Be me 14 years old

>be me 14 years old
>pretty happy in good shape im athletic and im part of a boxing club in my small town im 5'9"
>i almost always kick ass in boxing but when i leave im docile and socially open and nice
>i have a good group of friends most of them fake but my close friends are nerdy funny guys
>i have a pretty decent life at home too my dad was abusive to me but not my sister he neglected me and hit me often and was always drunk when he was home
>he worked for the railway so luckily he only came home every 7 days
>my mum finally had enough of his shit so she made me and my sister pack up and we just left we moved in with my grandparents
>we lived there for a while moving around to different places but alas we always returned to my grandparents house
>after a while my grandma decided to do a little soul searching and moved to thunder bay ontario and she stayed there looking after my great grandma and living more happy than ever i visited often enough
>fast forward a few years and my grandma gets pretty sick she goes to the doctors a few times and gets diagnosed with congestive heart failure its a fairly curable problem that gets old people a lot. she scheduled a date for the surgery to have a pacemaker implanted
>before the surgery she wants to come back out to visit my grandpa and the rest of us
>its near my mums birthday on december 18th were soon gonna have a double celebration my grandma plans to leave the day after so were gonna throw a going away party and my mums birthday party at the same time
>december 17th comes around and i havent been to the city to get a gift my grandma offers to drive me in her car
>i get ready to go and my little sister wants to pick out a present too so she comes
(After my mom left my dad she met a guy whos my step dad now and had a kid with him she is 4 right now)
>we're ready to go now
>in the car driving down the highway dark road but our headlights show the way

Cont? Pick very related you'll find out why

Tldr faget

are you gay?

Continue already faglord

Only at night.

Did you fuck your grandmother? If not, why should I give a fuck about your stupid, boring story?

more i already read all this shit


>we see a pair of headlights on the road ahead swerving everywhere its a truck
>the car we're in is a compact honda fit which is a tiny little car my grandma drives
>we pull off to the side of the road to avoid the obviously drunk driver
>the truck is looking like its gonna pass but it keeps drifting off every few seconds
>he's speeding somewhat straight in his lane when boom he slips out of his lane straight into the front right side of the car where i am
>im not killed or even knocked out by this but im frozen for a few seconds
>the truck backs off the hood of our car
(He was sorta half on the side of the hood and half in the passenger side of the car)
>and he speeds right into the ditch then back onto the road the driver gets out and just fucking leaves he runs away
>the car is mangled and i look at my grandma she's out
>i look at my sister and her face is covered in blood her head looks not right and shes slumped over unnaturally i begin to freak out i try to move but my legs are stuck i take off my seatbelt and try to pull my self free
>thats when i noticed my leg looked like a plastic bag full of jell-o it was getting bigger to i didnt really care at the time though
>i try to reach the handle above the window but my arm wont go up properly i feel my shoulder not much wrong but my collarbone is sticking out at an odd angle
>idgaf so i shove my arm up anyways i pull the handle and pain shoots throughout my body i slump back down i try waking my grandma up since she doesnt look to bad but she wont move
>i glance at my left hand and holy shit its big and purple and my finger is cocked straight sideways so its pointing outwards
>my grandma wont wake up but i start to hear crying coming from the carseat in the back my sister isnt dead
>i check my grandmas pulse like i learned in cpr school training
>nothing not a single pulse

Still interested?

more fag ive come this far

K give me a sec

>something in me snaps and i fucking lose it and grab the handle again and reef on it
>i hear a pop and feel shooting pain i drop my self and then i hear a crack in my ankle
>i just broke my own ankle
>people start ariving on the road and ambulances are called
>the first responders fire trucks arive first obiously and my sister gets pulled through the window the
>first responders start doing cpr on my grandna since i couldnt move i couldnt reach her to do it in the first place
>my door is caved in and wont open its starting to hurt to breath
>the door is cut off and the dash of the car is cut so i can be freed
>im pulled onto a stretcher and then the paramedics fucking accidentally drop me on the road and i fall off the strecher breaking the straps on me and sending a massive amount of pain through me
>in the flashing light i can see just how fucked up i look my body is misshapen and my leg looks mangled
>im covered in my own blood coming from my face my body and my leg
>i cant breath or speak it takes the rushing paramedics a while to notice i start to cough up a large amout of blood
>they still dont notice they're parked way behind a line of cars clogging the road
>i start freaking out and i hit one of the paramedics and grasp at my throat the start running faster and finally we arive
> they pump air into my mouth i feel it entering my chest
>it feels like knives entering me and i pass out
>When i wake up i have a mask on and im in a hospital bed going fast down a hall nurses are all around me talking/shouting i still cant speak or make out words anyone is saying to me
>i pass out again
>this time im not moving but nurses are still all around me i can breath some how but its rough
>a big juicy chunk of bloody something comes out of my throat and i start couging
>I yell out and a nurse pushes my head down i didnt realize i was shaking i think i was seizing but it stopped soon
>i start asking questions but they're slurred i cant make out proper sentences

