Every now and then I come across a thread that asks why you don't carry a gun...

Every now and then I come across a thread that asks why you don't carry a gun. My question is has anybody here ever shot someone in self defense? If so how did it go down
>pic unrelated

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if you want to ask that question, go to

> Guy borrows money from me
>wants to open up a simple gym
> bitch better have my money
>callls his new place "self defense"
> had to shoot that nigga in his own gym
Mfw cops let me go because I shot sometime in self defense

k doesnt entertain such questions. Gun control stuff is off limits. Best bet is actually Sup Forums

Yesterday actually. I live in a very rural area and a bobcat was sneaking up on me. I shot near it and scared it off.

Not exactly a person, and I didn't hit it, but still feel like it saved my ass.

I shot my dick once. It was self defense.

I never shot anyone, i dont own a gun.

I did carry a hammer.

Im walking, car pulls up, guy gets out and pulls a gun, i hunched down in fear, begged him not to shoot me, he laughed, and i hit him in the side of the head, he fell down, i hit him twice more in the same spot, and walked away.

I threw the hammer in a fire till the wood handle was burnt away, and threw the head in a lake.

Paperwork is a hassle.

Imagine, if that story had been true and you had been carrying a gun, you could have shot him instead.

in 1988 I was 18.
I married a 40yr old woman
He ex-husband came to the house to see her.
She goes on porch to talk to him
He punches her in the face.
I grab 12 gauge out of closet by front door and walk on porch and shoot him in the lags with #4 bird shot
He falls off porch and I turn around to go call cops
He sits up shoots me in the back 4 times (hit in upper right back...lower left leg x2 and one bullet ricocheted off my rib and exited under my arm
I turned around an unloaded the other 5 shot into him

Reminds me of the hammer scene from Orphan

you murdered your ex- husband because he hit your wife. You're literally a monster.

Armed carry =paper work
Registering the firearm
>oh shit i shot someone
say good bye to literal weeks of my life in a bullshit legal process.

>oh shit i shot some thug kid

Now its all over the news, its a big deal, one more thing in the paper.

People have second opinions from knives, no body has one from a hammer to the head.

I am a Muslim, and being gay makes me feel insecure since being gay is evil in Islam. I'm supposed to kill all the gay people. So I went to this nightclub. But guns were illegal and I couldn't get one. So instead I made a huge bomb and killed over two hundred at once.
It was self-defense. They were attacking Islam by being gay.

But I have to say, I strongly support gun control. I don't want anyone to be able to stop Muslims from killing everyone around them in self defense for insulting their religion by not obeying it.

Maxwell, is that you?

I dont know what that is, it just seemed the most efficient thing i could stuff in my pants.


I didnt press the "r" key right

Real muslim here, i want gun control so you scary rednecks wont shoot me for my culture and religon.

I went to court and the judge fined me 500$ for "Discharging a firearm within city limits"
He said the only reason I was not going to prison was I shot him in the legs first...I tried to disable him first....not kill him ...until he shot me

Check out her instagram fam

>be 6 months ago
>methed out shithead comes walking in my door
>catches wife coming out of shower
>shithead trying to steal tv
>be me
>hear wife scream that someone is in the house
>grab gun
>come out see shithead trying to flee
>open fire
>catch shithead in knee cap and lower back near kidney
>call cops
>shithead found half a block away
>tfw I live in Oklahoma and "Stand Your Ground exists
>tfw I had to fill out paperwork
>tfw Shithead is in jail, I am not.


Here you go

red state confirmed. good for the judge.

deets on your weapon and ammo pls

the feel is guilt to do with trying to kill someone who was running away, right?


> about 3 am
> Still tossing and turning in bed
> Hear creaking
> see shadow in hallway
> Hopefully not ghost
> Grab gun from n-stand, load 2 bullets
> all I have time for
> Shadow getting closer
> Stand in corner of room
> See person enter room
> fire twice
> Can tell I hit my target because my mom was screaming.

That's how I killed my mom, thinking she was a spooky skeleton.

Someone got more of her? Doesn't have to be nudes just pics.
>me in a car
>driving my sis to work
>She gets out of the car and walks away
>want to get back in lane when suddenly someone passes me really close and cuts my lane
>Gets out of the car with a baseball bat and walks towards me
>scared af I lock the doors
> guy breaks my window and pulls me out of the window
>got a knife with me
>stabbed the guy while I was apologizing
>got into my car and drove of asap
>had to break the front door so I can tell my parents it was an accident, and not a fight
>Next day on local newspaper main article
>guy didn't die
>got away with it
>Never drove a car since then

and this is why people shouldnt have guns lol

fucked up

Why did you open fire? The idea of self-defense is to stop if the nigger is fleeing or walking away. It was overkill m9.


