The closest thing i've had to sex is kissing this plush rabbit

The closest thing i've had to sex is kissing this plush rabbit.

How do I kill myself Sup Forums?

Stuff the bunny down your throat until you choke.

Choke on the rabbit.

open her up and eat her skin

>no timestamp

God I hate the gullible fucks that flood Sup Forums

I wish assisted suicide was a thing for ppl who failed. I'd happily go with someone giving me gas, or some sort of pill. being polite with me, and comforting as i go.

Go to a suicide clinic.



Furry conventions arent that bad user. Im sure you can meet a life sized one there

I don't know why, but I want to see your dick on that rabbit face

I want to cock tribute the bunny.

umm.. sex isn't the biggest thing in life. Well it is if you're a teen, or super loner who might be older, but then borderline autist. plus the plushie: you're borderline autist except for your own sense of worthlessness.

Eventually you'll find that some sort of partner in life, and an overall sense of purpose( religion, accomplishments, family, w/e) are really the missing aspects that seem to plague people. And two things happen. Either something fucking randomly happens and you get a stride going, or you stumble around for the rest of your life until death (suicide or other causes). I'm on the latter. Oh, and fuck everything


How many times do you think you can cum on it consecutively, OP?

do it OP. dick on bunny

The only thing that's stopped me from doing it already is that it would be really hard to get out. But if I had to guess I'd say about 7-8 times.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Get a hooker
2. Fuck the hooker
3. Realize that sex isn't something to be put on a pedestal
4. Stop obsessing over it, get confidence
5. Get a real girlfriend
6. Fall in love, plan to spend rest of life with her
7. Realize you caught AIDS from the hooker
8. Die a slow, agonizing death

Hot water with lemon gets the cum out easly, just do it (please)

Cum on that doll bitch



nice dick op

ok, now cum >:(

Post full body pic OP
We'll tell you how to work with what you've got.

This, roll

Checked, hail satan

Slowly, by getting HIV from a tranny prostitute.

Lucky guy

op that bunny need more attention

what the fuck is so unbelievable about this?

what the fuck op? where is the hot glue?

you're a faggot

Whoa, chill out Satan. Don't be mean.

I was playing hearthstone with my daddy earlier and I destroyed his tight Mexican asshole with my dragon deck

To be fair, the zootopia's bunny is a very sexualized character




Checked, but fuck you.



The thing is op, you don't really want sex. You want someone to desire you and validate you.

That won't happen unless you improve yourself and you won't improve yourself by fucking a toy anthropomorphic rabbit.
