Fuck your land of the free and home of the brave

fuck your land of the free and home of the brave

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ey lmao w0w i dindu nuffin i was born in the wrong generation

>measles and disease

>100 million
lol. you best be trolling.

Should've closed the boarder.

mostly from disease, a byproduct of livestock and european humans but 100 million people were not literally murdered.

nice b8 tho


Smallpox blankets, George Washington murdering countless native tribes because they supported the British (Who basically told them that a new country on their land would drive them to extinction...Which it did), stealing land they lived/hunted/fished on, the trail of tears, etc.

nigger you thinking of the aztec and mayans. fucking dick bag

People did not know about bacteria let alone how germs and viruses were passed; in the civil war doctors didn't wash their hands or their tools.

Biologically warfare? What the fuck are you taking about?

This thread is bait, not my response.

Genghis khan killed more with his mongols

because you chose to lie and steal pity I'm going to punch the next Indian i see, right in the throat.

Whoops, this was meant for you


Just a bunch of drunken savages anyway.

Fuck em, they lost we won. Sucks to suck

the introduction of diseases and viruses didnt do any more killing than it did for the whie man on the same scale. just as many natives died as the man before they came ashore. the fact that this was a new form of suffering just compounded the issue of mass murdering this ethnic group.

100 mil, huh big chief red corn? How you'd manage to count that high without a written language?

Little white mama's boys and old pedo fags will ignorantly justify unjustifiable acts committed by their pale skin forefathers.
I agree, fuck the usa

pic related

Yeah, turning the bluecoats on the natives after the civil war wasn't an act of ethnic cleansing at all.

Lenin had a nice witty quip when someone was talking about freedom in America: "Freedom for whom to do what?"
There's no freedom when there is private property.

I really never get the argument of Native Americans. This wasn't their land, it wasn't their land because they couldn't defend it. If something can be taken from you then it isn't truly yours. That's why we need to protect ourselves and our rights as humans. Just because you lived someplace first dosnt mean you own it.

there were never 100 million Indians (feather, not dot). If there were, then they would have had the manpower to fight off the white settlers.

they fought, they lost, and to winner go the spoils. cry me a river, Tonto.

Agreed about the 100 million. Biowarfare was used by Amherst though: he sold smallpox infested blankets to an Indian tribe with predictable and devastating results.

100-300 million. Look it up before you bullshit.

conquered the country

just like they did when they got here

eat shit tanto

There weren't even 50 million native Americans in both continents in 1500.

>muh private property


A huge portion of the population was killed off before European settlers arrived by a plague

so if someone holds you at gunpoint and takes everything from you, are you just going to be like "fuck it, oh well, if i couldnt defend myself then none of that shit was really mine"

If you have an exact figure I'd love to hear it. Yeah, the range is pretty wide. 300% margin of error.

Part of doing science is being able to admit when you can't get super accurate data.

I would have been the baby raping scurge of those savages.

the number is for all of the americas. the spaniards and christians killed 80 million and 2-18 million died on north america. it doesn't matter though because both the natives and the mexicans named after the aztec god of war mextli knew what war was. they were brutal assholes fighting over territory all the time and someone came and beat them. that's fair.

I'll take infectious diseases for 200, Alex.


>implying i can do something about the past before i was born and had anything to do with being born where i was born

collective guilt is bullshit, fuck that.

.........and the question is " what did this user's mother freely give to many men before she shit out user?"

Indians didn't believe in land ownership. They thought that no one could own earth because it belonged to mother nature. Therefore we didn't steal anything from them because according to them it was never theirs in the first place.

>White Men comitted GENOCIDE against our people and slaughtered THOUSANDS.

>Disease wiped us out before the white man came and THAT'S why we couldn't stop your invasion!

I've heard both these arguments. Which is true?


