Me and a friend boiled up 40g of dried shrooms, drank about 20g worth each

Me and a friend boiled up 40g of dried shrooms, drank about 20g worth each

It's only been 6 hours but it feels like an eternity. Days have gone by in the time we have sat here.

I don't want to be here any more. When will this end?

>Inb4 kill yourself, I've been dead for a while now

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First time gettin high huh, Billy?

20g was too much, I read you should only 5g first time, I've got shit to do soon lord help me

why do you need to get away? it's only bad because you're telling yourself its bad

Hell yeah 20g was a bit much. 20g wet shrooms would have been whatevs but dried... I mean as a seasoned drug user (not trying to sound like a faggot) I'd only trip off an 8th.

Bang /thread
Cheers dude feel much better

You're probably looking at another 3-4 hours of tripping bro. Maybe even more.

Op is on his way to a 14 hour trip and he doesn't even know it

>boiling shrooms
>heat breaks down psilocybin
>Probably got 5g worth, wasted the rest
Good God what a wAste of drugs, just kill yourself

been there, best you can do is smoke weed and wait it out

Feels like I've been Tripping for days, but listening to tame impala so pre good

So like am I gonna go crazy or something?

just relax and enjoy the ride, really. Once it's over and you sobered up, you wish you would've gotten more out of it. Don't do stupid shit like thinking you can fly though

No. But there is a good chance you'll have flashbacks for a few weeks.


Nah. Just listen to music and fall asleep when you can. Take benzos if you have them, but you'll be fine either way. Just relax.

glad to hear it. I always remember, whatever I feel, it's a feeling, nothing is going to come of it. I don't need to go anywhere, it's fine just as it is.

Why the hell would you BOIL shrooms? That makes zero sense.


You took a shit load, I usually only take a quarter and mine usually lasts about 8 hours. It comes in waves though so you may feel like you're coming down, and then you'll start tripping balls again. Just stay calm op, it is all temporary.

Ate 17g of dried cubensis once. Tripped for 10+ hours and still felt weird the next day after sleeping it off.
Have fun OP, put on some good music and try to relax

Some people dont like the taste of dried shrooms. Making tea out of it makes ingesting it a lot easier on the stomach too.

Have fun tripping for what seems like days kek

worst thing you can do is thinking about how long it's going to last and that you don't want it anymore, that's what gets you on a bad trip. Just let yourself float, watch a movie, play cards, talk shit, whatever.

A friend once went on a horrortrip on acid after about 2 hours and i kept saying "don't worry mate, you got like 8 hours left, i'm sure you'll have fun later" while i saw his hair in 4 colours and could barely hold a coherent thought. Took me a few weeks until i realized that that was probably the worst thing i could've done

When you feel a bit better I suggest you start making some drawings.
Drawing on shrooms is fucking amazing!

Also if you smoke weed it will help to mellow you out op. I usually like to be outside when I'm tripping but if I get anxious out there then i go inside and watch some family guy or something else funny, that helps

Take some advice from terrence mckenna. I always love listening to mckenna while tripping.

Get some xanax and smoke a blunt

Cheers for all the advice guiz

I felt better knowing it will all be over soon. I began to feel somewhat normal until a 2nd wave came on, taking me out to sea again

Here's some Moleman