>The Worst Guys
ITT: Turn a bad album into a GOAT 5-track EP
>a bad album
umm yeah++®
>Ultralight Beam
>Real Friends
>No More Parties in LA
>Saint Pablo
Not A BAD album by any means, just weaker compared to her others.
>Pleasure Is All Mine
>Who Is It?
>Sonnets/Mouths Cradle
>Triumph of a Heart
Forgot the fucking picture.
God damn it that little penguin bitch Pablo is back....
I hate ultralight beam so fucking much, he fucking ruined chance by putting him on that gospel shit
>not including Father Stretch My Hands, Pt. 1
>White Worms
>No More Shame, No More Fear, No More Dread
>Small Red Boy
>When I'm a Dead Boy
TLOP is near perfect
>Two of Us
>Dig a Pony
>The Long and Winding Road
>Across the Universe
>Let It Be
>I am a God
>I am a God
>I am a God
>I am a God
>I am a God
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
West Coast
Sad Girl
Pretty When You Cry
hurry up with my damn croissant
>On Sight
>Black Skinhead
>New Slaves
>Guilt Trip
>Bound 2.
>calling anything released by Beatles bad
>their final album that showcased their individual strengths better than anything possibly could have, the album that kicked off three of the most perfect careers and Ringo's life as a rock star
No picture for you just seppuku yourself loser
>Yellow Brick Road
>Like Toy Soldiers
>One Shot Two Shot
Breaking Glass
What in the World
Sound and Vision
Always Crashing in the Same Car
>Enofags will disagree
this but with I Am A God and Blood on the Leaves instead of Guilt Trip and Bound 2
>Implying the Beatles have no bad albums
>not including Rain Man
but user, this album is perfect
>Guilt Trip
Senpai why must you do this to me.
>21s Century Breakdown
>East Jesus Nowhere
>Restless Heart Syndrome
>The Static Age
>The Heart's Filthy Lesson
>A Small Plot of Land
>Hallo Spaceboy
>The Motel
>Strangers When We Meet
>Till I Get There
>Beautiful Lasers (2 Ways)
>All Black Everything
>I'm Beamin'
>Shining Down
Replace Saint Pablo with Fade then yeah
>Ten Thousand Hours
>Make The Money
>Neon Cathedral
>Jimmy Iovine
>White Walls
>implying there are five good songs on this album
>All In a Day's Work
>Loose Cannons
>Deep Water
>For the Love of Money
>Talking To My Diary
>Keep The Family Close
>U With Me?
>Weston Road Flows
>Fire & Desire
>Hotline Bling
I wanna listen to this now. It looks QUITE dandy.
It ain't jazz my man. It's a good album though.
>the most cringe post in the western imageboard canon
gratz, you did it
>not jazz
Hype was better than U With Me?
>I'll Still Kill
>Curtis 187
>Ayo Technology
>Straight To The Bank
>All Of Me
On sight
Black skinhead
I'm in it
Send it up
Bound 2
Now we just went from a 4/10 to a 8/10
I can't believe I forgot one of my most hated albums.
>Imaginary Player
>Streets Is Watching
>Who You With 2
>You Must Love Me
>Eulogy For a Rock Band
>The British Are Coming
>I've Had It Up To Here
>Foolish Father
>It's Tricky
>My Adidas
>Raising Hell
>You Be Illin'
>Walk This Way
>Ambitionz az a Ridah
>2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted
>California Love
>Can't C Me
>Life Goes On
>Liquid Swords
>4th Chamber
>Investigative Reports
>AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted
>Who's the Mack?
>The Nigga Ya Love to Hate
>It's a Man's World
>Endangered Species (Tales from the Darkside)
This album only gets worse if you take off songs
A Night at the Opera
1 - Death on Two Legs
2 - I'm in Love With My Car
3 - You're My Best Friend
4 - The Prophet's Song
5 - Bohemian Rhapsody
Pleb Filter.
>Izzo (H.O.V.A.)
>Jigga That Nigga
>U Don't Know
>A Bad Album
>Renegade is one of the 'good' tracks and not one of the few duds on there.
