Why are Polish people such niggers? Honestly these cunts are the inbred retards of Europe

Why are Polish people such niggers? Honestly these cunts are the inbred retards of Europe.

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>inbred retards of Europe

you mean Russia?

butthurt german?

Because once upon a time the Nazi's came and cut their breeding pool in half


Poland isn't that bad.

Fun fact. A sizeable portion of West Poland used to be part of Germany not too long ago.

You are fuck OP.
Poland is the best

Polfag here.

Top fucking kek OP

If you dislike Poland you are most likely a nigger or even worse a sandnigger. This is literally heaven to live in if you hate multiculuturalism,feminism and all this modern bullshit.

Honestly right now I wouldn't change living in Poland for anything

Did I mention that nigger in Poland is also pretty rare shit to see?

Britbong here , poles are the only ones I like from the continent

German here. They can keep that for now. Once Russia and Germany set their differences aside, we share this with our brothers and sisters from Russia. And Poland will vanish from the map once again.

Fun fact. A sizeable portion of Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuana used to be part of Poland not too long ago.

Polish MILF

That is only because Poland is a shithole no one bother to move into.Have fun getting stabbed to death for vodka and having your organs sold to the black-market valodja

Well, they save Europe from being raped by sandniggers once, Ottomans almost cum inside you europe

How can you be proud to be part of this shithole in the middle of Europe? Seriously, polish (note the lack of capital letter) people haven't achieved anything in the past. Only thing you'll find there is religious fucktards with a maximum height of 5 feet. My dick is bigger than the majority of polish asswipes.

>Did I mention that nigger in Poland is also pretty rare shit to see?
So where you buy your weed then?

Shut up kurwa

god i wish i lived in poland

They stole this shit from us. As a reparation for a war they started in the first place.

From white niggers (soccer fans) called "dresy (tracksuits)"

>Honestly these cunts are the inbred retards of Europe.

Oh, you're Jewish! Why didn't you say so?

there funny

Polish people are hot as fuck

in the ghettoooooooo
as the snow flies

Being Polish is a state of mind more than settling on specific area. Poles are what they are: primitive, sociopathic, dirty and cruel. Still their existence is essential for Germans and Russians who hate each other and they need Poles between them.

Well guess what Tommy boy? Nobody likes you. So fuck off the EU and deal with your shitty economy and your shitty small gene pool full of retarded fuck faces.

[email protected]

>I fucking love Sup Forums

>oh vey, why don't the Poles let us destroy their nation with diversity? That's anti-semitic.

Kek, i hope this shit is satire

Poles are based. Post Polish cuties.


Pick one.

you are Polish yoursefl and you just one sad motherfucker. Dont blame others for your pathetic life.

>He hasn't been to the Balkans



Nazis came thru and murdered the upper class, political leaders, scientists, engineers, artists, educators, patriots, clergyman, etc.
Then, they stole wealth, art, historical documents and looted or destroyed museums, etc.
Essentially Nazi tried to erase culture and leadership of Poland.
Nazi almost did Poland like Americans did to Native Indians in early times of country

musisz być bardzo biedny skoro każdy polski tread spamujesz zdjęciami tej laski.
niech zgadnę , dała ci kosza bo masz penisa na 5 cm ?

Fun Fact: Poland doesn't have any moozlims problems. Guess why? They don't let the dirty murderers into the country.

youtube.com/channel/UCIIuPvhfvs6zvlUMhPbAjEw whole channel kek

>mfw yuropean ancestry



Ale ona serio jest z polski?

Really? There literally about 20 other shit hole eastern parts of Europe that are 10 times worse than Poland. Poland is fine in comparison to say that cancerous shit hole Romania.

Fun Fact: Poland doesn't have "trailer parks"

Sucked in german dog

Fun Fact: Poland doesn't have "detroit" buildings or lazy inhabitants of any shades of dark.

You've already been outed once, Jew.

Łódź, Radom. Also tracksuits are basically the niggers of Poland.

LMAO i'm a 1st worlder (west european) and i think poland is the most disgusting shithole. it's poor, full of ugly cunts and dumb people. every little shit kid in poland is so proud to be polish, yet you are one of the worst countries in europe

kys retard

Poland is the EU country with the least number of middle Easterners.

It is also the only EU country with a positive GNP growth.


That title has been stolen from them by much worse inbred retards currently flooding Europe.

>10% of Poland's pre-WW2 population was Jewish
>post-WW2, all gone
>tfw the Germans managed to ethnically cleanse the most genetically dirty country in Europe at the time
What wouldn't you do for German efficiency?