Yes, just finish the whole story

just cont. you fag

what spurred you to tell Sup Forums about this?

I've got a limited word count for the posting but im on it

Boredom mostly but my psychologist told me writing about it might help

>im scared now am i gonna die
>the nurse asks me for the day of the week and i dont know
>she askes for the day of the month and i remeber its the 17th
>she nods and asks me for my name and i tell her
>my vision goes black from the corners of my eyes inwards i cant see i realize im not breathing and i struggle a breath i inhale but my exhale comes out as a cough more blood chunks
>the nurses start wiping me down with cold wet cloths
>my mum my grandpa my step dad and my uncle dan come in
>my mum is crying and she cant even look at me my grandpa looks somewhat sick as well as my uncle dan
>i start crying a asking if my sister is ok and my grandma but after i say grandma my mum breaks down crying as i drift off
Should i continue? This was a few years ago and theres alot more to the story but ive still gotta write the rest so it may take a bit.

Sure cont. Man

go OP. can wait

thanks for the nut sack




Belief bump


bump i want to hear more




also this picture gets worse the longer I look at it


You mean better? This fare favorably on /fa/, I think.

>i woke up with my mum beside me i felt nauseous and groggy i remeber this feeling from the morphine i was given several years ago when i had an appendectomy
>i was being casted from just below my toes up to my hip and at the same time my arm was being casted
>my mum was beside me reassuring me i was gonna be okay i asked why i couldnt breath and she told me the doctors said i partially collapsed both lungs
>they took the morphen bag off the metal thing beside me and replaced it with a blood pint
>they told my mum i was still losing blood and my bp was dropping quickly so they escorted her out
>i was still in shock but i was coming out of it so i was starting to feel everything they did to me
>pain pain pain is what followed
They switched the bags of blood three times
>i heard them say they needed to remove the casts and prep me for surgery
>they traced the blood loss to my leg from which i was internally bleeding
>i drifted off to sleep and when i awoke my mum was back beside me running her fingers through my hair she said they were gonna have to do surgery on me but she didnt know the specifics only that it was to stop bleeding in my leg
>as a nurse came through the door i heard people inside saying if the leg is to badly damaged they may have to consider amputation
>i was scared but soon my doctor came in he was an orthopedic surgeon and he told me they would be moving me to a surgery bed
>i was shaken but i blindly agreed as they wheeled me away from my mum and told her to leave
>the moving process was horrible the raised the surgery bed up and slid a weird plastic sheet thing under me then just slid me right on to the other bed
>i was given a new mask and told to count back from ten
>10-9-8-7 boom i passed out

Word counts suck

nice nuts

Thank you

Keep going, I don't want this thread to end with half a story and a picture of a buff dwarf.

Yes, captivating.

For fuck sakes OP I read all that bullshit and there wasn't an end? If your next post isn't the end result of your stupid story you had better kill yourself

Ok gimme a sec

Can someone for the love of fuck please TLDR this shit?

>when i woke up my mouth felt like the desert and i felt numb and limp
>the nurse next to me said hello to me when i opened my eyes and kept having to remind me to breath
>my mum popped in and the nurse put me on more morphine i lifted my head up
>ohthankfuckingchrist i still had two legs
I asked what the surgery was about and my mum still red in the eyes told me they spent 6 hours putting in a stint, which is a tube to reconnect the artery i severed also they put a rod in my leg and collarbone thats what that x-ray is of in the first post
>the next few days were a blurr of sleep and the comings and goings of doctor and nurses
>i woke up fully about a week later i was having really messed up dreams i had a cast on my left hand and a larger one going up my leg again
>i apparently had been coughing up blood all week but since i was awake the nurse wanted to test/exercise my lungs so she brought out this yellow and clear plastic thing and told me to put it in my mouth
>it worked like a reverse bong i blew into it and i little tick thing went up my job was to get it to 15 which was a normal breath
>i failed and could hardly get it to move.


ops car got hit by a gross midget and he died

Buff dwarf

I don't know what body part that is but none of it looks like a fit 14 year old.


