Why do white people do this?

Why do white people do this?

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because white people

fuck that's hot. not the white bitch, but the other niggers. can i get more third world porn?

because if you dont want us to do it we'll do it anyways because fuck you

Why do Nigs do This?

They aren't niggers nigger.

Niggers gun nig.

>implying all explorers are white

MFW they shave in stone ages and someone finally invented time travel

Why do nigs need help eating?



what, use photoshop?

Make fake pictures? For the laughs, I guess.

that's photoshopped as fuck. what the hell.


Why are Niggers so racist that they kill albino niggers?
Current statistics of persecution of albinistic people

A report was released on 1 April 2014 by the Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, office of the Canadian charity Under the Same Sun. Titled Reported Attacks of Persons with Albinism, the document reviews 180 countries and lists 129 recent killings and 181 other attacks, all within 23 African countries. These attacks include mutilation, violence, violation of graves, and cases of asylum-seeking.[6]


>can i get more third world porn?

just look outside your window if you live in america

I want more

>Dat bush
She must be German.

White guilt. Also, fucking hover hands! Really!?

What, try to embrace and appreciate a culture that is truly foreign to them?

This pic captured the essence of occidental decadence.
This ridiculous hipster girl was educated to believe that all civilizations are equal, therefore she poses naked along with naked savages.
This is this kind of cultural cucks that go hiking in third world countries and get raped and killed or beheaded before even understanding what is happening.
Occidental world, with this kind of politically correct people, is preparing the venue of violent and authoritarian masses into its territories - as there will be close to no resistance.
We are undergoing the same process that led to the end of the roman empire.
I hate those people.

Nice thighs m8


Except it's photoshoped. Look at the borders of her garments and how they are identical to the ones some of the aboriginal girls are wearing.


Not a bad shop, but the drop shadow is all wrong on the neck garment. Gives it away.

You are right.
but anyway...


Because Witchdoctors use Albinos in spells especially to make people rich.

>Been to Tanzania 5+ times

Seen a few shops in your time have you?


thats a shop fucking morons

Yeah, I could tell by the pixels.

Why do white people do this?

With russel crowe's face

The fuck, did she draw her own festive markings with a sharpie? Anyways I kinda get it, next to the Amazonian moose knuckles even she looks almost hot.

Also pretty sure she thinks she's "preserving" that tribe. Of which every other hipster hippie seems to have pictures of these days.

all white people should do this tbh

Moar nigga


Thats some bad photoshopping right there.

Why do white people do this?


actually says UK soldier

ye fookin britbong m8

nobody likes white people, not even white people.

>white people


You can tell it's photo shopped.

Because they got tricked into thinking they are equal or even inferior to these savages, by the jews. Stupid ppl just believe that crap and try to "show respect" to the savages "culture" like this.

Maximum welfare jackpot...

Will you fuck off

it's not white people
it's always white women

why the fuck with anyone do that?

That's the most white kid shit I've ever seen.....


Why? You need someone to assauge your inferiority complex ?
Or are you one of those entitled niggers?

that's a shop faggot

white people party

Only dumb twats do it. I got nothing to apologise for. It was fucked up sure.. But it's not out burden. And fuck niggers for acting up like we owe them anything.

u mad?

They are niggers you nigger. If you're not white you're a nigger

Everyone who's not white is a nigger.
If your bloodline comes from outside the circle, you're a nigger.

All black ppl should pick cotton tbh

>mfw white "people"

This is now officially a bait thread.

Anita Sarkeesian is a hero crusading against gender tropes.


What...do terrible photoshops? Because white people are pathetic.

that's so disgustingly racist i just threw up you bigoted future rapist


>Icelanders are niggers

It is.

Cause otherwise Mexicans wouldn't have work.

what did Iceland do


it's like asking why black people steal they just do it

and white people should give reparations to black people. you cannot argue with that.

No. Are you? Cause that's worse.
If I get mad, I'll be a little angry but otherwise keep myself in check.
You'll start throwing punchs, like an animal.

dude can't you read?

>New Teen C H A N open>


Most of them are, yes. The one's that aren't are descended from Norway.


Are you trying to bait out racist comments by acting like they rustled your jimmies? I mean ive been here all the time since last summer and i smell bullshit friend.

>dat shitty photoshop

Icelanders also descended from UK and Ireland.



u a mad wite boi. lol whats wrong something long with my dick?


That shits photoshopped you fucking idiot, look at the white girls hands.

Fucking neck beard thinks people from the caucus mountains aren't white. You do know what Caucasian means right? Shit you probably don't even know where that is.

calm down, edgefriend

That's the problem with niggers.
They think that because of some fucking history, people who weren't even involved in past crimes should give them money.
This has happened to more people than you can imagine, and they aren't throwing self-entitled shit-fits.
You don't see the Irish petulantly demanding "reparations" from America for the shit they went through in the 1800s.
That's probably why most niggers are so poor.

Deep...but on point.

The question still applies. But holy fuck, I didn't think I could cringe harder

sage, but also, why on earth is it that someone keeps posting this same fucking "black lives matter, he dindu nuffins" thread? also, if white women liked black cock, there would be a larger black population, this never happens and there are plenty of sources of information that say otherwise, go learn something you idiots.


>tfw native brownies have less hairy vag than a civilized white woman.

Their budget for fenga pappits must be huge...

Fuck, that is UGLY.

Something wrong with your dad? Oh wait, you'll never know cause he left.
It was probably you.