I'm the guy that used to start these threads, and I haven't been around Sup Forums in a few years

I'm the guy that used to start these threads, and I haven't been around Sup Forums in a few years.

make a claim, but be prepared to talk about it, or do something to prove it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I help the helpless navigate through the digital age by keeping them away from it.

>give a homeless person a choice: foodstamps or drugs

Probably one of the best marijuana growers in texas. Learned in cali years ago

thats some good lookin marijuana m8

is that a "spacebucket"? heard about those recently.

I have a bf and a job and I DON'T have autism

need proof myself because they've been dropping like bad rhymes around here.
>people drive really shitty/shit-faced

When I was five, I pushed this kid off a bridge during a field trip and he died.

i stuck my dick in a vacuum at work today for a while