Does anyone here lift? If so I have some questions because the fucktards at /fit/ are cunts that just say "read the sticky" even though the sticky doesn't answer my questions. Fuck /fit/.
How the fuck does lifting work? Apparently 5x5 is common. If someone does 5x5 and they do the four basic lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press) that's 100 total reps. Which should only take like 10 minutes. But supposedly a typical lifting session is 45-60 minutes. How the fuck does this work? How many reps does a person do (total, not just of one exercise) in a lifting session? How long does a rep take? How much time is spent lifting vs resting between sets? How much time, if any, is spent on warmup and cooldown exercises? How the fuck can 100 reps take an hour?
>How long does a rep take? Bitch what? Clearly you've never lifted a day in your life. Your questions are stupid, thats why /fit/ wouldn't answer.
Just pick a strength program and go to the gym to do it when you're confident you have good form with the exercises you're doing. Your questions will answer themself
Ryder Butler
I haven't lifted a barbell and I haven't lifted at a gym. I am going to start lifting soon, hence why I want to know the answers. I'm still in better shape than you because I do a fuck of a lot of cardio. Fuck you faggot.
Liam Long
One rep is a one motion and return (E.g. pushing the bar up and lowering it back to the start position) So however long it takes your to do that
Anthony Baker
Henry Hernandez
seems like you've got the /fit/ attitude down. maybe you should go back you weak fuck
Jordan Diaz
read the sticky
Xavier Butler
hello op, hows your day? Just came by to advise you to post on the board /fit/, since that board is made of threads just like yours. Thank you for understanding
James Hernandez
I don't even lift and even I know that reps take as long as you want, time under tension bro at max weight load bro
Also how fucking aggressive are you, cortisol levels through the r00f
Jason Reed
I meant how long does that take most people faggot
Anyway /fit/ answered my questions now so feel free to ignore this thread, or fap (you filthy degenerate) to this cute tranny,.