Roast me. I dare you. I have Aspergers and I'm probably still way cooler than all of you

Roast me. I dare you. I have Aspergers and I'm probably still way cooler than all of you.

hmmmm.. assburgers

I see your standing there with all your friends.

took pic with tripod... family hates your assburgers

It's a real bad fag look. Kinda like 1980's fag with a sport coat except that's not a sport coat- it's a suit jacket, and that guitar is real gay. I rate 10 for fagness

We know you have aspergers you didn't have to tell us

your fashion sense is bad and you need to plug that guitar

my favorite chord

phil collins 80s contemporary look

I thought John Mayer played a strat??

You look like a retarded version of green day

10/10 wrecked

nice 3/4 scale guitar for your 3/4 scale brain

You look like a faggot. Kind of cliche for me to say on 4 chan, but true

You look like a wanna be Jonas brother you wanna be faggot.

quit being useless and weed that garden

You just roasted yourself...

also, how tall are you?

Nice fucking power chord and uncomfortable finger placement you fucking retard. Learn how to use your guitar before you pose for pictures with it. You're a disgrace

Billie joe?

Hey no argument here.

billie joe braindead

>I have assburgers

Sure as shit didnt have to tell me boi, a pic tells a thousand words faggot

the tuning pegs on your guitar look more cheap than your mother, you autistic manlet john mayor wannabe

So just billie joe?

Guitar connected to nothing, like his existence

see if you were on fire in a toilet cubicle, i'd piss in the sink

I know this kid