Hello, I am here today to tell you on why you should do something with this IP:

Hello, I am here today to tell you on why you should do something with this IP: He sadly threatened me and my family by taking down my router and messing with everything I got. He abused me and my TS3. OP>> Good luck, and there are no limits on this idiots IP:

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Sup Forums isn't your personal army, faggot.

not your personal army

On it.

OP what did you do or say to this fellow to piss him off?

Network techs don't generally fuck with people unless you've specifically pissed them off.

Address: 13820 Sunrise Valley Dr
City: Herndon
State/Province: VA
Postal Code: 20171

Does homo like pizza?

but NYPA fag

Yes, I see your story I will start very soon, let me get on my main PC....

We were legit chilling on ts3 on comp and died because I didnt peak with him do he ddos'd me..

Are you drunk?