Ask a satanist anything

Ask a satanist anything

Why did you start another shitty thread when the last one just now failed? Are you bored?

Also, reading Lavey's carney joke book that rips off the Golden Dawn and Magick in Theory and Practice does not make you a satanist.

how to summon?

how's the 8th grade going?

I remember when I started coming to Sup Forums in like 2008 / 2009 and saw the Alice vs. Suiseiseki threads and thought, man I'ma troll these newb niggas and pretend I'm a Satanist and post shit like Baphomet and Enochiana and Celtic runes and shit I'll be so cool.

Yeah. I remember that. Fuckwit.

Top jej

So you believe in God?

Have you killed anyone yet to sacrifice?

What grade are you in the Church of Satan? Neophyte, Zelator, Hierophant?

So now SaSaSatan is a goat now? last week you guys were worshipping that horned redguy? what Gives? Also do you butt fuck your dead cats after sacrificing them?

i am writing a story set in the Mediterranean area and want to add some rituals, banishing etc. preferably done by 1-3 persons.
do you have recommendations?

what did you just say about me boy?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how trve or tr00 are you really?

You do follow Anton levay or what sect of beliefs?

Why are you not just an atheist? Do you actually think a god exists?

Considering he's chosen the Sigil of Baphomet, I reckon he's LaVeyan.

Is it really something that would bring the edge upon yourself further than you've not wanted to be a prince of darkness or some sort of special human isn't really the case when you know you're just a insecure faggot.

dat piture i spoopy

with how many soul shards can you summon a sexeh succubus

So is thor god or Satan? Is Satan god? And what's with the little hammer Viking hammer thing Zeus gave to lucifer. You know the one leviathan stole to make a doom band.

as a former Satanist and practicer of voodoo I can say that again op is a phony

Post ask me thread ...doesn't answer shit! Asshat!

How does it feel to worship a sub product of another religion?

could you help me with this?

Are you a theistic Satanist (goat killer) or atheist Satanist (anti-theist who holds Laveyan beliefs)?

maybe but all the satanic rituals are pretty much useless voodoo as well but what do you want?

I am a Satanist as well OP. Have yourself a wonderful summer.

I kinda wanna fuck Satan is that werid