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My dad is conservative scum. Wat do?

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Learn that he's right.

Islam is the most shitty oppressive violent ideology to ever disgrace the face of the earth.

respect your father. you need to go to church.

I'd rather he be a cuckservitive then a Libshit.

I think you mean radical islam bud. Extremely small percentage of Muslims support terrorism.

Jesus christ I hope you are kidding.

Wow. Somebody just saw someone use these terms yesterday and have been dying to force them into a conversation.

No he meant Islam. Even though 5% are radical, an overwhelming majority believe in sharia law. 11 Muslim countries execute gay people. Every place that is dominated by Islam is shit.

you need to go to church too.

Is executing gay people wrong?
>fucking cuck

that is a farcious and asinine assertion

This is non radical
They all need to be impaled

I understand you have your tounge up Milo's colon. Need to think for yourself though.

Death by stoning isnt even close to being remotely bad compared to how christian's have executed people in the past. The Muslims are primitive, not evil.

I found this, some of you guys might like it

Thanks, CAIR! I'm so glad you're here to remind us that the really hate killing innocent "people".

a righteous government has the authority to put sodomites to death if they do not repent. even if they repent they might still be put to death but their sins are forgiven because of repentance.

islam is heresy for blasphemy against Saint Peter.

No, I mean Islam.
Have you ever heard of the draconic monster known as Sharia law, or what it enforces? Sharia law is legislated use of the Quran in governmental form. Let's go over a few moderate Islamic laws.

> Jihad may be waged to spread Islam and force conversions — a holy war.
>A captive in jihad may be executed, enslaved, ransomed for money, exchanged for
other prisoners, or released freely.
>A woman captive of jihad may be forced to have to sex with her captors (now
> Slavery is allowed.
>A male owner may have sex with his slave-women, even prepubescent slave-girls.
>Apostasy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on anyone who leaves
Islam (an apostate).
>Blasphemy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on critics of Islam
or Muhammad.
>Homosexuals may be imprisoned, flogged, or executed.
>Adulterers may be stoned to death.
>A woman inherits half what a man does.
>A woman’s testimony in a court of law counts half of a man’s testimony, since she
might “forget.”
> Husbands may hit their wives.
> A mature man may marry a prepubescent girl.
>A woman must wear a head covering and maybe a facial veil, according to sound traditions
and authoritative classical law.

I could go on and on. These are fundamental teachings of the Quran. Not all Muslims though, right?

He said neither of those things. I mean, he's a dickbag and all... but he never said that shit in those words. At this point he doesn't care, and that makes him dangerous (more than usual).

>in the past
That's the operative phrase, huh? Last time a Christian burned a woman at the stake? Colonial times? Last time a Muslim burnt a 16 year old for not becoming a sex slave? Last week.

>Obama says background checks don't work.
Literally the opposite of reality. Obama has been pushing background checks as a major part of gun regulation from the beginning.

fucking hell dude
>being beaten to death with rocks is not that bad
fuck off abdullah

>M-muslims aren't THAT bad. Remember what Christians did before? That should wipe the slate clean for Islam

Another wanderer that is concerned about what was and not what is. Muslims carve the heads off babies and target mentally challenged people to execute. Just stop.

You Ameritards need to learn Islam and assault rifles both need to go

Introduce him to Sup Forums

quads dont lie

Learn to engage in political dialogue with people. If you believe your father to be wrong then have a discussion with him about why he feels that way, if you still think he's wrong after his POV then counter his argument with your own and attempt to change his mind.