Honeslty, if you keep asking if we want you to cont, just stop. It's so boring i don't even fucking care if you say "cont?" one more time.

wish u died in the accident xDDD


Im writing again so wait a bit

Im not sleepy, cont pls


OP got in an accident because his grandma was a shit driver who should have had her license revoked years before the accident.

>kid got hit by drunk driver and gets injured
>grandma dies
>he has surgery

that's literally the whole lame ass story.

OP is a faggot

this is years later retard

it was a buff dwarf btw



post OP

op your story is kind of interesting
your posting speed is what truly makes you a faggot

fukking THIS
Why do elderly people feel the need to stop the vehicle whenever something unexpected happens?
>Car is swerving like mad, making a beeline straight for us
>Oh I'm sure they're fine let's just let them pass.. let me just pull over her--ERRRRRHUNEGKIGDG

Please OP, just make the next post your last one, I need to get to fucking sleep

Where you at OP

Also sorry about ur gram OP


Get well puffy dogger

Stay awake to read this masterpiece you weakfag

I hope she died painfully.
And yours.
Go fuck yourself.

From the text it seems she got knocked out at the hit and her heart fail at the instant. No pain. So kys with all the pain nigger



Fuck myself ... Hmm.
Time to masturbate to your dead grandmother.


I will, but it had better fucking pay off

OP this had better end with you fucking your grandma

Masterpiece ... Boy is it summer in here.
Fuck your trips

is op ded?

Lmfao. Gma Tits or gtfo

Dedder than his grandmom

Nah it's cold af here, so kys.
>inb4 that's not how summer works

Report for cp. No one wants to see your nut sack.

Fuck you OP hurry this shit up

>for the next few weeks i couldt keep food down so the put me on an iv
>i started to become really weak but once i was able to eat the took the iv out i was soon able to sit up in bed without becoming nauseous and passing out
>i started in hospital physiotherapy after 5 weeks and they finally showed me my full body x-ray and listed my injuries
>they were broken hips both sides, broken pelvis, shattered hand wrist and arm on the left side, fucking obliterated femur, broken ankle, broken collarbone, many cracked ribs and one broken one, muscle torn all throughout my shoulder, broken jaw, collapsed the bottom of both lungs, severed my corroded artery, and finally some broken teeth.
>i was breathing normally by this point but my chest still hurt while doing it
>throughout the entire time i was wearing a catheter which is a tube that goes into the tip og the cock into the bladder and just sits there because i couldnt pee while in the bed mostly because of my broken pelvis swelling up
>when the swelling went down and time came to remove it they explained to me what they were about to do
>i was relieved because it was hurting my dick
>the female nurse doing it was a fat old woman and when she went to do it she apparently forgot about the little part in the very tip of the tupe that inflates to hold it in the bladder and when she pulled in the tube it felt like she was gonna pull my bladder right out
>she said sorry after i shouted in pain and deflated it then pulled it out which still hurt
>i urinated after a couple hours for the first time in about 5 weeks
>first just thin blood came out and it was nothing but stinging but then a healthy stream started and the pain subsided

Before you start typing how much of this story is left?

op isn't ded

Ok, so, did the drunk nigger ever get caught? Is he kill?

OP plz I need sleep
Hurry the fucking story

Get well puffy dogger


and the world's slowest typer award goes to the biggest faggot we know! drum roll please!

*drums roll*


Not much after probably 2 more posts after the next one

Someone swerving all over the road. Options. Turn around and try to stately ahead of them, keep going and hope it goes well trying to dodge, or stop the car and get off the roadway. What should she have done?

how's the autism treating you. dont forget to take the pills the nice doctor prescribes.

/hurrr durrr mah opinion

Did they find the guy? I assume they did right? Was he punished properly?

He had a passenger who wasnt drunk so when he ran away they said they were driving and there was open alcohol in the truck but the passenger said ice was the cause so no charges were laid since the drunk driver wasnt placed at the scene and no proof to support he was ever there was found so he got off scott free

this is why you don't drink and drive

so they deemed your word worthless? Lawsuit material right there.

I'd find him and kill him.

Because you'll kill two people and then not get punished in anyway other than losing your truck?

I was said unfit to be questioned by the cops and after like a year of recovery they had closed the case and wouldnt take my written statement