Who is this girl ?

how the hell is that self-defense?

A year and a half a go i Was leaving work(nursefag here kinda important to know). Walking to car homeless chick keeps telling me she is sick. I tell her to go to the er, even tho i know thats not what she means. I think she thought i had opiods or whatever she wanted on me. Lunged at me when i was getting into the car. Grabbed my 38 ruger lcr out of the glove box. Turn around and she takes off like a bat out of hell. Realize an hour later the cunt stole my shears and glasses out of my bag.

Well..when the other dude is fucking dead, it's hard to have an alternate story...

illinois prison guard

been in that rat hole for over 15 years

to my recollection there has been over a dozen warning shots fired in the camp since i started.

the majority of the warning shots has been in the last 5 years.

a good question is what OP asked.

a better question is what will it take to make you understand that there are 2 kinds of people and 2 kinds of animals

predator and prey
which one are you?

who needs guns when our lord protects us
hail skelator
Skelator's army thread


praise skelator

look, we found a living neanderthal specimen.

Making it appear like self-defense is still not self-defense.
"My question is has anybody here ever shot someone in self defense?"

says the prey

My waifu

wow that's a lot of edge...
Careful you don't cut yourself.

Nogunz identified.

Yeah, defending my families honor.

That's self defense right? My sister got raped - so we had to put her down.

cool story kid

With socialism, democrats, and gun control on the rise, I'd say get one before you're not allowed to anymore personally. Their goal is to rid everyone of their arms so they cant fight back if anything arises.

enjoy living in your world, i'll live in mine.

oh, and join the army.

sure kid

implying either of these events happened.

Too bad sandnigger

man you one butthurt little bitch. let's see them panties.

well i hope for your sake, i am wrong.

if i am, i lose nothing, I'll just be a lil too "overprotected" and possibly paranoid.

but if I'm right. . . ever seen prey die happy?
neither have I

Wrong. The idea of self-defense is, when you're threatened, to end that threat. You can't be expected in the heat of the moment to sit there second-guessing whether your attacker is really fleeing, or if he's going for cover so he can shoot back at you, or if he's going to get a weapon of his own or his friends to come kill you. The only times you're obligated to stop shooting are when doing so would recklessly endanger someone who isn't attacking you, or when the attacker puts his hands up and surrenders.


It's real
Search Νανά Καραγιάννη
She is Greek

>underrated post


why are you so retarded. do you really believe in the illuminati?

beauty comes in all sizes

Illuminati isnt real... kek. Socialism is though.

you degenerate

literally fuck your own face. fucking retard.

socialism is real, but i don't think it is what you think it is.

They are real man

lol faggot please kill yourself. If you know they're trying to flee and you continue to shoot you're just out for blood and a horrible person.

Sure she's hideous, but it's not like she's just anorexic or something. She literally has a disease that makes her body unable to store fat.

Don't listen to any of this.

State law defines what you can and can't do.

jesus fucking christ are you some sort of autistic cowboy? according to your story this happened in 1988 shit like this would NEVER happen in 2016.

>Nigger with a gun moves away from me after shooting my wife in the face
>Could be fleeing, or could be going for cover
>I better not shoot just in case
You, sir, are the faggot. I explicitly explained that in many cases you can't be sure whether or not the attacker is really fleeing, and even the police will gun someone down based on the mere suspicion that if they get away they'll hurt someone else.
Technically true. I wasn't claiming to explain what's legal or not though, just what self-defense means. You need to educate yourself about what's legally permissible where you are so the state doesn't fuck you in the ass for defending yourself.

so suddenly the guy has a gun and shot your wife in the head?
previously you stated he was just trying to steal a tv when your wife came out of the shower and noticed him.

also if someone shot your wife and you run after them to empty your mag in their back instead of helping your wife, calling an ambulance and police, you're still not defending anything.

Because I'm not that user, retard. I was replying to your shitty definition of what the idea of self defense is.

I asked a similar question on Sup Forums and in Sup Forums this past week... A bit more broad....
>have you ever been in a situation where having a gun actually helped you with your safety and security

No one had in either thread.

You're an idiot. You don't simply allow an armed intruder who just shot your family member to wander around your house while you sit there and call 911. If you have a shot you take it, and then call for help.

