Anyone have any clue wtf this is?

Anyone have any clue wtf this is?



It's a bug.
Your welcome.

Looks like the tip of a pick axe.

Violet Rove Beetle


That looks like grass is the background, but it's hard to tell because it's blurry.

its a spider. count the legs your retard there's 8 of them. god damn dude

im crying rn

nerve gas

Actually, I think it's a blister beetle

Don't touch it with your skin unless you want a rash

Fuck. Now you tell me. I already touched it with the tip of my dick.

Remember the thread a long ass time ago when a dude shoved one of these in his ass and the head broke off?

Fuck. Now you tell me. I already touched it with the lining of my rectum.

fuck. tell you me now. the with of it already touched i

Microsoft Windows 10

Queen ant?

After taking a closer look I would suggest that it's probably some type of insect.

Shit beetle

Some type of metal