and the ugly people losers that outnumber the popular people try to hurt the popular people the ugly way cause the ugly people losers is ugly and lame and smell like dog poop and cock block the popular people from acting or kill popular people the ugly way like biggie smalls cause is a hater cause is ugly and lame and smell like poo like beyonce so fuck the ugly people losers on tv and music
and the ugly people losers is too ugly to hurt the popular people with looks and try to hurt the popular people and the attrative loser people the ugly way cause the ugly people losers that got rejected by the popular people and is ugly as shit is ugly and lame and the ugly people losers that is too ugly to hurt the popular people with looks try to hurt the popular people the ugly way cause is ugly and lame and try to be better then everybody but the ugly people losers is ugly lame and smell like dog poop like beyonce and n tell ppl what to do and the ugly people losers is ugly as shit like the ugly guys losers that got rejected by the popular people and is ugly as shit and the ugly people losers think is better then everybody and the popular people even tho ugly and the popular people and attrative loser people pretend to like the ugly people losers to get things and so the popular people and the attrative loser people dont get hurt the ugly way cause the ugly people losers outnumber everybody and the ugly people losers hurt the popular people the ugly way cause the ugly people losers know the popular people pretend to like the ugly people losers to get things
thats why no point of doing anything
and the ugly guys losers is ugly and smell like poop like beyonce or dog poop

Yet there is a larger amount of Muslims who support the terrorists either materially or ideologically. Or they house the terrorists so they could stay hidden among them.

Why just assault rifles? Handguns are responsible for over 90% of all gun deaths. What about knives? We could be really progressive and require knife licenses like in Britain. I hear obesity is a problem as well. I think I'll write a letter to Obama and propose fast-food consumption licenses.

Who knows more anout the Quran, you or Bin Laden?

they say they don't support terrorism because to them killing infidels and gays isn't terrorism, its service to allah


Better yet, just let him think whatever he wants because it has nothing to do with you.

Usually when people turn 14 they realize that not everybody in the world has to agree with them.

10,000 not 100,000

Anti-Obama folks are really good at not doing research

There are points that conservatives have that I agree with.
Islam in its pure form is violent, and it is damaging. The westernized version is not so, and I have no issue with it.
Any ideology in this world that promotes murder and discrimination is not okay in modern society.
That includes more than Islam. All the abrahamic religions are unacceptable.

Here's a handy dandy book that will explain it all for you!

nor get in my way

Cause all those things include other uses. A 30 round magazine has no place in citizen hands, you can at least make an argument about pistols

Like it matters, the qu'ran is just like the bible: total bullshit interpreted to control men

Yum yum/ الله أكبر

i actually do, because hes dead you monkey

mentally challenged people need to die anyways. They dont contribute, and like an injured deer, only hold us back from advancing.

No, handguns are much more inaccurate and dangerous than rifles. Have you even fired either?

By decreasing magazine cap, you're only inhibiting the user's intentions, not preventing accidental deaths

Okay, make the argument. Why are 15 rounds okay, but not 30?

Your logic is that it's acceptable to have a weapon that can be used to kill 15 people, but not acceptable to kill 30.

A gun shop actually turn down Omar Mateen the Orlando Shooter but I need to go find some sauce on thst

>conservative scum

I know this whole topic is bait, but this phrase really lays out a common problem with progressives.

>You're a racist, bigoted, stupid conservative. You are wrong.
I don't quite understand how you can draw that conclusion. Would you like to listen to my arguments?
>HA! I don't need to listen to your stupid arguments. You are ignorant, so I don't even need to listen to what you have to say.

Just play the long game because, remember, you get to choose what home you put him in.

do your dad and the rest of us a favor
kill yourself

>My dad is conservative scum. Wat do?

Try growing a pair..

Or realize he's not your real dad because your mom needed a real man.

The same is vice versa, diehard conservatives are just as likely to plug their ears and go lalala as diehard progressives.

Omar got a gun asshole. we were told by Bill Clinton that the Brady Bill he so gleefully signed into law would solve all our problems.
well guess what fuckface it didn't.

europoor? opinion discarded.

I can't believe I just read this.

citation please

Realize he's right. Become conservative. Win at life.

sure kid

kys and do your dad a favor

All they would do is bring more mags, and add a few more seconds of reload time to the spree. Mag fed guns take 2-3 seconds to reload. Mag caps do almost nothing.

well first you should move out of the house and break all financial ties with him.

