I just found an idea to make pic related look bad, for lols of course

I just found an idea to make pic related look bad, for lols of course.

Go through his youtube channel and youll his last Mirrors Edge Catalyst Let's Play was last week.

Click on it and sort the comments by 'newest first'

People are saying he stopped playing because it's only getting 1.5million views which is below the avg view of his other videos.

We can use this and bring it to twitter to point out how he now greedy he has become. I don't know how he will react if we twitter bomb him about this but he will definitely respond to defend his position or give some sorry excuse.

We need a hastag for it too. Any ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:



Nobody gives a fuck.


Doing my part. But knowing b today. The moral uppity people here won't bother. It's sad all people do here is sit on their high horses like typical americans.

Wow your such a bad boy trolling people XD

B-but user, it's working!


At least it's something, Sup Forums hasn't done anything for 4 years

Sup Forums has done plenty in four years, you just weren't there for it.

It's not a moral issue. Mostly nobody cares and it becomes cringe that people like you do.

Lol hes rich af you think he gives a shit now? Hes a fucking name brand now

I think he meant besides jerking off and being depressed

That's not true, I screen saw pony cum jar man in a dread the other day.

Tell me about it then, friendo

screenshotting this as future evidence

dont fuck with the bro army


The b8 is too real

holy shit, it's his job you useless cunt. If I only made 20 dollars an hour tutoring in the black neighborhoods and 50 in the white I'd go to the white neighborhoods cause I like em better but also: money you fucking retard

also, if you like his content, you're literally cancer--not just of Sup Forums but the entire fucking internet so kys



Fuck off keem, your channel is dead

This is possibly the worst thread of all time. Are you seriously 12 yrs old? Go fuck yourself kid. sage goes in all fields and kill yourself.

That's retarded. He would just say that it wasn't getting the normal response, so his fans didn't like it.

How fucking bored are you?

U mad broarmy?


>that shit logic

Reddit is here

No he wouldn't. It will only highlight his greed if he does

Not if he says it isn't what his fans wanted. He could always say he was just trying to make his fans happy.

You all realise pewds is one of us right?


wow this is a really important cause I think all of Sup Forums can get behind.

Just because you're subbed to him doesnt make him one of "us"

>makes a shit ton of money
>hot girlfriend
>social life

I doubt it.

>1.5mil views
>not what his fans want

Hello pewdiepie apologist broarmy



makes about a million more than you a year. sounds like a job to me

what are you even on about?

What the fuck is this shit you lardtastic mong flower. This is in no way a collective.

The op said it was getting less than average in the first fucking post you retard. If it's less than his average viewed video, then you could infer his fans were not happy.

nigger it's not about him being greedy. It's getting lower views than normal. His fans don't like it. He won't do something on a repeated basis such as an ENTIRE series on a game that his fanbase, the people that keep clothes on him, food on the table and a roof on his head, obviously doesn't like. Stupid cunt.

OMG HE STOPPED MAKING VIDEOS NOBODY WATCHED. That's his job. Make videos people want to watch.

>inb4 is Pewdiepie
give me some money, fag boy

>playing innocent
It means you should go back to shiddit if youre so hung up on morals

Fuck off pewdiepie fan

>His fans don't like it
Found the pewdiepie fan. I can see why you went out of your way to write a post in his defence. African shit.

It's because he's moving, you dumb shits.

He literally explains this in his most recent video. A video his fans will watch.

The only people your little game will affect are those who already hate pewdiepie anyways.

Nigger detected

wow you messaged him on the oh so illusive egg account on that social media account he probably doesnt even manage himself. epic trole

>1.5 million

He literally makes millions
Sounds like a job to me

>makes millions
>therefore job
>Sup Forums logic
Fuck off pewdipie fan

Why so rustled, pewdiepie fan?

Nigger detected

>1.5 mil

The pewdiepie cult is real.

Job: a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid.

