Am I the only one that is completely fucking annoyed by this lady? Idk what it is about her that pisses me off the most

Am I the only one that is completely fucking annoyed by this lady? Idk what it is about her that pisses me off the most.
Post other cancers

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hate her too. Fucking no idea why normies love her.

I hear ya; puts on a mask thinks its funny every one else thinks its funny for some reason too. becomes infamous.... First world problems

Did you know: even venting frustration for something is advertising for it? Just ignore it, the less people hear about it, the better.

You do realize what you just said is even more of a facebook meme than this bitch, right?

Carefully calculated publicity stunt if you ask me, the type that fools non-redpilled normies into sharing it with a 'LOL love this woman' tagline. It's the shit your aunt who sends you candy crush requests would email you.

She looks like she suffers mood swings and beats her kids. Probably drinks a lot too.

ITT basement dwellers project their jealousy of some one who is happy and getting the attention they want

I fucking hate her too

Fag detected

>special snowflakes detected

>implying your not a basement dweller yourself
>inb4 your super rich and fuck bitches
>inb4 you dont live in the basement

Get mad because an old white lady is having fun with her life while you sit in your basement crying on Sup Forums about it.

There is no way they made an action figure of this lady so soon. It mus be some kind of marketing strategy of Disney


ı don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ʍɥǝɹǝ ʇɥǝ ɟuɔʞ ʇo bǝqın˙˙˙ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou ɟınd dǝɐd bodıǝs soɯǝʇɥınq ʇo ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ? ʎou ʇɥınʞ bǝɔɐusǝ ʎou qǝʇ ʇo sıʇ ın ʎouɹ ʍɐɹɯ ɥoɯǝs on ɐ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ ʇɥɐʇ ʎou ɔɐn ظusʇ ظoʞǝ ɐbouʇ ɥoɹɹıbןǝ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ʍɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɐɔʇuɐן ɟuɔʞ ıs ʍɹonq ʍıʇɥ ʎou quʎs? ʇɥıs ıs ʌǝɹʎ ɟuɔʞǝd up, ʎǝʇ ɔɹɐzʎ ɐssɟuɔʞs ןıʞǝ ʎou ɐɹǝ posʇınq dǝɐd ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ıʇ's noʇɥınq˙ sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs, doınq ʇɥıs sɥıʇ doǝs ɟuɔʞınq noʇɥınq˙ so ʎou ʍɐnʇ ʇo ɔoɯǝ on ɐn ıɯɐqǝboɐɹd ʇo bǝ ɐn ɐssɥoןǝ ɐbouʇ ʇɥınqs ןıʞǝ ʇɥıs? ןǝʇ ɯǝ ʇǝןן ʎou quʎs, ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן ɟuɔʞınq ʍǝɐʞ˙ ʎou ʍouןd nǝʌǝɹ bǝ usǝɟuן ʇo ʇɥǝ ʍoɹןd ʍıʇɥ suɔɥ bǝɥɐʌıoɹ ʎou pɹǝsǝnʇ˙ ɥonǝsʇןʎ ʍɥʎ do pǝopןǝ ןıʞǝ ʎou quʎs ǝʌǝn ǝxısʇ? ı bǝʇ ʎou don'ʇ ǝʌǝn ʞnoʍ ɐbouʇ ɥɐןɟ oɟ ʍɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ ɥɐʌǝ qonǝ ʇɥɹouqɥ ɟɹoɯ ʇɥǝn ʇıןן noʍ ʍɥǝn ʇɥǝʎ ɥɐʌǝ soɯǝonǝ ʇɥǝʎ'ʌǝ ʞnoʍn dıǝ˙ ʎou ɐɹǝ ɐןן suɔɥ dısqusʇınq buןןıǝs˙ ısn'ʇ ıʇ bɐd ǝnouqɥ ʇɥɐʇ pǝopןǝ qo ʇɥɹouqɥ ɥɐɹdsɥıps oɟ ʇɥǝıɹ ןoʌǝd onǝs? sǝɹıousןʎ ʍɥɐʇ do ʎou quʎs ɹǝɐןןʎ ɟınd ɟunnʎ ɐbouʇ ʇɥıs? sʇupıd ɟuɔʞǝɹs ı'ɯ so ɐnqɹʎ ɹıqɥʇ noʍ ʇɥɐʇ ı ʍısɥ ı ɔɐn ɟuɔʞınq punɔɥ ɯʎ ɔoɯpuʇǝɹ sɔɹǝǝn so ʇɥɐʇ ɯʎ ɟısʇ ɔɐn qǝʇ ɐ qood ɥıʇ on ʇɥɐʇ ɐssɥoןǝ ɟɐɔǝ oɟ ʎouɹs, op, sıɔʞ ɟuɔʞs˙ sǝɹıousןʎ, ظusʇ ɟuɔʞınq qɹoʍ up ɐnd ɐɔʇuɐןןʎ ɐɔʇ pɹopǝɹןʎ ɐbouʇ dǝɐʇɥ˙ sʇupıd ɟuɔʞ, ʞǝǝp ǝɐʇınq ʇɥosǝ ɔɥǝǝʇoǝs ʇɥɐʇ ʎou sʇɐın on ʎouɹ sɥıɹʇs ǝʌǝɹʎ dɐʎ˙

Your confusing them with this

Samefag detected

You cant inb4 the reality. I'm not super rich, I'm surviving though, I live in a 3 bedroom house with room mates and have one of those cheap Intex pools in the back yard. I'm not a super star buy I definitely am not wasting my life Crying about some old white lady.

