Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?
No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.
Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?
No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.
If you abstain from killing people just because you'll get shit for it, you're more fucked up than I am.
Note: All subsequent comments should be saged.
why you leave your other thread? did i bring down the pain? weak little bitches will die its natural selection (part of evolution).
people shouldnt need threat of hell to not kill people. killing people means that you took away life. there isnt a lot of life in the universe its almost evil even with out a god to kill anything wthout reason. isnt there a verse in the bible about the join of smashing baby heads on rocks?
So you say, but wasn't it YHWH who killed a bunch of kids for something they had no part in? 10th plague, bitch, your god's a monster.
>pagans ftw
What is this summerfag bullshit? I've seen these posts for a week now. Can't wait til school starts again.
this faggot op has been doing this shit for like a year or more, 2-5 of these threads shitting up the board. they're nothing more than flamebait made by some buttsore bible thumper
i cound 4 threads from this idiot up right now
So you're still making these threads huh? What a waste.
In the meantime, religious people in every age of the earth have killed infants and don't have to worry about it because their god forgives them for killing helpless innocents because of religion.