Tight pants creepshot thread

tight pants creepshot thread

who dis






I have a bunch of OC creep videos on my phone. Up until a year ago I never heard of a webm. I want to convert my mp4 videos to webm's so I can share with Sup Forums. What is the easiest way to convert mp4's to webm's? And dont say google....just shoot it to me straight so we can get this done quickly and efficiently.

Anyone wanna trade OC on kik? Not interested in web finds.

just use your phone cable and plug it in to your computer, and just transfer.

most of this shit is some saggy ass pants step your game up /b

I can convert it to a webm when it is uploading to my computer from my phone? That does not sound right.

>trade on kik

Reported for underage



just do it if u can

Haha, okay nerd.



Some faggot posted his sister the other night and it turned in to some thread about his parents mid level home.

always flips that pic on mobile


Are you ok?! Why were you laying upside down?

This is from last week fuck.off bye.

From Brazil.



Where is this from? My gf looks like that and has those pants wanna rub one of to photos if she has secretly posted them or someone took them that so hot.




West Virginia














Transfer the videos from phone to computer. Converting the videos from phone storage will take longer.

Convert the videos that are now on your computer to webm. WebmBro, Webm for Retards/Bakas, XEncode, etc. program of your choice.

Remember - Sup Forums does not allow audio, the limit is 4MB. To shrink file size, lower the resolution, crop the video, and/or decrease the bitrate (all which can affect video quality however, play with setting to get a decent webm)




omg, look at these columns

Some more OC. Shot through a dirty window.
