So, here's the deal Sup Forums...

So, here's the deal Sup Forums. I got this random kid in my neighborhood's backdoor key copied and I've been going in his house when he leaves. Just doing shit like turning on lights, opening doors, playing with his cat. Tonight, I left him one of these glass bead necklaces. He's home now and I decided when he goes to sleep I'm going to wrap the second one around his foot. What else should I do?


Shit in his cats litter box

Hang yourself in his kitchen

Pic if his mom's panties

OP, you fucking fag.

>Sneak into house in middle of night
>Get a face full of buckshot because the parents think you're a Jamal here for their TV

Rolling for this.

He's holding a nerf gun and on his phone while sitting on his bed. It's pretty hilarious. He looks so skeeved out.

I'm gonna take some of his cats poop and put it in his bathtub

pics or it didn't happen. Timestamp too.

This bait is bad, there's only one necklace in that picture you nigger.

Faggot op is op of other thread. Are you guys fucking stupid?


lol you should punch a hole in his wall for the luls


Okay now what

Break something else?

Didn't you just make a thread. Fucking fake as hell

pooper in hole ofc

Shockingly not. That OP is a paranoid faggot who thinks Sup Forums will solve his problems.

Like poop in the hole?

Nope the faggot who's house I'm in did.

sure, whatever you want babe ಠ⌣ಠ

ah shit op thats not sublte anymore. now if the parents believe him they keep an eye out for some intruder. you played yourself

while youre at it a brick under his pillow is always good. wanna go to sleep and bang your head into your pillow... good idea.

take some laxative or just washing lotion into any open beverage. fuck with the food in the fridge, put some cat litter under his sheets at the height of the feet, put cat litter into his drawers and everywhere. write meow with catshit on his walls


use the beads to kys on his kitchen floor

> →


Seems legit.

what happened to the isolation

Rollon dubs on this