How does Sup Forums feels about snail mail? If I give you guys my P.O. Box address will you write to me?
I love receiving letters and postcards and sending back answers. I'll write and answer to all those I receive.
I'm actually serious Sup Forums this isn't a troll post
Joshua Gutierrez
Canada Post employees are a bunch of fucking thieves and retards. I'm not giving any mail to non-bonded couriers. Especially one that prides itself on hiring niggers
Ryder Thomas
Bump because OP seems like a nice dude.
Ayden Hall
Clever - but not buying it, dumbass.
Easton Sullivan
Snail mail is either bills, or junk. What's to like?
Henry Cruz
Why would he bomb his enemy with nice letters?
Ian Brown
I like collecting all of the unaddressed political junk and then dumping it in a huge bail at the local minister's office
Kayden Harris
OP seems like a nice guy. I'll bump.
Cooper Bailey
Are they really? This might be why some of my friends haven't been receiving the postcards i sent them Aw.. thanks :D It really isn't. I'm asking if someone wants to send me something nice. If so I'll gladly reply.
Pic related, this is my receipt of when I paid for the P.O. Box
Carson Perry
Give us p.o. Box info op ;) I promise not to mail you a headless cat