YLYL stupid shit you lost to anyway edition

YLYL stupid shit you lost to anyway edition

The other ones are shit












Bumping again



Here to save the thread

wrong thread

No, wrong jpg


>here to save the thread
>evidently is a fucking moron

please leave


Laffin' my ass off

>mobilefag, tapped wrong jpg



Greatest apologies fine user

this gets me every time.

Ill make it up with dank YLYL


this one always gets me

>a bib a toot



Top adolf

Seems kinda fake tbh it's not hard to make a phone call

sorry but fucking keek

maximum adolf

is this sir lizzy ?









I've wasted the last 2 hours on fucking Sup Forums why can't i sleep

ISIS space program




what the fuck am i looking at?

your guilty conscience is keeping you awake

>...screamed the stable boy



they sendin' their women up? I thought female equality wasn't a thing with them arabs.


Don't cross me or my pedestrian ever again?


Why don't simply use CTRL + right arrow?


what a whore tho, puckering for a selfie

>it's not female


I'm trying


Crawl into a hole and die



>this snibs the snab


Keked way harder than I should of.


going old skiool






fucking hell

>a bib a toot'd

I have good chuckle and laugh

i miss verticals

oh here is a random folder: heads on dicks










Wtf is this?


Also contributing
>Maximum allowed video duration is 120 seconds.





Talk about creepy