Do you guys actually listen to anything like this? Making a playlist of a condensed version of the album. If so, what?
On the right track
>Paranoid Android
>Subterranean Homesick Alien
>Climbing Up the Walls
>No Surprises
>I'm In Love With My Car
Worst song on the album
Replace it with Love Of My Life
>21st Century Schizoid Man
>I Talked To The Wind
>In The Court Of The Crimson King
>White Ferrari
It's one of the best hip hop albums of the damn decade. A near perfect album.
>Living Proof
>It's Just A Pop Song
>Falling Out of Love With Me
Brooklyn Baby is the best Lana song though. The album starts off really well so I'd go with something like
Cruel World
Shades of Cool
Brooklyn Baby
Pretty When You Cry
Florida Kilos
Please please me is a decent album. A much better example would've been Beatles For Sale.
Still shitty as fuck
>not including Turn Off the Radio
>not including Peter Piper
>not including I Ain't Mad at Cha
None of the albums above are bad btw.
I don't think it's a bad album really, but if it was an EP it should be:
>(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)
>No Sleep till Brooklyn
>Paul Revere
>Hold It Now, Hit It
>Brass Monkey
Ultralight Beam should be the last track and I think pt. 2 should be included imo.
>Saint Pablo,
>pt. 2,
>real friends,
>ultralight beam
but that's not bad at all.
>Talk About It
>It's All On Me
>Deep Water
>Talking To My Diary
I think the album's great, by the way
Since when were these albums considered bad?
>no Letting Go
whatver though, that album is irredeemable
Honestly, all the songs on Ok Computer besides the ones that I listed were boring.
>The Brown Stains
>Blow My Load
He's right tho
Coloring book was ass
>Holidays in the Sun
>God Save the Queen
>Anarchy in the U.K.
>Pretty Vacant
Those are the worst tracks holy shit
What's wrong with you?
>Summer Friends
>Same Drugs
>Finish Line / Drown
>implying Medulla isn't her best album
Top pleb
Bad opinions
>Singer makes Vespertine and Homogenic
>Medulla is her best
Why friend, why?
(But yeah you're right about the guys being wrong about Blueprint and Low)
>I Know There's Gonna Be Good Times - Single
(The Blueprint post was another guy I'm sorry I'm fucking up)
The album version of Wolves is so shit.
>Hammer Dance
>My Life
>Throw It Away
It's emo
Which album version
>The Burglars
>Golden Gal
>Hey Now!
>Don't Look Back In Anger
>Some Might Say
>Morning Glory
>Champaign Supernova
>King Push
>Numbers on the Board
this album has some seriously grimy fuckin tracks but it's weighed down by a bunch of poppy songs that miss the mark
>The Crying Game
>Get On Your Knees
>Four Door Aventador
>Bed Of Lies
>Grand Piano
>Bulletproof Heart
>The Only Hope For Me Is You
>Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back
>The Kids From Yesterday
>Vampire Money
>Lit Like Bic
>No Flex Zone
>This Could Be Us
>Up Like Trump
>No Type
>Breadcrumb Trail
>Nosferatu Man
>Don, Aman
>Good Morning, Captain
>Burning In The Skies
>When They Come For Me
>Robot Boy
>Wretches & Kings
>Space Oddity
>Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
>The Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud
>Memory of a Free Festival
The other tracks are mostly filler. Cygnet Committee is okay, that could probably be interchangeable with Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed.
The album was mostly rushed anyways. Had to capitalize on the success of Space Oddity. There's a reason it sold poorly.
Also you forgot Planetary[GO!] and Party Poison.
and Summertime
and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
AND Na Na Na
...As someone who loves the album, you chose some pretty damn good best tracks for the condensed version.
You may not like it as much as I do but I respect your opinion. Nice choices, user.
(Though honestly I'd swap Janine with Cygnee)
>St. Anger
>Invisible Kid
>Some Kind of Monster
>The Unnamed Feeling
Renegade is fucking terrible
1. Heart of the City
2. U Don't Know
3. All I Need
4. Girls, Girls, Girls
5. Takeover
Drop SNITCH for the Big Sean / 2 Chainz track. Both guest verses were ass but that beat is fucking amazing