Iceland is the most based country and you can't prove me wrong

Iceland is the most based country and you can't prove me wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

never said I could

Can confirm

From which part of Basedland are you from, lad?

It's also one of the hardest countries to immigrate to

Live in Akureyri rn

>extremely shit weather
>very VERY few people
>all people are inbreds
>island in the middle of fucking nowhere
>all the island smells like fish
> no nature, is just a goddamn rock
Sounds like shit, whats so based about it

Unfortunately, but this is probably the reason it is so based.

d-do you guys hate immigrants?


Shitty island full of inbreds that's bound to completely blow up and kill off anyone there.

It looks freezing.

I can feel the salt all the way here

The entire country smells like rotten farts though.

>tfw ywn frolic naked through the forests of Iceland

So based wow.

>11,000 Icelanders offer rooms in their houses knowing full well that in the winter the gorillas will freeze to death

But they didn't.

>Iceland is the most based country

yes, they are very noice

they are

Nigger, what?

Kristján bought appelsín for me once when I was a kid

When I say Kristján I mean Kristján loftsson
Owner of hvalur hf


Is it too late for beer and snus?
what about only snus?

>Shitty island full of inbreds that's bound to completely blow up and kill off anyone there.
kek no.

will they receive me? i can clean toilets an suck cocks

Are you cute?

Its very empty though, like really empty.
Basically no restaurants or cafes, not much at all actually.
Quite pretty but in a desolate sort of way.

a country to visit

Why the fuck do people keep accepting refugees? Wtf?! Just stop!

>the whole country has less people than a small city from my here
