Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not Sup Forums, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>Unless the insults involve old men and money
>3D is almost always trash
>Down with democracy
>Most importantly, have fun!
Waifu claiming thread
Maybe, who knows.
>Decide to take visor off and ACTUALLY clean it properly rather than just wiping it off
>Waiting for it to dry off, look at helmet
>Left side visor clip screws are practically falling out
Miho claimed
>Implying I'm gonna post my waifu to a bunch of desesperated losers neckbeards cucks
thats an ass user
Still here
kagami claimed!!!
Claimed, what up everyone
still here
Tristana claimed
Minumin claim
>other than the fast bpm.
I had them really really loud.
>Somehow that isn't my own fault.
Heyo Anomaly, I hope you had fun at the gym.
Was this on 40xhues?
Sounds really familiar.
So, you got the job finally?
I'm sure it'll be helpful, and I'll try to be around by then, don't worry.
(90 cent megumeme)
ill try, no promises tho :^)
It's a pretty different take from Noisia but I like this remix much better than theirs.
Akiko claimed
Hey Mugen, how's it going?
Please let me cum, p-please let me cum...
Ah shiet, that sucks mang
Is it gonna be a pain to repair?
What have I started?
I wish ye luck in your quest
Dat ass grab.
Woah dewd, lewd. Other person...talk to another person
Kirino is mine get the fuck out
Welp, I hope it isn't too late there or that you didn't disturb anyone with that.
>90 cent megumeme
So doesnt that mean megumin is 50 cents
thats even more ass user
please no
c-could you repair my cock? P-Please?
Nah, already fixed it. Just needed to screw them back in and make sure they're tight. But with how loose they were, my visor could have popped off at any time. Having my visor pop off on the freeway would make for a less than pleasant ride...
>Do we swimsuit edition?
Not yet... This Monday going to a warehouse for a graveyard packaging shift.
40hrs/week with potential overtime.
So my posting times and sleep patterns might change drastically.
Don't worry, I still will try to make time for you and waifu. More you though.
> Tuesday
Sorry, I guess I was excited. If you need till Thursday, I can be patient and wait for you.
Oh yea, its best adc. How goes dunking scrubs?
did it break or something
mugi is this you
B-But your my only hope!... P-Please, let me cum!...
Sneaky ass grabbing.
Well I'm outta here.
thanks i'll need it
Why drive a motorcycle when you can fly
top kek!!!
Good. ~
Thank you, but already got that one somewhere in my folder
At least you got to repair it in time~
>we swimsuit?
O damn
Ayyyyyeeeeeeeee! Don't try to covert waifus cause shinoa is great. But I wouldn't mind sharing like before;)
Totally fine! Whatcha making or made
Should be like $30
Hope you're not wearing black
Animal documentaries are great. Sorry for super slow replies
S-Somebody threw a wrench in my... G-Groin... A-And it hurts...
It started pouring rain on my way back home, but didn't really matter considering I took a shower afterwards.
Oh now you've done it.
Time to play Noisia again.
Damn, that's nice. ~~
Hinata claimed
>Animal documentaries are great
A few years ago my old buddies and I would get really high and watch nature documentaries.
Seriously tho. Good times.
You sick fucks need help.
Know that feel.
Swimsuit time?~
>Solid disc rotors
>No chain
>Not even a belt or shaft drive
>Illegal lights
>Tires of questionable quality
>Forks not going to center of wheel
Aesthetic/10, would not take off showroom floor.
Yep. Makes me want to take a gander at my other helmets and make sure.
>Apparently we swimsuit now
$30 is a lot for me at the present moment.
I am...
>I need to get a better ventilating jacket
This sounds a little RHCPish.
Maybe flying gets boring after doing it for a while.
I've relistened to my favourite Feed Me releases today, it's been a while. Electric Mountain, Big Adventure and To the Stars sound so much better as an album than singles.
high tier meme
Rory-sama claimed
"Teki wa ikuman"
"Thousands of enemies may come"
A pretty well known propaganda song.
I don't remember what you're responding to, sorry
Nice pic
Probably, too bad I don't have many pics
It's probably a good idea
>I'm not complaining
Just coasting atm. Haven't played today because soccer game is on. Und you?
You can get help from this guyHello
I really like those songs mane, they're great
Getting close
>Don't have many swimsuit pics myself
>watching documentaries high
Space and shit are my favourites for that.
You like my waifu?
thank you!!! kek
Chefbro or new?
Oh nice, i never kept up with sports sadly. Did your team win? I just got back from a date. It was pretty awkward
Math lectures.
I know, I know.
>MATHS for you EU cucks
Shit is fucking logical and complex and ... Fucking math man.
The waifu nobody claims
>The waifu that didn't deserve to die
Reminds me that I may need a new helmet. Had the same one for four years now and Im starting to hear a rattle in the top. Everything else is still solid about the helmet though.
Maths is easy when you learn how to sequence the equations.
>what are you rolling for?
You're welcome, kind user
>already running low on swimsuits
big nord cock on petite blue amateur
I think mine would be One Click Headshot, Cott's Face and Love Is All I Got, considering those were the first ones I ever heard from them.
I don't really recall when was the last time I played any military marches, if we don't count like ironically playing them whilst playing some Company of Heroes 2.
Maths is quite honestly the bain of my damn existance
Anything is easy if you know how to do it, Rory.
Explaining it simply is another challenge itself.
>VERY low on swimsuits
You'll find out~
Kek I remember my first and last high
>spends all that money on that drank
Oh fuck dude
And some ventilating clothes too
It's fine. It was about you working at one fire station
>the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain the bain
Hinata, right? I'm indifferent to all nardo foremen, except origami girl
>My team lost yesterday to penalties, such an anticlimactic win. Both teams ripped. >Today's game, Argentina ripped Venezuela 4-1
>Share date details ples as in what made it awkward
What's up?
Oh yeah, now I remember
I have no pic left ;-;
woah son please sit down and take deep breaths
maybe count to 10 slowly if that isnt too much maths for you
My dick, that's whats up.
Shinoa we need a Short talk about your tiny temper
>dat character progression doh
Ok, well you should take care of that
>Ruri is too busy to post
It is to be expected.
>Last swimsuit
Gotcha, how are things? Are you currently making anything right now?
Thats pretty dumb, rip penalties
Well neither of us had ever been on a date before so we both were quiet and had no clue what we were doing
What's wrong with a male baby dragon fetish?
I'm pretty sure most people have lives outside these threads