If it were 10 100 or 300 millions would change anything? It is a lot of people anyway

100 million maybe in north, central, and south america combined.

but the vast majority died from measles and a smaller amount died from Smallpox ( Measles, in native Populations had similar symptoms and an even higher death rate- most accounts of smallpox in tribes are actually measles outbreaks. )

according to Ward Churchill, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900. and most of those were by disease, not by the white man.

i have looked it up. seems you are the one who has bullshit for facts.

then why were they territorial with other indian tribes? and why did they fight the white man? for shits and giggles?
fuck outta here with you triggered autist bullshit

remember dude, in American culture, 1 death like JFK or David Bowie is considered a tragety

10 or 100 or 300 million is considered a statistic.

See what is meant by that?

Two questions, one how many were hunted down with the help of other tribes. Two if the Americas were tribal and the Mexicans didn't take over or the Apache didn't kill everyone and America was not a super power what outcome would the world wars have with a tribal America compatible to africa? Wed all be speaking German fag

And nothing of value was lost
they hadn't even invented the wheel yet.
Also their population was in decline anyway
>Manifest destiny was real

That ain't American culture, that's humanity.
Wasn't it one of Stalin's guys that said it? That guy could clear a room.

Your numbers are total bs.

At no time did South America support 80 million prior to the Spanish and Portuguese invasions, And for northern continental America to support more than 18 million beggars belief.

Proof or it didn't happen.

Interesting, you're 100% correct about that. What does this mean to the way we fucked them over pretty hard via a political system that they had little interest in getting involved with in the first place?

>considered a tragety
remember dude a mind is a terrible thing to waste


Ignoring the past is just as much a crime as being sympathetic to it

they could not have known it was on there as they did not know it existed as such. Doctors didn't think you could pass things from touch - but yet they knew about it for bio warfare? Lol

Where are your proofs fucking fag

No one gives a fuck about the reds

You lost get over it cry baby.

>implying i'm ignoring it.

but picking at old wounds helps no one and encourages bad feelings.

OP Indian sovereignty is kind of a joke, isn't it? I mean, you guys are really just part of the United States. Couldn't you all just join the state where you reside and have a less shitty quality of life for your people? Like, I know some Indians do well on casinos. Others do crazy good. I get that. But as a whole, your entire race is poor, uneducated, and dependent on government subsidies to live. Why continue the false dichotomy?

No disrespect, just asking.

Nothing compared to what the tribes were doing to each other. Fuck the Sioux for killing my people (Illini.)

It actually was Stalin. And he really did kill millions - just his own, not an ethnic or religious group, just people.

Not at the time. That wasn't a buzzword or consideration until after WW2. Even the Bible has God telling the Jews to exterminate all who were on their land, and punishing them if they didn't.

Prior to WW2, clearing conquered territory of undesirables was just how war was conducted. It was something to avoid back then, not something to play with continually like it is today.


>What does this mean

It means people are assholes who act only out of self interest , they'd have done the same to the white man.

Historically inaccurate, unsupported illogical nonsense and an insult to actual genocides.

It isn't even clever, it's just incorrect.

Our culture determines what is considered tragic and what is considered trivial. Crying over Bowie (yeah I know he was a britbong) and not crying over the dead "prarie-niggers" is a Western use of that.

We also call 9/11 (many deaths) a tragedy, while those we killed in Vietnam (many many deaths) are just a statistic in our mainstream culture.

If Australians can apologise for the murders and massacres and the stealing of the children, why can't Americans?

Native here. I'm going to get my doctorate (computer science) (>inb4 meme degree) and probably leave this country. All theses natives nowadays try to act gangster black (prairie nigger) and most whites do not like us (im from Oklahoma). Makes me sad I personally blame alcohol, drugs and white people. There was nothing we could do to stop manifest destiny against a technological advance race. We will be just another footnote in history (if we are even mentioned at all). We will most likely die out due to our blood quantum's being thinned out until we have more European blood in us instead of Native blood. Its just a matter of time. It's already happening to some tribes already. Look at the Citizen Pottawatomie almost anyone can get into that tribe (because of enrollment by Lineage, wereas your 3rd cousin was a member then your a member...) and the same goes for the Cherokee's, Choctaws, Chickasaws, creeks, and some other eastern tribes. When I go see the creator I am going to ask him why did he let this happen (if there is even a god).

