So true

So true.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can understand feeling like a guy in a girls body. Or vice versa.
I can even understand not feeling sexual at all.

But everything else is pure vanity and self-absorption.

Is this for ants


those are pokemon not mental disorders you fucking retard

Those look like a 4 year old. Makes sense cause the people who go around toting this garbo is about 4 years old mentally

Didn't even know there was more than 2 genders.


Cause there isn't.

There's only 2 you fucking autistic cunt.




That's what I said. Can you not english?

That's what he is saying
>you fucking autistic cunt.

believe what you want.
medically there's only 2 genders.

if you go to a hospital with abdominal pain as a biological female, no matter how many times you insist you're a boy, they'll still do a pregnancy test on you.

Hah, retard.

there's three


Which one is attack helicopter?


confirmed by trips

Underrated post

I think I may be fuckup.


What about hermaphrodites?
I'd say there are three genders, or hermaphrodites both genders? Are there people born with no gender, like a doll?

Yes. But they have to pee and shit too. They just have 2 tiny holes for it.
U call them females

>What about hermaphrodites?
Are people fucking worms?

What about Siamese twins?, you're a fucking retard comparing some genital defect with some mental disorder, get back to tmblr you hamplanet.

strictly speaking, we are all born with female genitalia.

our hormones shape our genitals during development in the womb, which are in turn determined by our genetics.

sure there are things like XXY (klinefelters), etc. but these people are male, and just happen to have an extra X which renders them sterile.

then there's stuff like ambigious genitalia at birth, caused by things like androgen insensitivity syndrome, rendering external genitalia female, despite having male chromosomes.

but overall. there's genetic XY who fail to respond to androgens, giving a female appearance, and theres people who have just messed up genitals, however they end up developing normally otherwise into either gender.

so no, in terms of true hermaphoditism, it does not exist in humans.