We've never been to space

We've never been to space.

Prove me wrong.

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b8 is bad.

but you got dubs, so congrats on being a faggot.

Temperature != total amount of thermal energy

temperature =/= its gonna melt and explode hence not getting into space

No "b8"

Just truth.


I'm tired of counting sheep.

>The highly diluted gas in this layer can reach 2,500 °C (4,530 °F) during the day. Even though the temperature is so high, one would not feel warm in the thermosphere, because it is so near vacuum that there is not enough contact with the few atoms of gas to transfer much heat. A normal thermometer would be significantly below 0 °C (32 °F), because the energy lost by thermal radiation would exceed the energy acquired from the atmospheric gas by direct contact.

If you put your hand in an oven at 400 degrees does it instantly burn off? It takes time for heat to spread.

But what about all the pictures and videos?

What about all those pictures?

It's almost as if images change as technology advances and the environment changes over time

but those aren't actually photos from orbit.



I once pre=heated my oven to 500 degrees had my mitton on and everything.

i went in to grab the pan and my mitton caught on fire my hand melted off and now i only have one hand.

It's funny how OP ignored this post but keeps spewing all his bs

It's funny how you believe bullshit so easily.

That's why the titanium is coated in heat reflective tiles, carbon, ceramics etc.

How do you assume satellite technologies work if we've never been to space.

Or the reflector array on the moon. Or the visable landing debris. Or the returned samples.

Or even where the billion dollar rockets go to once they leave atmosphere?

Weaksauce troll


Reflector array? The moon reflects sunlight. That's how it illuminates. Why does one need a reflector array?

Ok op, ignoring all the other evidence posted thusfar.

I just took an ice cube out of my freezer. According to my thermostat, it is currently 72 degrees fahrenheit, well above the 32 degree melting point of water.

It's currently still a solid piece of ice.

Things take time to melt.

So it'll reflect differently enough from the moon's surface to do things like prove we've been to the moon, accurately measure distances to the moon at any given time, and various other measurements.

To reflect laser light, not diffused sunlight.

Lasers that we used to accurately measure distance and sizings. That lead to stationary orbital satellites to give us technology like GPS units.

You're an idiot.

How did we figure out the Sun was 93 million miles away?

I never said I believed it. But you completely ignore anyone who actually challenge your theories but instead you reply to people like me, simply commenting on how you're acting

And if I claim to be a wise man it surely means that I don't know

By calculation. Which was revised to precise measurements once we had accuracy down to the mm, by measuring the reflected light.

First we measured how far away Venus is from the Sun at its greatest elongation position from the sun to determine how far away it is. Then we added that to how far away we are from Venus at our closest to that planet.

Can you show me where you are getting this information?

I'm just a poor, confused soul.

And how did we figure out how far away Venus is?

It's available to anyone that's had a grade level education. It's public domain and easily searchable.

I'm getting my information second hand, from memory, from my education over 20 years ago. You seem to be good at googling and making shit up, do it yourself.

Trigonometry. If you want to be that basic about it.

By bouncing radio waves off of it and measuring how long it takes for them to get back to us.

You can't really do that with the sun directly, because you lose the signal in all the noise. It'd be like shining a flashlight at a floodlight. Technically some of your flashlight light will be shining back at you, but good luck detecting it.

I don't want to be basic about it.

I want some numbers, and sources.

Then, look it up. I'm not doing your work for you because you're retarded. Part of the joy of learning is bettering yourself through your own effort / merit. It is literally available anywhere, again, being public domain.

Or you can go on believing your never been to space hokum. Either way.



It's all pretty well documented.

My sides once went into outer orbit. Now is not that time.

Congrats on being mentally retarded

I was thinking that this must be the case, thanks for confirming.

You've already proven yourself wrong just being here.

Consider: Computers were massive machines that took up entire floors of buildings and needed hundreds of kilowatts to function before the space race. The computers used on the Apollo Program were one cubic foot, weighed about 70 pounds and couldn't match a digital watch for computing power but they were a LEAP forward for the time. Since then, aerospace technology has driven computers forward so far that you can carry around a 1.2Ghz, quad core driven, touch screen enabled, digital masterpiece with access to information from all over the world in your pocket.

Besides, if it were so easy to fake then why don't we have "bases on Mars" and "interplanetary exploration" going on now? During the Space Race of the 60s, if we'd tried to fake ANYTHING the ruskies would be calling us out on our bullshit within hours. These days, with a 24 hour news cycle and world wide communication it would be even harder to fake anything.

Yeah, we've been there.



it's not the heat. the van allen belts are seven layers of million volt electricity.

that's not the problem with the moon landings though... it's not that they slowed the footage down to make it look like 1/6 gravity like some people say; the dust flies back from the rover and then falls but that shouldn't happen on the moon because there's no atmosphere so it shows that it was recorded on earth. also, it's believed that two astronauts in suits couldn't FIT in the lander as was depicted. finally, there IS no footage. the only footage of the moon landings is crap sent to the television stations and NASA destroyed their copies because it wasn't a real mission. look it up. NASA "taped over" all their official evidence of moon landings.

i have no doubts that we eventually got to the moon but if you really believe we did it in 1969 then you are literally dumber than a sack of doorknobs.

We went in 69, and 72. But we haven't been back since.


>a conspiratard is calling other people dumb

Negate the radio commication links showing the transmission sources, negating the technological drive, negating the political climate, negating the trillions invested, or the ongoing 70 year program employing hundreds of thousands out of which all you can sprout is the most verbally repeated conspiracy theories, argued, disproven and rehashed again, what else do you have?

