Showing my friend Sup Forums, can we get a rekt thread

Showing my friend Sup Forums, can we get a rekt thread

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ı don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥǝ ɟuɔʞ ʇo bǝqın˙˙˙ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou ɟınd dǝɐd bodıǝs soɯǝʇɥınq ʇo ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ? ʎou ʇɥınʞ bǝɔɐusǝ ʎou qǝʇ ʇo sıʇ ın ʎouɹ ʍɐɹɯ ɥoɯǝs on ɐ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ ʇɥɐʇ ʎou ɔɐn ظusʇ ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ ɥoɹɹıbןǝ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ʍɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɐɔʇuɐן ɟuɔʞ ıs ʍɹonq ʍıʇɥ ʎou quʎs? ʇɥıs ıs ʌǝɹʎ ɟuɔʞǝd up, ʎǝʇ ɔɹɐzʎ ɐssɟuɔʞs ןıʞǝ ʎou ɐɹǝ posʇınq dǝɐd ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ıʇ's noʇɥınq˙ sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs, doınq ʇɥıs sɥıʇ doǝs ɟuɔʞınq noʇɥınq˙ so ʎou ʍɐnʇ ʇo ɔoɯǝ on ɐn ıɯɐqǝboɐɹd ʇo bǝ ɐn ɐssɥoןǝ ɐbouʇ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ןǝʇ ɯǝ ʇǝןן ʎou quʎs, ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן ɟuɔʞınq ʍǝɐʞ˙ ʎou ʍouןd nǝʌǝɹ bǝ usǝɟuן ʇo ʇɥǝ ʍoɹןd ʍıʇɥ suɔɥ bǝɥɐʌıoɹ ʎou pɹǝsǝnʇ˙ ɥonǝsʇןʎ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou quʎs ǝʌǝn ǝxısʇ? ı bǝʇ ʎou don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ɐbouʇ ɥɐןɟ oɟ ʍɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ ɥɐʌǝ qonǝ ʇɥɹouqɥ ɟɹoɯ ʇɥǝn ʇıןן noʍ ʍɥǝn ʇɥǝʎ ɥɐʌǝ soɯǝonǝ ʇɥǝʎ'ʌǝ ʞnoʍn dıǝ˙ ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן suɔɥ dısqusʇınq buןןıǝs˙ ısn'ʇ ıʇ bɐd ǝnouqɥ ʇɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ qo ʇɥɹouqɥ ɥɐɹdsɥıps oɟ ʇɥǝıɹ ןoʌǝd onǝs? sǝɹıousןʎ ʍɥɐʇ do ʎou quʎs ɹǝɐןןʎ ɟınd ɟunnʎ ɐbouʇ ʇɥıs? sʇupıd ɟuɔʞǝɹs ı'ɯ so ɐnqɹʎ ɹıqɥʇ noʍ ʇɥɐʇ ı ʍısɥ ı ɔɐn ɟuɔʞınq punɔɥ ɯʎ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ sɔɹǝǝn so ʇɥɐʇ ɯʎ ɟısʇ ɔɐn qǝʇ ɐ qood ɥıʇ on ʇɥɐʇ ɐssɥoןǝ ɟɐɔǝ oɟ ʎouɹs, op, sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs˙ sǝɹıousןʎ, ظusʇ ɟuɔʞınq qɹoʍ up ɐnd ɐɔʇuɐןןʎ ɐɔʇ pɹopǝɹןʎ ɐbouʇ dǝɐʇɥ˙ sʇupıd ɟuɔʞ, ʞǝǝp ǝɐʇınq ʇɥosǝ ɔɥǝǝʇoǝs ʇɥɐʇ ʎou sʇɐın on ʎouɹ sɥıɹʇs ǝʌǝɹʎ dɐʎ˙


Can you travel I go for coffee again I forgot to put s*** mother f*****




Did he died?

Your keyboard is upside down

post pic of your dick in friends ass with timestamp



Looks like your average picture in a butterface thread.



Ah niggers! Behaving in their natural habitat.




Gore goys, get the fuck in here and chase off this newfag.


>dat shaky hand

He had good reason.
Stupid fucker had a feeling it was going to go wrong I bet.

dammit woman. imma teach you a lesson bout interruptin me when i'm on my pringles break.

>nigger family reunion

africa now, america soon


Did he lived?


app name?

he obviously death'd idiot

well he landed in some thick snow cover so maybe he didnt died, mostly i feel bad for him seeing as he was terrified before he jumped

No I read and article a while ago, it grazed him or some shit, but left his face looking mangled.

but his face was already mangled


took awhile, but GOD DAMN, that was BRUTAL!!


kid stole a gun from the guy who shot him, tried to sell it back to him..dude said "its mine" kid said "too bad" and boom

because Sup Forums is super secret. kys faggot

Rabbit season

an courageous man try to kill a monster

holy shit, you are a fag!

he fell for about 7 seconds, that's just not survivable


how long is this shit?? its been eating that shit for almost a minute and traps not triggered lucky basterd

I've been watching this for 5 minutes straight and the fucker is still eating.

trust me, it's worst it


last bucket of friend chicken at the reunion


I forgot the context to this. Wasn't she schizo or some shit? No excuse though and he put up with it a hell of a lot longer than I would have.

black people do the craziest things i swear

Don't attract others, Sup Forums has too many new fags.

why so long ? just make a gif with the last seconds...


yeah she was schizo, it was exactly what it looked like.

that file name

He's kind of hot... Well he was before he got brain damage.

Sup Forums is way more than Sup Forums and rekt threads though. If you wanted to show your friend Sup Forums send them the home link and the rules. Let him/her figure out the rest.


Thought so.

I suppose there's something to say about the way the way society views and handles those with mental illness, blah blah blah *insert Tumblr shit here* but I hope the guy wasn't charged with anything



Niggers need to be enslaved again, they aren't suitable for society. I think we should take all of the black people with an IQ below 95 (because come on, not many are going to even reach the 100s) and enslave them, and the ones that either aren't fit for work or have committed any sort of crime get a taste of one of these:
>Image related.

im pretty sure he was arrested, but then they showed the police the video, of her being "possessed"


he was charged with rape actually


I can hear the oppression already




Fags that ride those stupid things deserve that shit




haha zozzle!




think i seen in another thread that he survived with few injuries

What happened?

Incredibly, everyone survived this.

No he died, there's an article about it but I can't be bothered to find it

man fall on a woman, I believe

I hope he survived

He survived. The snow saved him. According to this artcile:

Kek ohh niggers

Well that's just retarded

Thread needs less talking and more rekt.

