Why were they so superior in the air?

Why were they so superior in the air?

What are you talking about? Germans were known for their superior tanks, if anything. Luftwaffde was grounded for most of the war, especially after the Allies gained the upper hand.

>Luft 'Let's spend all the budget into useless wonder weapon. Lol btw what is strategic bomber' waffe
>Superior Airforce

becoz their high LMAO

German engineering was best in the world

Look up the list of fighter aces friendo. Pretty sure 100% of the top 100 aces are all German.

Shooting down untrained russian pilots doesn't count as "superior"

It was more shitty leadership. Hitler was a spastic autist who was more concerned at feeling good than actual proper strategy and tactics.

He ordered the Luftwaffe to stop attacking military targets and focusing on civilians right before the RAF themselves admitted they were almost done for, allowing them to reorganize and resupply.

They just wasted time and resources bombing civilians because it made Hitler feel better about getting "revenge" against them for being able to hit German cities.

... against Russian sitting ducks (il-2)

The Germans didn't rotate their aces off the front lines to train new pilots with their vital combat experience like the Americans did

That's because Germans would continually send their pilots on combat missions until they died, while Allied air forces would recall their skilled pilots for instructor duty. This was necessary to use the massive material advantage in aircraft and fuel the Allies possessed by 1943 and actually win the war, which was the point - wracking up pointless kill counts by destroying grounded, wooden Soviet "planes" was not


Shhh, this upsets the naziboo!

>Germans were known for their superior tanks
German tanks were shit
Tactics were good, radios in tanks made the difference

They broke down every two seconds too. Overly complicated and weighed too much.

Crew competence was everything, but having a gun that could penetrate something was a bonus.

>Crew competence
That will never happen again on that scale in Germany
Prussia is dead, they destroyed it, Junker culture is gone, no more officer schools

It was a rational response to Germany's strategic situation (the Japanese did it too). Of course it made sense to maximize the number of highly skilled pilots available for combat at the earliest possible time, before the massive industrial superiority of the United States made itself felt on the battlefield. They understood the Axis could not win a long war unless the Soviet Union surrendered. The Germans did better than they "should" have in many areas including air combat, especially in the support role. It just wasn't enough

Didn't the RAF annihilate them every time they fought?

>German p51's
I... Wat.

Because they were outnumbered and had more targets to shoot at. All those aces didn't bring them victory so it all hardly matters.



spitfires and kittyhawks are my planefus

Arent these p51s,lol?