Thoughts on this album

Thoughts on this album

hes wack and overrated

Thoughts on this album?

got to the fork in the road and went straight


classic but hard knock life is better

whys that

I sell ice in the winter
I sell fire in hell
I'm a hustler baby
I'll sell water to a well




I loved all but 2 tracks.

(Those 2 tracks being Hola Hovito and Renegade)

His best album thanks to Ye beats and Jay still giving a fuck about making rap music.


Whats wrong with renegade?



>four albums in 10 years nigga? i can divide/ that's one every... lets say two/ two of them shits were doo/ one was nahhh the other was illmatic/ that's a one hot album every 10 year average and that's so LAAAAMEEEEEEE

The shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty beat on an album known for having amazing beats.

Who let Eminem produce that?

renegade has a good beat wut

Yeah, shitty percussion and an annoying choir casio setting. Amazing.

bye rddit

>i can't into beats

You loved Girls, Girls, Girls? The hook makes me want to scratch my ears out.

>i can't into beats
..The hell are you talking about? There's plenty of beats on the album I love.

Granted the hook was kind of annoying (Q tip ain't a good singer) but the beat was great and the verses were pretty funny/clever.

Fair enough.

I've just been listening to Jay-Z's discography after only hearing the abortion that was Magna Carta, and on the whole I'm kinda disappointed with the whole thing. It's a lot like I'd imagine listening to Eminem's discography today for the first time would be like. They have so much acclaim and hype that it really isn't realistic to expect these albums to totally live up to, but at the same time it's hard for me to disregard all the stuff I've heard about Jay-Z being in people's top 5's and Blueprint being arguably the best of his albums. The Nas dis track was undeniably viscous, though even today.

You dont enjoy his discography? Its pretty decent for me got some great shit but inconsistent.

I can agree with that. He has had some really bad albums. (In My Lifetime 1 is one of the worst hip hop albums I've ever heard). Although to be honest I didn't think Magna Carta was that bad.

I'll post my album rankings favorite to least in a sec. Feel free to post yours.

never heard any eminem albums , so over the last few months i listened to them all in order, finally finishing just the other day so its weird to see this. i thought his first 2 albums are drug-fueled masterpieces, but the eminem show (the red one?) up to relapse is some total trash. recovery was good and i though his most recent album was good to end a career on......

still though, "Without me" is his best song lol

Yeah, Em' show is the red one.

I honestly can't stand his suck streak. Such potential wasted.

Also: Bad news. He's releasing another album allegedly, so it's not gonna be a career-ender.

I just got over him.

Reasonable Doubt > The Black Album > Blueprint

You have to give it to him though, he just doesn't have a """bad""" album. Some are weaker but in no way bad.

I prefer Ether over Takeover though

>He doesn't have a bad album.

...Ya sure about that?

>Friend or Foe 98
>Lucky Me
>Rap game/Crack game
>Where I'm From
>You Must Love Me

I'm sure there are more but I haven't liste to that album in a while and can't be arsed to look up the track. He doesn't have a bad album. Some are weaker, but not bad

Here's my chart.

>Lucky Me
>Where I'm From

The others I can give you. Not that one.
I'll admit the tracks I enjoyed:
>The Intro
>Imaginary Players
>Friend or Foe 98
>Rap Game (if I'm being generous)
>You Must Love Me


rebbit pls

is your chart left to right so
2.The blueprint
3. Black
5. American gangster ect?

Yes. Left to right. RD is the best, Blueprint follows, ETC.

blueprint 3 better than american gangster? Edgy

Not really. They're both great albums.

blueprint 3 is kind of shit

Well I thought it was great.

Thank You, Off That, Empire, On To The Next One, and D.O.A. (Among others) were awesome tracks.

cannibal ox came out that year
so much better shit than this

hows he wack though hes got good bars