Be me

>be me
>be 23
>have no real friends
>work a shit job
>amount to literally nothing
>naturally not outgoing and low self esteem
>even when a girl shows interest I get all beta and don't talk to them

Does it get better Sup Forums? Will the bullshit ever end? Why should I even put up with it?

Inb4 go to the gym landwale neckbeard already lost 100 lbs and still don't have confidence or attract woman I find attractive

What do

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Just do what ever the fuck you wanna do.

Start smokin weed

23 is worst year. It gets better.

Have been my since I was young. A lot more than I should have. I'm definitely an advocate of marijuana but I Will say it probably contributed to where I am now because I cared too much about it and getting high at an early age

chill the fuck out
smoke weed/meditate/drink chamomile
do all that hippie shit, just make sure you continue to work hard even if the job is shitty

zanax zanax zanax zanax

The fuck are you eating amerifat? Also drugs.

you just gotta eat, smoke, drink and fuck. bitches love that

Become a welder or go in tech field. Then u make the big $$$$$$