Welsh Pop Singer Marina Diamandis dead at the age of 31 due to Liver Failure

well rip


>its real
Shit. Did Sup Forums meme another person into dying?

never gave this hag a listen, thanks for giving me another reason not to

Liver failure due to a fatal car crash, reports say that witnesses seen pop star Charli XCX fleeing the scene.

>her name is really Marina Lambrini Diamandis

nigga what

I fucking wish.

Holy shit it's legit

omg its real wtf


she'll be fine


maybe it was suicide

trips don't lie

dubs if true

>she died before brian wilson

he's next


>You were born too late to be raped by her

>it's legit

mfw its not legit


Too bad she looks like a crackwhore now.
2009 Marina is a qt.

MODS Sticky please?