>Why aren't you outside
Just tossing laundry in before going swimming

I dunno, user.
The lifecycle of memes is getting shorter by the day. Gotta capitalize on them pretty quickly

Nah bro

That's not the issue. She's annoying and it doesn't make sense for her to get popular by laughing at something so small and stupid. If anything she's the one with no life since she went out of her way to buy a fucking kids toy for herself on her own birthday... Then she sits in her car playing with it and records herself. Nice one m8.

>only one person would ever dare disagree with me
kek try again, princess

I dont understand your hatred dude. Why do you care so much? Did you get raped while this video was playing?

>not wasting my life crying about some old white lady
>not wasting my life
>browsing Sup Forums
Make up your mind fag

she made over half a mil and charges for her autograph now.


Your tiny jealous brain can't comprehend why people like others who are fun and not introverted self hating mongoloids

Literally got my swim trunks on now bruh, get over it, I'm out for a dip in the pool.

Youre jealous of a middle aged mom. Lol.

Implying people who find a lady wearing a chewbacca mask hilarious do not have tiny brains

I wouldn't pay her $20.00 for a BJ

Hatred? No. I just don't see why she should be famous and have a toy made after her just because she made a video playing with a child's toy and laughing at the camera when it wasn't even funny. I watched it and cringed, then looked at the comments to see all these people saying "wow lol that was so funny omg". When I'm reality it was stupid. Just because someone goes against the popular opinion, it doesn't mean that they are filled with hatred or have no life lol.

>implying that is the issue
Just admit youre a jealous man child, and be done with it.

wasnt there a singer who recents was shot/murdered signing autographs?

>inflatable kiddie pool in mommy's back yard

>disagreeing with other peoples opinions

She's fun because she sits in her car recording herself playing with toys? Also, how are we tiny brained because we don't find that stupid video funny?

Yet here you are? Who cares man? People have shit taste in entertainment, is this really news to you? So what, she got lucky and good for her.

>Your tiny jealous brain can't comprehend why people like others who are fun and not introverted self hating mongoloids
> Literally admitting your own argument makes you a man child

>literally confusing me with another user, because that is the only way you have a sliver of an argument
Dude this is such a non issue, yet here you are, why?

"Yet here you are?"

Not even sure what this is supposed to mean, but ok.

Anyway, why do I care? Because what she did isn't worthy of being famous at all. This isn't me acting out on jealousy either, but do you really think she should become rich because of that stupid video?

>yet here you are
Holding back the cringe man

Yes i do. People made her famous, she didnt set out to become famous, who cares? Seriously dude i can feel your blood pressure rising through the screen. Take a few breathes and ask yourself, "how does this affect me?" Youd be surprised i think about the answer.

>literally confusing me with another user

How is he supposed to distinguish? It's not like we have usernames lol. You and the other guy have the same argument. So in reality you just used him confusing you with someone else as your argument. Hypocrisy is gr8.

Normie shit. Pay it no mind.

Cool user. Ive been cringing the whole thread. Its hilarious to me that people are so jealous of this woman they have to use their precious time on earth bitching about it.

I know! If you honestly think im pulling out all my debating skills for such a non issue you really have no life.

>implying you know wtf your talking about

"normie" is a feminist meme.

If it's such a non-issue then why are you here as well? How can you sense my blood pressure boiling? Just because I disagree with you, it doesn't mean that I'm mad. Also, stop typing as if we're actually speaking. You don't need to say "dude" in every post. I'm guessing you're new here so just giving a tip.

>precious time
please, tell me more.

>inb4 your not chewbacca mom

>this butt hurt
Lol dude come on. The reason im here is because im wasting time at work. I saw this thread and knew there would be a bunch of jealous faggots. Sorry your youtube channel doesnt have the exposure like she got. Lol at being new here, you kids are funny

Well if you arent like me (at work) why the fuck are you wasting such a nice summer, unless your aussie, day bitching about a non issue?

>calling other anons kids
>calling someone a jealous faggot over the internet
>dude come on
The fact that you have to validate yourself like that shows either your an autistic man child or 14

>implying we're in the same timezone
you ignorant fuck

Dude seriously your blood pressure must be outta this world

>didnt read my part about aussies
I implied there were different timezones cis oppressor

>Cant form an argument so you have to use the blood pressure insult
Way to confirm, newfag