I'm pretty sure he would be the one doing the fucking in that equation


You come up with an absurd figure that exceeds the population of Europe in the 16th Century. I question this. And I'm the fag? Go bait a child.

I was curious if any of you thought it was Stalin. Good little piggies.


I've heard it attributed to Lenin, Stalin and Hitler by laypeople like yourself.

>What does this mean to the way we fucked them over pretty hard via a political system that they had little interest in getting involved with in the first place?

it means back then, that they followed a similar method of going into a country that had land/resources they needed/wanted that countless other countries at the time did so they could get their hands on the land/resources that that country had.

see Africa with all those European colonies that essentially were doing the same thing.

the problem is.. no one alive now had anything to do with it, and an apology is powerless.. because the people that did it arent alive on either side.

I'm not carrying around guilt for something i had nothing to do with, and apologizing for something i didn't do does nothing for me or anyone else.

You know what dawkins said about cheaters suckers and grudgers. The more violent a race is the easier it is to reciprocate


I know. I'm an alky, sorry.

"The United States, acting through Congress," states Sec. 8113, "apologizes on behalf of the people of the United States to all Native Peoples for the many instances of violence, maltreatment, and neglect inflicted on Native Peoples by citizens of the United States;" and "expresses its regret for the ramifications of former wrongs and its commitment to build on the positive relationships of the past and present to move toward a brighter future where all the people of this land live reconciled as brothers and sisters, and harmoniously steward and protect this land together."

he made notable movies.

Would you support abolishing Indian lands entirely?

Not to say what was done to Native Americans wasn't horrible as shit.
But there's only 350(ish) million people in the US right now.
Without doing any fact checking, I'm pretty sure your numbers are significantly off.

Nazi Germany didn't kill any Jews though. The victors write history faggot so the US gets to whitewash all of the native killings as a forced migration instead of Genocide. Anyone who believes in a single page of an American history book is a complete retarded idiot who's in denial and probably just likes the pictures of George Washington on a horse. And did I mention no Jews got killed

chief sitting bull would be so proud

I know it's really popular nowadays to say "all lives are precious."

But are they really?

It's not about quantity, it's about quality.

Sauce? Looks interesting

feels thread is that way faggot

Fuck you

giving a fuck about shit that happened before your birth that you had no say in or ability to effect in any way

thinking the sins of the father should punish the son, or great great grand son

needing to allocate blame because you were born into a shitty world but think you should have better given to you on a plate

not realizing that ever piece of the planet has changed hands over 40 000 years leaving the previous inhabitants either dispossessed or extinct

having no self responsibility for the now and making excuses for it

look, i dont really wanna live in the US anymore because the politics are so fucked up and the people dont seem to give a shit/are incapable of comprehending/dont believe the reality.
but this is such horse shit.
why does only the US get shit for genociding natives?
mexico, brazil, argentina, canada...
all these countries scoured their lands of native americans for the most part.

Anyways though in the bigger picture, the killings of the Indians were probably the best thing for the future of humanity or the worse if you think about it climate change

Yes! And that was not very nice of them, was it?

That political system, thankfully, is being questioned by more people than before these days. Take your arguments to a University like I did with mine, and we will see who is favored by your own home-grown American intellectuals.

That doesn't mean I'm correct about anything of course, but neither does your argument justify your side very well.

>implying that the biggest genocide wasn't in Comunist Russia



For huge numbers, the Mongols probably win that one. They nearly wiped out Islam at its peak.


fake number

real faggot

You niggers are idiots

Saddams regime was the minorities with less then 2 percent of the population but ruled most of iraq for years. There regime did so with violence and weapons of mass destruction like gas. But psychologically it was easier because they where oppressed therefore the small minority of 2 percent had no problems with killing. 2 percent of killers is more dangerous then 98 percent sheep.