Can someone explain this “white privilege” crap I always have to read about in the American part of the interwebs?

Can someone explain this “white privilege” crap I always have to read about in the American part of the interwebs?

What actually are those privileges?

Other urls found in this thread: Priviledge Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.pdf

not being a nigger is high on the list

Well, that's part of the definition, I guess...

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that even if someone isn't consciously racist, they have lots of questionable attitudes that they learned growing up that prejudice them against other races. Spread across society, all of these little, unintentional prejudices build up to make it a lot easier to be white than black

Privileges are invisible to those who have them. Not knowing your privileges prove you are ignorant. Check your privileges!

So I've been here a while (2 weeks). I think it's long enough to ask the following question: what in the fuck is wrong with you people? Between the bestiality, gore, loli porn, trap porn, dick threads, animal abuse, harassment, racism, homophobia, sexism, anti Semitism, and overall just a nasty attitude towards life, how do you people function? Do you genuinely enjoy this shit or what? I only came here for the memes and curiosity and I'm going to leave because you're all mentally disturbed/edgy/post-ironic to a level I don't understand. Fuck this place

>tasty pasta

You stayed for two weeks. You can never leave.

Pic of cancer

Being able to walk down the sidewalk without being executed by cops for "resisting arrest"

It's the privilege white race earned by not participating in crime to the extent that black race does.

How does one check what is invisible to them?

Since nobody here seems to have a clue: Where can I actually read about those privileges? Is there a list somewhere?

You can probably read about it on white privilege related tumblr page, but I don't see why would you bother.

Being privilege is when there is an all male members on Tim Horton board of directors.

don't stop halfway through when you feel insulted, read the whole thing

you're here forever

It's the privilege we whites don't have to contend with being born outside the most violent western culture there is.

It isn't a list of actual privileges, but the idea that everything in society was created by, for, and to benefit, white males. Supposedly, you are privileged to live in a society where everything revolves around you.

>nobody has recommended Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack

Sup Forums, do you even SOC 201?

This... um, essay I guess, is what coined the term white privilege: Priviledge Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.pdf

White privilege doesn't exist

You sir are stuck here forever

It is real but it's not as great as it once was. It means basically just by being a white dude if you aren't trash you get the presumption of competence and success. It used to mean you got a complete free ride but that is changing. Our fathers had the last complete free ride

the priveleges seem to be the fact that being a white, straight, non disabled, non poor male gets you an edge up in life. Being white tends to get you more trust and you are less likely to attract police. Not being poor and disabled has givens, being straight gets people to be more comfortable around you for some reason. List goes on and on. Basically, having some money, being white, being a dude, liking chicks, and not having a disability is a win for life, you're just better off from the start.

Will read both, thanks.

This is fucking true. I "checked out" this site back in 2008 and I ain't done checking it out yet.

I actually just read this, and I don't really see the point. The literature always says that the shit will never end and white people will never confront the racist society or actions of our ancestors etc. This person called moving to the suburbs an act of racism...

So ... what is the solution here? Free tickets back to Africa for black people?


You're so close to the real problem, you've basically grazed it here. According to these SJW morons, it doesn't matter what you do, we will always going to be a racist just because of our white skin color. You could drain your bank account of every penny you have and give it to the black community, have an interracial relationship, have many friends of different race,sexual orientation, religion, have never said a racist hing in your entire life, and do everything humanly possibly not to offend will still be a racist to these crybabies just because your skin color isn't a dark enough shade for them. That's how it works. to get caucasion people so scared of offending people that they can be lead around and be a minority's personal slave. What needs to be fucking done is for the people to say "no" to the PC agenda, and not give a shit about hurting these special snowflakes' feelings. fuck, people should go out of their way to intentionally offend these SJW's and then knock them the fuck out when they chimp out.

Nah, since whitey is the problem, whitey must leave.