That's because they already are just that

I hope Germany is going to wipe out their genetical chesspool.

Germand can't do shit with a traitor like Merkel at the helm

Fun Fact: Bitter Jews have been waging secret war in Poland since after ww2. They collude with other governments (including US, Russia, Germany) in murder Polish President in "plane crash."
Polish constantly denied entry into US until the individual is old as shit.
Jews pissed off because they demanded lands, properties, wealth accounts after ww2. They offer NO proof or evidence that it belonged to them.
This is like USA blacks say we were slaves, now give us reparations. Even tho it was generation ago and not every black is from slave parents.

If you hate muslims Poland is the way to go, literally 90% people here are against muslim immigrants, feminism is non existant here, mulitculturalism is just a legend in these lands

>hating on Poland
>hating on muslims
>hating on Poland

can't have it both ways, pick one

tfw only muzzies I see are the ones selling donner kebab

I was going to defend you but I guess I'm not going to.

>17.6 Croatia

Fuck off, nigger.


[email protected]

Simple rule. Don't be a total fag and you're fine.

imagine how shittyy poland is ...
even syrian sandniggers doesnt want to move there ...



Prostytutka, aktorka porno czy chętny MILF?

Polish people look like genetic mistakes, they either have these weird big round heads, big noses or balding. Some of the girls are good looking, but are usually mental cases.

>hating on

Wrong. Irishfag here. We're the niggers of Europe and proud of it

Let's be niggers of europe together.

siema ma ktos moze dobre ziolko w bydgoszczy tak na teraz zaraz???

>Did I mention that nigger in Poland is also pretty rare shit to see?

Nice tbh fam

Skoro nie możesz sam znaleźć to oznacza że jesteś podwiekiem.

moja foczka, sorry za jakosc, ale z kamerki, fapujcie do tego wszyscy

Well to fucking bad Shitland is infiltrated with wanna-be nazi edgelord dumbfucks who'd kill anyone who is just one skin tone away from theirs.
Fuck you poorlacks

skoro nie potrafisz ogarnac swoim malym rozumkiem ze mozna byc nowym w miescie bez kontaktow to bys nie pierdolil takich farmazonow

Od czego jest tor?


Opowiedz mi troszkę o niej anonie

jesli sa tam kontakty do typow a nie wysylka to spoko

These are so called “worse God’s children” representatives (PiS), elected by rural and outskirts Poland, and –for the first time – also municipal voters. Neoliberals leaded by Donald Tusk, who flew away to Brussels, were stripped of good connection with voters thanks to Tusk’s good rhetoric skills and failed. Then they (PiS) came.

Polish Army are fucking badass. They successfully defeated triple suicide bomber attack on small coalition FOB in Afghanistan. Young US soldiers died fighting to protect Contractors. Polish killed every last one enemy. Attackers pretended to be soldiers but Polish saw they had non regulation footwear. But this was distraction because at this time base perimeter breached in two other places by faggot suicide bombers.
TLDR: call what you will, but Polish not cowards
PC to Polish is "Polish Correctness"

Zdziwisz się, kolega raz dostał przesyłkę na imię (miasto) nazwisko (miasto) z miasta (miasto) bez spiny.

Noice. I am boner now.

to zajebiscie tylko ze tak powiem smak bardzo cisnie i czekanie za paczka nie bardzo wchodzi w gre

Kek. Syrians die at the border. Entry denied.

stay strong Pols, don't let euro traitors and kikes get their hands on you. You're an inspiration to all other white nations.

Love from Murica

Mało prawdopodobne że ktoś ci da kontakt więc musisz popytać ludzi na ulicy (w najgorszym przypadku osiedlowych dresiarzy)

wole nie brac od byle kogo byle czego, takie rzeczy czlowiek robil jak byl mlody i glupi

Poland is fucking awesome, been there 2 weeks and didnt see a single nigger.

Its..... Refreshing.

przez takich zjebów żygam polską, banda nacjo-retardów, którzy myslą że są wielkimi patriotami, a tak naprawde cofaja nas do sredniowiecza, chuj w dupe wszystkim onrowcom i im podobnym brunatnym koszulom

Niestety, kontakty ma się zazwyczaj od znajomych

Szatan przemówił

szatan był lewakiem also mówi prawde


Anyone that is against Poland sucks a muslim dick

proove me wrong

protip: you can't

syrians doesnt want to move to poland not because of polish defence but they just see no reason to move there
dying on the way to german border is better then moving to poland