We didn't get to the moon in a UFO. It wasn't some easy feat, it was done in the most insane and rushed manner. In a pressurized can, sitting atop a giant explosive propulsion unit, using predictable mathmathical models and a whole lot of testicals.

The technology used is consistent with the time, it was measured with every instrument available at the time, and it was watched by the entire globe.

I get it... I even entertain the notion of some of the theories too sometimes, but then it just comes down to the reality of the situation.

The world was heading to armageddon. The dick measuring contest was on and if America didn't get there, Russia was hot on their heels. If either lied, the other would of only been way to happy to let the world know about it.

There is absolutely no reason at all to say it didn't occur precisely how history has written it.

Why would you even doubt this? For fuck's sake the Boeing 747 first flew in 1970 and at the time was one of the biggest airplanes in the world.

The Saturn 5 was designed by Werner Von fucking Braun. It was the most complex machine ever built and it made a noise that hadn't been heard since Krakatoa erupted.

See, the problem is you see the pussies running things NOW and think that's the way it has always been. Back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s men were Men. A bunch of 19 to 24 year olds won World War fucking Two, rather than cry about safe spaces and hurt feelings.

Do you get paid for this?

>There is absolutely no reason at all to say it didn't occur precisely how history has written it.

there is also no point, history is written by the winners no matter how they win.


we're all in space right now, faggot

Russia actually tried to land a probe on the moon while the Apollo 11 mission was going on, but they missed. At least that's what I remember. I was pretty young.

Pslams 19:1

Heaven makes heard the glory of God and the firmament shows the work of his hands.


Doesn't work over the southern hemisphere.

DUMBASS!!! We left a fucking laser reflector ON THE MOON. If you have a big enough telescope and know where to look you can SEE the fucking landing sites WITH THE SPACECRAFT STILL THERE!

How stupid do you gotta be to believe this conspiracy bullshit?

Alloys you idiot. Not pure titanium

I don't.... I was alive during the age it happened though and easily annoyed by jerk off millenials who Google some shit, add 2 + 1 and somehow get " we nevar went to the moon " as an answer. When I was a kid, the space race was captivating and awe inspiring. It was a technological feat that stunned the entire world.

Besides, do you get paid to deny it? What kind of question is that. Retard.

Seems to be working pretty fucking good right now. I can see all kinds of activity over SA...

You realize that's a meme right?

To which I refer my other point. If anyone lied, the other would of been screaming about it on the world stage.

The event was witnessed by billions. Not only visually, but with scientific measurements. It was a global effort that brought my country into the space race on the allied side by providing and pioneering key radio technologies to help with that effort.

Its an affront to casually dismiss it just because A. You weren't there and B. You're spewing tripe conspiracy bullshit.

You must be like in your 40s gtfo

typical /b faggot with no reading comprehension

Russia also landed on the moon first by lobbing a "cannon ball" onto it.

They missed with their probe, because of miscalculation and error, not due to it being impossible to do in the 60s.

Not an argument. Just go to bed kiddo. ;)

You can see stuff left on the moon with armature tier equipment. So its been independently verified someones been there countless times.

It seems easier to fire a rocket with people at the moon then it is to run a meaningless con over the globe for decades involving a many 10s of thousands of people.
Especially when the US cant even keep the sexual adventures and minor crimes of its presidents a secret.

Eat a dick.

>by jerk off millenials who Google some shit
>somehow brings millenials into the picture
please, keep enforcing the stereotype of your generations and tell us more about how much better you are

You mean they sent an impactor probe.

And their lander, was actually intended to land, take a sample, and return to Earth WITH said sample. This was so that they could have beaten the americans by returning a moon sample before them, however they failed due to not knowing just how mountainous their landing region was.

Please, prove me wrong, to negate it.
Oh, you can't.

Never mind, here's a straw man.

temperature of the environment does not equal temperature of the material in that environment

Here OP, I love posting this video.


>thinks it was meant as an argument
>further proves my point
>still stupid enough to act smug

Which is basically a fancy name for cannon ball. You know, cause it's metal, ball like, and made to crash into shit.

But yeah, if you'd like me to use that term as if it somehow disproves anything I said, sure. they launched an impactor.

Oh no, I wasn't arguing. Just clarifying. Different user here.

Check :)


>Satellite space
faggot stratosphere isn't space
There's solution for stupidity........school

Nice non-argument buddy. Keep it up and you'll eventually think of something intelligent to say. I won't hold my breath though. ;)

>Please, prove me wrong, to negate it.
because the what before despite behind?
fucking nigger can't even english.

if you want me to prove you're a retard for negating the conspiracy theories, why? the theories are bs. when did i say otherwise? if you want me to prove you're a retard, why? you've done that yourself

Not once during that statement did you make a single rebuttal.Nor did you sound intelligent while denying literal facts. You sir, are the fucking retard.

GPS satellites are not located in stratosphere, idiot. I suggest you write to your state leaders about your schooling. (If you're able)

>realizes stupidity
>tries to mitigate damage by trying to look like a troll instead
im not your buddy, friend

What even is?

Kek. look at this guy

needs further research, user

The upper atmosphere isn't dense, you lose more heat than you'd gain from any stray particles colliding. Radiation? Nigga we know how to shield from radiation, we have reactors for a reason. Did you know why spacecraft are so heavy? Cause nigga we need to actually keep people alive in fucking space, materials help that.

Carbon fiber has an extremely low specific heat--far lower than almost any metal so a short exposure to the thermosphere during ascension would be catastrophic.
seeseeseeseesee I'm bored of this bait

Radiation shielding is fucking easy. They put it in every one of the roughly 10 billion microwaves sold you dolt.