Did this guy die by getting squashed by his car? How retarded

Did this guy die by getting squashed by his car? How retarded

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It's not retarded.

It's pretty fucking retarded.


You're pretty fucking retarded.

He's Russian

Your mother is pretty fucking retarded.


It was a freak accident you socially inept cunt.

i was always sayin we should strive to perfection, cuz actions can turn against u radically. Thats why theres a safety message in elevators about not going in 1st and then dragging a large trash bin behind, so it wont kill u. Thats why u pull the hand brake - so the loose car doesnt kill any1

He died doing what he loved.

rip. he was a good chekov

Yea, Left handbrake off and walks in front of car on an incline to open gate.

Does someone have that 'retard alert' gif of Mister Garrison?

brought it on himself

yeah, he was.


Yeah but not really a freak accident like a plane smashing into your house while your eating cornflakes.
He forgot to put his car in park and died, so pretty retarded

Who is he?


pick one

Not clear it was his fault. There was a recall on his car because that model didn't always lock in park, but would be in neutral. Not clear yet what happened.

Thanks bro. I'm on my phone so no Sup Forums folder. You saved the day!

Some cunt.


It is a design flaw in the grand jeep Cherokee you fucking Edgy autistic faggot.

the kid from hearts in atlantis

>doesn't know the difference between your and you're
>calls other people "retarded"

Tip top kek.

>getting so butt injuried
Dude relax he was terrible in Star Trek and deserved to die. :^)

he may of been a retard but here we are talking about him so he was clearly doing something right

is this is b8?

>he may of been a retard
>may of
>not may have
>calling other people "retarded"

Top kek. Lern 2 Anglish, maytee.


You're the scum of the earth and deserve to be eaten alive slowly by insects.

Grammar faggots, the lowest form of faggot

>Grammar faggots, the lowest form of faggot

That's spelling not grammar, actually. How does it feel to have the writing ability of a 10-year-old?

The spelling of the word of was correct. It should be a different word, making it grammar.

Is that real footage of what happened

No that's a family of redneck idiots
That's an American driveway.

>The spelling of the word of was correct. It should be a different word, making it grammar.

You could argue that, or you could say he badly misspelled "have" due to the contracted spoken form of the word.



That's Mrs. Garrison to you.

Pick one

I wonder if it killed him instantly or if he sat there thinking about how he left his phone in the jeep crushing him. Or even worse it was in his pocket he couldn't reach.

Feeling his pants vibrate from texts as he bleeds to death

Or had one of those
>Well i'm fucking stupid
Sort of thoughts. Giggling to himself like an idiot

Only girls and faggots put their phones on vibrate

Ok then he died to the star trek theme



>implying you've never died doing something retarded

>he badly misspelled "have" due to the contracted spoken form of the word.
I thought it was because of the past participle, but that said, RIP.



He was a russian spy with links to Snowden, CIA killed him, made it look like an accident.
Watch Alex Jones.

apparently they just found a suicide note


RIP tovaritch. He wasn't much of a Dr Jerkov in real life though.

Club 27!

Glad he''s dead

The rest of the new crew hopefully follows

nice one

was a fucking retarded jew

>>Be american

>>Be too dumb to drive stick shift


Such is life

odd thomas was comfy^2

i will miss him


dr flexi jerkoff was flesh gordon not star trek

That's horrible. He was a pretty good actor too. r.i.p bro.


Funny, the news says no foul play and you all just blindly accept it.

Found the 40 year old og trekky fan virgin faggot.
Nobody but gays and micropenis 70s nerds like the og Star Trek.

Dang. I've liked him in everything I've seen him in. Odd Thomas was very fun. Poor Guy. That said, the first thing I thought of when I heard how he died was if a video of it will appear in a rekt thread soon.

Yea I thought about this last night too.
Was also 2 days before summer solstice. Sacrifice?

He was russian
With a fucking name of
Anton Yelchin
You fucking idiot

Watch Alex jones is bill hicks.
And watch your whole world fall apart with one theory.

This gif is as old as me. Welcome to Sup Forums newfag.



See this is why you should drive manual. You got a hand break and shit like this won't happen.

Should have got his Jeep looked at. Recalled for the exact reason he died.

>What is neutral
>What is park
>What is a handbrake

He was awesome in Alpha Dog though. Never saw anything else he did.

Was he the magician kid from Curb your Enthusiasm?


>Frankie wants him to die because he is his dad's bitch and hasn't had a threesome even though he's a gangster

>TFW Loved him in Alpha Dog
>Still mocked his death online

He died as he lived; neutral.