It's funny how they're nerfing characters that shouldn't even be nerfed and not nerfing characters that should clearly...

It's funny how they're nerfing characters that shouldn't even be nerfed and not nerfing characters that should clearly be nerfed such as, hanzo & torbjorn
Inb4 noob can't counter
Inb4 get good kid
How are you supposed to counter 3 torbs while they're on defense? It mentally fucking retarded

Use Genji,Hanzo er Widowmaker

go on Sup Forums and fucking whine like a peasant, don't come here and try to learn the game fuck off.

picture is a representation of OP


Hehe is badass so jokes on u

game is amazing. community will ruin this game with never ending bitching just wait

McRee is way to Overpowered and his fan the hammer needs a cool down. you're retarded if you think Hanzo should be nerfed. OP sucks major cocks

you probably couldnt get a shot off with hanzo

And on top of that hanzo is a way better sniper than widow, she's and easy counter and squishy hanzos a bitch with a hug hitbox that can nail anyone with a headshot that tries to get close

youre challenged if you think mcree needs a nerf

Mecree doesn't need a nerf he can be counter by almost any character

i got 96% mvp today as soldier76 vs 3 torbs phara mercy lucio and we won

git gud

Hanzo is so easy to land a shot you retard what are you talking about

people just dont know how to switch up and counter, so they take to the forums and bitch

Doubt it

you couldnt hit a fucking barn with hanzo

How the fuck do you counter 3 torbs tell me

snipers dickweed

Zarya, widow, Hanzo, Reinhardt, genji (sort of), junkrat, pharah, etc.

All I'm saying is limit character use, there shouldn't be any reason a team can stack up on the same character more than twice, counter aside you can counter that for example 6 winstons

Fuck off. It's quick play you whining nigger.

hes a fucking gremlin at best torb and his turrets arent hard to kill

Uninstaller overwatch

>trying to justify OP characters
Nigga, just admit that you are shit at the game and need broken characters to play.

Fan the Hammer did 420 damage, 840 if all the bullets were crits. Mix that with a flashbang for almost guaranteed crits. THEN you get the roll for an instant reload, so 840 damage without crits, and 1680 with crits. So I mean, McCree was totally balanced.

As for Widow maker, she could 1 shot people with body shots which was kinda bullshit. Overall I feel like she was nerfed a bit too much, but in return they increased her crit damage, so headshots do much more,

any team playing 6 winstons isnt effective all you need at that point is dps

lol I played a team earlier that was 5 Reinhardts and 1 Lucio. Not a particularly good team but it was a good laugh

What about while in a choke point? How are you supposed to kill them all without getting shot by them all and the other enemy players it op you simple minded fuck

So... like all multiplayer games?

You spelled Bastion wrong.

thats when coordination and alts play in you have a team you know

Snipers, Reinhardt's shield while others shoot it. Junkrat, Pharah. I mean seriously, how stupid are you?

I thought they nerfed her base damage but increased her headshot multiplier to keep it the same as it was? So she does less damage on body shots but the same damage headshots.

Mcree player here, he isn't as OP as everyone claims but he could stand to be toned down. I don't know what exactly they should change but his stun is a short cooldown, can hit multiple targets, and with the reload mechanism he can take down even tanks really quick. Ya he is kind of fucked if he misses his stun or if he is walking straight at you instead of flanking.

>be nerfed such as, hanzo & torbjorn
Nerf hanzo? yeah, you probably suck ass... as for torb, he needs to be fixed some way.

How bout you stop using torbjorn and use a character that doesn't do al the work for you (:

he probably expects his cod exp will transfer into this

torb is easy to deal with and hanzo is a fucking joke. get gud kiddo

hes a squish he needs high damage to compensate

They lowered her overall damage but upped her head shot crit mod to bring it back to previous levels.

So window makers head shots do the same damage just body shots are worth less.

mad that you cant counter me?

They lowered widows full charge damage to 120 and upped the crit multiplier from 2 to 2.5 which is still 300 damage per headshot. The only thing they needed to fix on widow was the quickscoping not the damage

I had to attack against 5 bastions and a reaper. THAT was a stupid round.

Fan the hammer could never crit, and for good reason. Man, you're talking so much shit in that one post, pathetic that you even bother to type.

I can counter a single torb piece of cake, two even but 3? What's wrong with you people, that's op and it shouldn't be allowed

There waw FAR to many widows just playing to pop off easyxbody shots while doing pittle else.

Reducing the effectiveness of that while still keeping her effective at actual snipping was a good solution for reducing overplaying of her by lower skilled players just spamming shots.

Honestly, thorbjorn is no problem at all. I've heard he is on consoles, but who cares about consoles in a FPS?

Mei needs a nerf, obviously, but widowmaker and mccree were needed too. Junkrat should have a nerf on his trap duration, atm it's around 1 sec or even more, they should nerf that to 0.85 or something like that.

how is 3 torb different? show the math

tbh I've never had a problem with torbjorns, I even beat a team of 6 using my fav hanzo after switching. The one character that pisses me off the most is tracer. IF they ever needed to nerf someone, my opinion would be the cooldown on her dashes to be longer. Bitch is supa fast. As for dealing with torbjorns - long distance is your best bet. Widowmaker, hanzo, zenyatta, genji, etc anyone with a far shot attack.

Stupid, torb is not cheated we defeated a 5 torb team, just use pharah and widowaker

They should buff symmetra or remove her from the game she is completely situational or useless. Her orb either needs to do more damage or have a faster projectile speed. Her shield is fucking puny and she's basically just there to serve as a distraction/target practice. Left click does a lot of damage but if u ever get close enough to take advantage of it, guess what? Yer fuckin dead.

Also you can murder a torb and his turret just lobbing junk rat shots. The aoe burt from him or pharah are especially good since they knowck them away and the damage prevents them repairing it effectively without just dying.

>he's a squish, like any other 200hp hero in the game, so he totally needs a 840dmg combo that melts every single character in the game within 2 seconds

Her teleporter is good I'll give her than but when she's got no ult it's a wasted slot. By far the worst s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶r̶t̶ hero in the game.

This is what blizz does...
Ever play way back in vanilla WoW?
Yea, all classes were pretty strong, they all had massive benefits and negative attributes, but, if you had the upper hand on anyone, it was game over.
But some classes were easier to play because of videos, forums and shit, people just bandwagoned the whole duration of vanilla hopping from one class to another. And blizz tried to keep up by nerfing and buffing and fucking everything up.

Same shit happening to OW.

I remember shamans literally using shock blast on people and 1 shotting in PVP and it never got fixed

wasted dub dubs also KYS

>shock blast

