Which one of these Asian languages should I learn?

Japanese, Korean, or Mandarin? I love them all but I can't learn all of them at the same time.

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Post the don't learn Chinese picture


Please someone post it

all of them are nothing shit but crap shit


If you master either Japanese or Mandarin, you can understand like 3% of the other without studying it.

Why don't you learn Mongolian?

From my business experiences, Koreans are exactly the same, the only difference is they are more tightly knit together and are speaking Korean

So learn Japanese, OP

I'll study Japanese first then, thanks guys!

You can learn Mandarin and Korean at the same time

Korean + Japanese, grammar is too similar so you'll mix up vocab

Japanese + Mandarin, learning double the characters will confuse you

Que idiomas (indoeuropeas) sabes ya?
Por que no comiences con ellas?


I could try to learn two at the same time, but I think it's inefficient. Wouldn't it take double the time to get proficient in both languages?

I prefer to be able to use them as soon as possible, that way if I learn Japanese (for example) I could use Japanese resources to learn Korean or Mandarin.

Puedo hablar español, francés e inglés. Quiero aprender algún idioma asiático porque me interesan mucho.

It will take double the time if you split up your planned language learning time between the two, but not if you just put double the effort in (assuming the two languages aren't too similar, like I said before). Ask yourself how much free time you have, I guess.

If you're absolutely set on learning all 3 eventually, I would imagine it to be efficient to transfer knowledge of Chinese characters and Korean grammar over to Japanese, that way Japanese would just be mostly be vocab study.

90% of Japanese struggle with learning English and never be able to speak it fluently and correctly, and vice versa desu. So you just can't do it.
Learn Mandarin.

Gaijin's obsession with asian is disgusting. It's Steve Jobs' fault. Fuck ZEN

What does the Japanese inability to learn English has to do with me?

I don't really have the time to learn two of those languages at once, everything seems to steer me in the direction of Japanese. I learn that I'll have kanji knowledge for Mandarin, and grammar knowledge for Korean.


DESU, it's a waste of time and energy.

gookorean would be your worst bet m8

We don't have to learn English
You don't have to learn Japanese
I mean It's hard to keep your motivation up.


>t. myself

But it's fun.
That's not a good reason for why it can't be learned. (Also most English speakers in the world can't speak English very well and expressively, including many native speakers)

Well I know I don't have to, it's not like anyone is forcing me to learn an Asian language. I want to do it though, learning languages is a fun hobby for me.

I like the way taiwanese speak 普通語

언제부터 한국어를 공부했나?

oppa gannam style!!!

Japanese: ok grammar, shitty writing system, easiest pronunciation;
Chinese: easiest grammar, shittiest writing system, hardest pronunciation (plus, it's ugly);
Korean: shittiest grammar, easiest writing system, ok pronunciation.

But I'd go with Mandarin Chinese. I think it is more useful. Besides, grammar is usually the hardest thing to learn... All it takes to learn Mandarin is a good memory (repeat, repeat, repeat...) and some practice with tones (it's not as hard as most people think).

You mean 國語?

you don't wanna learn dis shit don't you?

chinese are shit but Hong kong and taiwan are fine.

japanese and korean grammar are identical numbnuts. both follow SOV


That's kinda the same way I see it. I'm leaning towards Japanese because I prefer weird/difficult/complex writing systems and Japanese seems to be ideal for that.

I mean 北京語
國語 means national language.
Swedish is 國語 for you and Japanese is 國語 for me desu.

you will regret

If you are still here, could you write something more abot them?

I was confused when I learnt English for the first time and saw it(13yo)

What is it when they put 来 before verbs? What's the purpose?

it sometimes mean 'came'
like 來吃飯吧=came here to eat

your 字 is 汚
(your handwriting is bad)

Hey gaijins we can communicate without learning chinese/japanese like this. Kanji is awesome.