Just stating facts


>Be Pewdiepie
>Make Let's Play
>Doesn't get enough views
>Get's ready to kill myself
>am a gredy wale

>Be user
>Be an hero
>Make a hasthag #GreedyPewds
>Everyone spam it on twitter
>@Pewdiepie Can you be anymore greedy? Removing a playlist because of 1.5mil views #GreedyPewds #Chan

>how dare someone make money in a way i don't approve of

If you think being a retard on camera is a job, you got another thing coming once you finish high school, kid

>pewdiepie nut hugger doesnt get the point

Not surprised. Now fuck off broarmy

pointing out his trash attempt at being a troll means im rustled?

why hello new fag what a nice summer we're having

Sounds like you're upset because someone makes more money than you while doing something they enjoy.

Wow.. this thread again.
Is this 1 or 2 week of copypasta?

Another one for justice

Mr. user. May I get my money-earning-activity approved for "Job Status" please?

Summer always comes up with this kind of useless shit. Will this ever change?

Job =/= Career

>gets called out for being an underaged kid who watches pewdiepie and defending him on Sup Forums
>hurrrrrr UR JELOUSH

typical broarmy is typical. Why are you here again, broarmy?

Its so sad Sup Forums cant even cant a simple twitch raid together anymore :/

>just stating facts

lmao fucking retard

>this guy doesn't agree with me obviously he doesn't get the point
your point is that being a youtuber isn't a job, which is completely irrelevant you fuckboi he still makes a ton of money

But you'd have to unsubscribe to pewdiepie. Think you can handle it? Cuck.

Not defending anyone.
Some people make money playing sports,
Some people make money fixing cars,
Some people make money flying planes,
Some people make money programming software,
When someone makes money uploading YouTube videos everyday - all hell breaks loose.

Posting lame gifs wont prove anything you 9gagging underaged faggot. How old are you? You're clearly too young ro be on Sup Forums

I hope you're really enjoying your "job"!

Bump 4 u OP

also the only lets play channel that matters is the zaibatsu anyway

>defending pewdiepie like a feminist defending her equality
>nahhh bro im not defending anyone hehehhe :)

Lmao is this african-American serious?

Hello broarmy.

BROFIST. Hehhehheh.


im not sure if you're an insecure 16 year old or a 30 year old with way too much time on your hands

You're entitled to your opinion, and I will respect it.
Was a fun argument, cheers mate.

Op here. Don't worry about it. It was a bad idea. Appreciate the two guys who posted on Twitter though. Let the thread die please.

To be fair if he stopped uploading the reason must be that the game is a pile of shit.

Pussy op is pussy. Mind if i repost your thread then?

I'm no pewdiepie fan but no one fuckin cares either way what happens. It doesn't make sense to, so therefore, no one here cares enough to do a raid.

It's not being greedy, but it's called running a fucking YouTube channel

Sure. You don't need to ask. Just copy and paste it as you see fit.

I'm not even subscribed to him you dip. Can you handle having someone you seem to hate so much make more money than you without you bitching about it like a toddler who didn't get ice cream?

Aiight thanks :)

Listen up faggots. We'll continue this after this thread dies, so i can start a new one myself.

Maybe i should repost this tomorrow so no one suspects it's a repost?

Delete this thread, is so cringe.

What about that hobo Irish dude that charged his phone using fire? That was pretty cool. And less then a week old.

Or that black trump supporter that showed up in a thread after some Sup Forumsacks found a video him fighting with Bernie fucks?

Shit man this isnt even old.

Op here. Can't. Thread is too old


Ho ho ho you are mad :). Im just waiting for this thread to die ao i can start one myself.

I never knew he was so ugly. I mean I'm ugly too but holy fuck.

The only category of people who care about this enough to participate are people who BOTH like pewdiepie enough to pressure him into uploading a specific gameplay, but also hate him enough to be retarded cunts about it. Basically, the catagory I'm describing are the young pewdiepie fans, and there aren't a ton of those here.

Go ahead m8. When it dies off or ends in the exact same way just remember I said it would and then go to sleep tonight disappointed that you didn't get the attention you desperately crave.

alright smelly african, then go to sleep you dont need to announce it to the whole world

one off from quints you ugly cunt