Sure there are lots of old shits and rednecks out there that actually are ignorant. The difference is that they don't call the other side ignorant while plugging their ears.
Being ignorant is one thing. It's something else entirely when you claim to found your arguments in logic and reasoning, use that to gain a feeling of superiority, then refuse to listen to the other side of the argument.

ho hum the lamest argument on the internet.

why don't you provide a source then?

Kill yourself, your dad would be proud. Fucking pussy


hey everybody its mister knowitall.

I'm not saying they are, I don't want these weapons in public hands at all

you just described 99% of posters on this board.

Okay, so no guns then. How about knives? Stabbing is a serious crime. There were over 1500 murders in 2012 by cutting or stabbing.

Should knives be regulated?

What race are you, if you don't mind me asking? And what religion do you identify with?

boy are you in for a surprise.

the 99% ladies and gentlemen.

stop disappointing your dad.

please cry for me, your tears are delicious.
ain't going to happen. gays are taking up arms.


you opened a can of whoop ass worms son.
ignore your dad, and form your own opinions!

OP, it's time you grow up and become a man.

If you're not a liberal by the time you're 18 you don't have a heart, but if you're not a conservative by the time you're 30 you don't have a brain.

>Form own opinions
>Just repeat what he hears from the young Turks and from his professor in lesbian basket weaving theory

You know that if you go that way, islamic terrorism was created by the US when making a contract post-war with the royal family for some oil

>If you're not a liberal by the time you're 18 you don't have a heart, but if you're not a conservative by the time you're 30 you don't have a brain.

Heh, dubs truth from user

except like all of em


Do your research, shithead.
you're exactly who he was talking about you thick fuck

I'm 30. The only people, among my friend's from high school through college, are one's that didn't get degrees. Every single one of my peers that finished their degree is a liberal.

From my experience, the only people that are conservatives are the one's who are literally too stupid to even.

your dad is a white supremacist nationalist
its too late for him

I'm a stupid fuck, what is a liberal and what is a conservative ?

Depends whether you're discussing fiscal, social, or judicial topics.

Generally, liberal is associated with prioritizing the individual over the whole while a conservative is concerned first with the overall system working efficiently

That's unfortunate. Does that excuse the current phenomenon? And what about terrorism in parts of the world that has nearly or no history with the middle east?

Having the balance of heart and brain is the key.
Too much following the heart will turn you into a victim, but too much following the mind makes us cold.
Have compassion and empathy with the good mind to look at things logically to solve them.


I think this place might be more your speed, kid.

> yuropoor
> thinks his opinion matters

That's a very idealistic stance. Almost utopian and out of touch.

We'll never reach a concensus on where the balance should be and even if we did, it would shift with time

Generalized nicknames for retards to call each other

saying 'liberals/conservatives are dumb' is stupid because there are so many issues to be liberal/conservative about. I'm liberal when it comes to gun control, conservative when it comes to immigration. Liberal when it comes to abortion but conservative on other things so it doesn't even make sense calling me either as a generalization

> lets ban a metal box with a spring in it! theres no way people could possibly replicate this technology!

dubs speaks the truth.

It's something that's very difficult to attain, but instead of clinging to left and right wings we should strive towards that balance.
I'm guilty of being so wrapped up in emotion that I can't see logic, it's something that I work constantly on.
If liberals and conservatives let go of the criticism and embraced each other's strengths we might actually get something done.

Islam is a cancer and needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth so we can progress as a species.

Stop being a cuck faggot.

That's one thing I've never understood. In areas without firearms, why aren't weapons like the slam bang/ four winds shotgun more common?
Can you imagine the havoc some idiot could wreak in the UK with an improvised firearm?

Being a muslim migrant going in all directions of the globe and asserting sharia law everywhere you go with no regard to the surrounding culture and scream discrimination to anyone who doesn't adhere to your rules IS terrorism.

>Step 1: Kill yourself
>Step 2: What are you fucking stupid? You're dead, there is no step two you fucking troglodyte.