My point is, taiwanese say 國語 and not 普通話, that's more of a mainland thing. At least from my understanding

I regret not studying harder when I had the chance ;_;

yeah obviously but does it have any other meaning, I saw it used before verbs where come doesn't make sense

i know
cause i was losing patience at that time
can't bear this cluster fuck tons of idiom

Yes. I am learning korean,its grammar is very like.
But Notice the following: details differ a bit between two.

yeah, got it from here


was surprised how similar the two were as well

Japanese and Korean are structurally similar, but I agree that Korean is at least slightly more complicated (being the hardest of the three).

And yes, Chinese is by far the easiest when it comes to grammar.

i can only find it's meaning in chinese
1. 由另一方面到这一方面,与“往”、“去”相对:~回。~往。过~。归~。~鸿去燕(喻来回迁徙,不能在一地常住;亦喻书信来往)。
2. 从过去到现在:从~。向~。
3. 现在以后,未到的时间:~年。将~。~日方长。
4. 用在数词或数量词后面,表示约略估计:二百~头猪。
5. 做某个动作:胡~。
6. 用在动词前,表示要做某事:大家~动脑筋。
7. 用在动词后,表示做过(一般均可用“来着”):昨天他哭~。
8. 用在动词后,表示动作的趋向:上~。
9. 表示发生:暴风雨~了。
10. 在数词一、二、三后面,表示列举理由:这台收录机一~音质好,二~价钱便宜,我就买了。
11. 用做诗、歌词中的衬字:八月里~桂花香。
12. 表示语气,归去~兮!
13. 姓。

I don't understand this because there is no Japanese subtitles.


sorry I didn't know that
then 國語 is 北京語 in taiwan??

I cann't playback and stop to read English or korean subtitle because I am tired.

國語 = mandarin, yes


Is this guy famous in Japan? His japanese seems to be sharp as fuck.

we don't use 北京話(beijing's language) or 普通話(normal language) to say Mandarin
we call it 國語 (nation's language)or 中文(chinese language) here in Taiwan

그 비디오는 어차피 중요하지 않지

A question. How hard would it be for a foreigner, meaning me, to study at university in Taiwan? I've studied chinese for two years in Taiwan, so I'm not a complete beginner, but no expert either. I want to study computer science or programming or something similar.

I'm not a native speaker but I feel like they often use 来 before the outcome of something, so there doesn't need to be movement necessarily. You see that a lot as "用 [something] 来 [action]" especially.


it depends on your talent, Swede bro

Learning languages due to some strange supposition that their native users may be nice people would definitely result in one big dissapointment. I study Mandarin, because I treat it as some kind of intellectual challenge, that's all.

哦 真的嗎?

Find this book, it contains explanations for all those "strange" verbs:

Only one way to find out, I guess



However, neither the 1st nor the 2nd edition of that book contain a section on the interesting uses of 来.

ah well I'm not trying to learn Mandarin, I mean it would be nice but I'm busy with other things
I just have some minimal knowledge I picked up over the course of years


Did you make a mistake there, or can you actually say 個幾 like that?

Sorry, I only learn the simplified characters at this point, but if I understand you correctly - I still need several years to be able to decipher this language, formally speaking I have only HSK4 and this means that I'm barely on the A2 level.

this is 100% how native speak
you will never learn it from any book

you can give me your social account
i can visit you when you come to Taiwan :3

So what does 個幾 mean here? "One or a few"? Or does it just mean "a few"?

說個幾句 and 說幾句話 are the same
both mean 'say something' but we use the previous one verbally
'幾' means 'few'
'個' doesn't mean anything

dont separate into 個幾

What do all the circles and underlines mean here?

你還在嗎?我的line ID是kallecola

it means it is something important
but i can't remember shit
what ID?
fb or line?


How do you say meme in Mandarin? Also post some Chinese internet meme I am curious

but be warned
i am a little autistic and currently busy from every Monday to Saturday
so i won't be online frequently
you can still ask me any question about Taiwan through
here is one

oh and i am going to sleep right now

>i am a little autistic
so am I :^)