But it doesn't define what you should and shouldn't do

>be me
>sleeping and dreaming of big tits bitches
>startled away by loud noise
>not hearing any noise
>what the fuck over
>hear noise again
>front door was just hit really fucking hard
>I'm awake now
>go time
>grab 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 3" 00 buckshot magnum shells
>hear front door hit again
>front door makes another noise as it slams open into the wall
>thumb safety off
>leave lights off
>exit bedroom
>hear chimp noises
>noises getting closer
>see flashlights moving and getting closer
>a nigger appears in the end of the hallway
>nigger looking into guest bedroom
>unload 3 shells into wild nigger
>nigger goes down limp
>hear second wild nigger screaming more chimp noises as it runs off

I had to deal with the cops, wait for what was left and what was hamburgered of that nigger to be scraped up and removed, resecure my door till the jamb could be replaced and door replaced. I still had nigger mess to clean up and drywall repairs and painting to do while dealing with the system. All the while the second nigger was never caught much less IDed. Concerning since the dead nigger had an illegal pistol on him.

In the end, I live in a state with stand your ground and the castle doctrine. Nothing legal happened to me but I've traded a lot of time and money to be alive still. My concern is a pack of niggers coming for revenge. Fucking niggers.

I shot my bully. I was 15. Got two shots at him. First one missed. Second one got him in the back. He died. I got away with it since he had broken my face once. No one has picked on me since

In many cases, it's self-fulfilling safety. If you carry a gun, you probably live in an area where doing so is socially acceptable. If you live in an area where legally carrying a gun is socially acceptable, you're less likely to ever end up in a situation where you would need the gun.

>I'm glad guns are easy to get where I live so I can use my guns to be safe from people with guns
>But the gun was illegal so obviously it wouldn't matter if gun control
>No the fact that illegal gun trade drops off and eventually almost dies out in every single country with strict gun control doesn't matter to me

I swear, every single one of you dumb fucks

>f you live in an area where legally carrying a gun is socially acceptable, you're less likely to ever end up in a situation where you would need the gun.
I know you gunfags believe this but Is there any good data to back that up?

I'm talking after he's fleeing. You idiot.

I'm still alive little roo fucking abo lover.

It's a far different world outside of your pathetic shithole of an island. Try learning about the world instead of shoving vegemite up your pretentious ass.

Tell me how well your theory worked in France at the Bataclan or Charlie Hebdo office? Guns don't vanish and never will, just like niggers.

Fucking idiot.

That's just not true, the people who have the least likelihood of ever needing a gun are people in countries where there are no fucking guns, christ, I live in Australia and sure I have to deal with animals that can kill me most days but at least I don't have to worry about random people carrying incredibly efficient personal weapons

Define fleeing, you moron. Fleeing down the hall towards your kid's room? Fleeing towards another room but away from the front door? Fleeing in the general direction of the front door but who really the fuck knows if he actually intends to leave? You're the fucking idiot for thinking every situation is just black and white fleeing or not fleeing and thinking you can magically tell the difference, you stupid fuck.

Who the fuck uses bird shot? What the fuck were you hunting? Pro tip. Buckshot works better

Your idea of "needing a gun" is pretty narrow. What if you're a small woman and a big dude starts following you on the street? Uh-oh, you're in Australia and you still might need a gun, even though the other guy doesn't have one. If you brandish your mace and some big abo still tries to rape you, guess what, you don't have a gun you're getting raped.

No you're right, those isolated incidents that mostly have to do with the issue of terrorism (which in case you can't understand is an entirely different thing to gun control) totally make up for the fact that there hasn't been a mass shooting by in my country since the one that made us turn to gun control or that since we instituted it our death rate by firearms is about 0.9 in 100,000 people while yours is around 10.5
Gun control works, the numbers back it up, common sense backs it up and basic logic backs it up
There are only four reasons anyone would be against it
Useless Bravado
Or the desire to kill a person

> I'm glad to live in a country where I could get shot by a random criminal anywhere
> "take France for instance where the only shooters came from another country with their weapons"

Despite having more migrants and arabs in perspective than the US, the shooting don't happen that often, while in the US a shooting happen once a week, either by a random edgy kid or a criminal or a terrorist. Explain to me how your situation is better than France, faggot.
You can't even think of the possibility to purge the country of guns, how stupid is that.

"death by firearm" is a retarded stat only used by retards. Guess what, the vast majority of those are suicides, who would otherwise just eat a bottle of pills. kys, with pills probably since you live in a faggot country that doesn't believe in the individual right to self-defense.

bobcat or mountain lion?
was it ruddy and spotted
or scary and pic related

I dunno, birds? Maybe?

Mace is probably illegal there.

what do you think gun control means?
it dosent mean taking guns away, it means only letting people who should own a gun have one.... the people who are included in that select group dont like tuscan raiders... so really, if you think guns are bad, wait til a redneck goes and gets some TNT



But peaceful.

i understood this reference