any reasonable example where that's not a laughable absurdity.

If it wasn't you could come up with something better than that, loser.

Oh gotcha. Thanks. Makes sense and I agree to some respect. I just feel that when it comes down to it, there's no rules period. Like if we are to have mutual respect and a moral code be our "Lock and Key" on our judicial system, what's to stop one of our buddies from feeling antsy and pulling the trigger on the back of our head? Granted that's not an extremely likely scenario but it's possible and nothing can really stop that from happening other than foresight.

Many famous politicians have supported the idea. Anyway, you can argue against realpolitik all you want at school or whatever.

>Yeah Hitler would have totally respected that he was giving unlawful orders and he'd probably even apologize if he knew it like duh

My argument is logical and scientific because I said so, I am now going to call myself the winner of this argument.

You're the guy who threw it out there. It's stupid, don't you think so? It's a fairy tale.

The US didn't draft anyone for Iraq